New Button Poll With Impossibles Removed

What should the labels on the 4 buttons be on the Pandora?

  • NSEW (North South East West)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Greek Letter (SNES order?) α, β, χ, γ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • P & | A (P and or A) [or P & / A for non-programmers]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sequence (1,2,3,4 / I,II,III,IV / A, B, C, D / A1, A2, A3, A4 / etc.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GP2X Style YBXA

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other - List below

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters

Sphinxter said:
Why would they since the die was actually cast for those last November, good for a few jokes and the Sony and Nintendo shills something to do while trying to create division and delays within the project.
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Squidge said:
The "Don't care" option was only ruled out because it got the most votes :D

Chad didn't seem to like that, so he made another poll, despite knowing that most people simply don't care about the buttons.
Inflamatory section removed

The "Don't care" option is not just confusing, as quartercast points out - it is also unproductive. If you don't have an opinion - why feel the need to voice it. There is no "Don't Care" option in political elections. If you don't care - stay home and don't vote. If you take the time to press the button - you have some amount of care - so that option is also a lie.

Another problem with that option, is it fucks up the actual results. Something may have only 15% of the vote with the "don't care" option - but have 25% of the vote from those who do care. It also might stop from people from voting - "Well, this poll is so pointless they have a "I don't care" option."

There is an "other" option - so there is a none-of-the-above option. So it's not limited just to the options I choose. I picked the top options from the other poll (anything with double digit results at the time I looked at it while creating this thread - other than, of course, the "don't care" option). I only removed one of those remaining options -the SNES one - since it has been reported, time and time again, that Craig has made it clear that he will not use that button layout, out of fear of reprisal from Nintendo. I would have applied the same logic to the PS* style, but it didn't get a 10% vote anyway. I also would have left of the D-pad option, because that physically would not have been able to do the thing the 4 action buttons can do, (namely, jump and shoot at the same time), but, again, it was less than 10% of the vote anyway. I then added a couple of options that were not listed before. - Sequence and P&|A - that seemed to have both a following and a logical reason for existing.

Actually, they don't give a damn about all these button threads wink.gif.

... Craig started his own "button thread" about the select button, in which he said that he was keeping up with the other button threads.

Sphinxter said:
Why would they since the die was actually cast for those last November, good for a few jokes and the Sony and Nintendo shills something to do while trying to create division and delays within the project.
  1. No - Craig started his own button thread
  2. how would it possibly cause a "delay" if the die has been cast? It wouldn't effect anything
  3. If it is somehow causing division and delay - why wouldn't Craig just say "Shut up - we've already decided." -the fact is, they haven't yet.
aatu said:
Ok, there's something I don't understand:
There are people that don't care. So what? That means whatever the rest of us choose, THEY'RE OK WITH IT.
Personally I didn't see anything wrong with allowing "don't care" option, but I also see nothing wrong with leaving that out. Now the people that didn't care the last time, probably just won't vote. "Don't care" option IMO is only useful for people interested about statistics, and ultimately won't affect the final outcome.

Also, why aren't the Greek letters αβχψ ? I thought everybody liked it in previous threads.

The poll's last Greek letter is upper case Upsilon (presumably), whereas the rest are lower case.
Furthermore, chi and psi would be consecutive in Greek alphabet, just like X and Y are in normal Latin alphabet... And with a slightly warped mind psi (ψ) resembles Y.

Gruso's render to demonstrate (I think it was shown in previous threads also, hopefully he doesn't mind):

Because the letters appearing in the poll were the letters I found when going back through the poll next to a phrase similar to "You could just copy and paste these into the poll" - so I did.

If the Greek letters win, and it looks like it will, I suggest it be the all lowercase letters suggested above.

(Edited 19/5/2008: Tobriand - Inflamatory content removed)
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chad78 said:
Squidge said:
The "Don't care" option was only ruled out because it got the most votes :D

Chad didn't seem to like that, so he made another poll, despite knowing that most people simply don't care about the buttons.
Removed inflamatory section here

Oh man...

Something tells me chad78 is going to make the LOL! Files someday. :lol:
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If you guys insist on wanting greek letters, at least use recognizable ones.

Alpha, Beta, Pi, Lambda, Theta, Mu are the only ones i'd really recognise.

But i'd personally far prefer letters, numbers, shapes or anything else simplistic, easy to say, easy to recognise.

"Ok, press Upsilon, Upsilon, Phi, Beta"
You're really difficult.
It's not that hard to learn four Greek letters.
chad78 said:
Squidge said:
The "Don't care" option was only ruled out because it got the most votes :D

Chad didn't seem to like that, so he made another poll, despite knowing that most people simply don't care about the buttons.
Inflamatory section removed

(Edited 19/5/2008: Tobriand - Inflamatory content removed)

You should've let Squidge see it first. It was a personal love letter afterall. :lol:
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chad78 said:
The "Don't care" option is not just confusing, as quartercast points out - it is also unproductive. If you don't have an opinion - why feel the need to voice it. There is no "Don't Care" option in political elections. If you don't care - stay home and don't vote. If you take the time to press the button - you have some amount of care - so that option is also a lie.

That may be so in your country. I feel the need to point out that many other countries have "empty ballots" or "blank votes", for people who don't care or for some other reason don't want make a choice. There's nothing unproductive, confusing or ambigous about blank votes. The blank voter is simply asking for his right to vote and the poll takers might want to know that he exists and how many of him there is.

And is it for you to decide if "I don't care" is unproductive or not anyway? Maybe we should vote about that too? Who's to say that Craigix doesn't find it interesting to know that most people simply don't care much about this. It might suggest to him that he can pretty much choose what ever he wants, and pay more attention to other details. Although, it may mess up your plans for SNES world domination...but that's another story ;)
So am I'm going to be flamed now too? :P ;)

Hey, what about sticking smiley's on the buttons? :lol:

.... :)
:D o :rolleyes:
.... :(
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Maybe they should have gone for a six button approach - L Punch, M Punch, H Punch, L Kick, M Kick, H Kick :P

If nothing else, it would kill these polls dead ;)
Eolair said:
Although, it may mess up your plans for SNES world domination...but that's another story ;)
I'm the one that removed the SNES option from the poll.
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Eolair said:
And is it for you to decide if "I don't care" is unproductive or not anyway? Maybe we should vote about that too?

Yup I think a poll for if 'I don't care' options should be available on future polls. Let's have a poll to see if people want the 'I don't care' poll. If they do we can have the poll to see it 'I don't care' should be iincluded on all future polls.

Mmmmmm polls :)
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Pleng said:
Eolair said:
And is it for you to decide if "I don't care" is unproductive or not anyway? Maybe we should vote about that too?

Yup I think a poll for if 'I don't care' options should be available on future polls. Let's have a poll to see if people want the 'I don't care' poll. If they do we can have the poll to see it 'I don't care' should be iincluded on all future polls.

Mmmmmm polls :)

Or maybe something like this?:

How would you like your polls from now on?
1. Obligatory "I don't care"-option on all future polls
2. Forbid "I don't care"-options in the future
3. Totally voluntary (poller decides)
4. I don't care

Wheee !
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aatu said:
Pleng said:
Yup I think a poll for if 'I don't care' options should be available on future polls. Let's have a poll to see if people want the 'I don't care' poll. If they do we can have the poll to see it 'I don't care' should be iincluded on all future polls.

Mmmmmm polls :)
Or maybe something like this?:

How would you like your polls from now on?
1. Obligatory "I don't care"-option on all future polls
2. Forbid "I don't care"-options in the future
3. Totally voluntary (poller decides)
4. I don't care

Wheee !

You can't have an "I don't care" option on that poll..... What if it wins? :o
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Fortunately, unlike yet another pointless chad thread, Craig and team will probably do the sensible thing and stick with the gp2x layout.

I'm sure we'll all be happy with the result - eventually :P
Mithander said:
You can't have an "I don't care" option on that poll..... What if it wins? :o
Don't care is legitimate in a poll like this. If you're having to go to the expense of changing the design and may be delaying the launch, you want to know if it's a wide spread concern or not.

If you want to change it anyway, ignore the don't care and take the second highest.
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Ok, whilst I'm in agreement that "Don't care" is a valid option, conversation about whether it is or not is definitely derailing this topic somewhat.

So if people could go back to discussing what's possible, likely and/or wanted, and not whether they're allowed not to care, that'd be good :).
Ayla said:
You're really difficult.
It's not that hard to learn four Greek letters.
Totally agree... but the point is, some people will indeed need to learn them. Basic shapes and alphanumeric characters are pretty much recognisable internationally, but not to the same degree the greek alphabet.

If the aim is for this to in some way nudge the mainstream (or more likely - more mainstream niches), then personally I'd play it safe with more recongnisable characters (gp2x format or NSWE).

With a big marketing spend, it could be pushed as part of its uniqueness, link to the name etc etc. But without that marketing expense I suspect it would just cause confusion.

Not enough confusion to stop many people buying it, but why put up any potential barriers to success?
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Exophase said:
Sphinxter said:
Why would they since the die was actually cast for those last November, good for a few jokes and the Sony and Nintendo shills something to do while trying to create division and delays within the project.

Just a guess, those things aren't off the shelf, not an overnight process and part of the case design.
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Sphinxter said:
Just a guess, those things aren't off the shelf
O R L Y ?

And, yeah, I know those are for other systems - but I also know they are consumer parts - so I'm sure a manufacturer like Craig & Co. could find some company to supply whatever buttons they want relatively quickly, and much cheaper than the parts I listed here. And by "quickly" I mean a couple of weeks - max - to make the 12000 buttons needed (4 buttons x 3000 Pandoras). I wouldn't be surprized if it would be one week or less.
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