Which System's Game Will You Play The Most ?

Between those supposedly newly or better emulated systems

  • Commodore Amiga

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Super Nintendo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nintendo 64

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sony Playstation

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Sega CD & 32X

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atari Jaguar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nintendo Game Boy Advance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IBM PC games (Dosbox...)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Seriously, If I can play Oregon Trail on this baby, I'll take 2.
I prefer N64 because of the small game size and the sheer amazingness of its two zeldas, the mario game, bajo kazooie, paper mario and conker. Those games alone would keep me busy forever.

PSX is still kind of impractical due to the iso size.

GBA is ideal as well because the games were designed to be portable. Full screen software scaling would make the games look particularly sweet.
i'd like to retire my DS for awhile so if once GBA is emulated, i'll be spending more time on that (i think) however i love the SNES (since it was MY first console, not my family's unit) and the NES (childhood memories) so there would probably be a few games here and there (I STILL need to finish Terranigma, front mission, and treasure hunter G). PSX is cool also, so i'd use that a bit also.

in that same respect, i love good games, not a particular console, so i'll probably use all consoles at one point equally.
A_SN said:
Ha! C'est marrant que tu dises ça, parce que ça montre que tu ne connais rien aux processeurs. La difference entre les architectures est qu'elles "parlent" une langue différente. Tu dois donc traduire ce qu'elles disent. Tu ne peux pas complètement ignorer ce fait tout comme tu ne peux pas ignorer le fait que ce message est en français, et que pour le comprendre tu dois le traduire.
je ne parle francais, sino que entendía la mayoría de lo que usted dijo. Esta analogía no es perfecta, sino que es bastante bueno. (Need Help?)
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A_SN said:
Ha! C'est marrant que tu dises ça, parce que ça montre que tu ne connais rien aux processeurs. La difference entre les architectures est qu'elles "parlent" une langue différente. Tu dois donc traduire ce qu'elles disent. Tu ne peux pas complètement ignorer ce fait tout comme tu ne peux pas ignorer le fait que ce message est en français, et que pour le comprendre tu dois le traduire.

Ha! It's funny that you say that, because it shows how you know nothing about processors. The difference between the architectures is that they "speak" a different language. You must then translate what they are saying. You can not completely ignore this fact, just as you can not ignore the fact that this message is in French, and that in order to understand it you must translate it.

I'm Canadian, so I can't help it =P
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Xicor said:
I'm Canadian, so I can't help it =P
D'où viens-tu? Nouvelle-Écosse, ftw ;)

As for the topic: preferably, I'd like to see awesome Pandora system software:)

But I'd also absolutely love to play Space Quest 6(with downclocking to 200mhz to get past that bloody room halfway through). Mouse and keyboard support and a good running DosBox would rule(dare I even say.....Starcraft?).

Love to see Saturn, but not sure how likely that is. SNES is my runner up.
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realyst said:
(dare I even say.....Starcraft?).

Starcraft would be a killer app for Pandora, but It's a bit of a stretch spec-wise. Min. requirements say Win95 with DirectX on a Pentium 90. It does not seem likely the device could emulate that environment and run the game on top of it. The chances of Blizzard releasing the source for a port are somewhere between zero and slightly-less-than zero. Such a shame.

Instead, I point you to several multi-platform, open-source, Starcraft-ish RTS games:

Bos Wars
Stratagus (the predecessor to Bos Wars)
Globulation 2
Warzone 2100

And of course there's always Retrovirus if you're up for a non-traditional RTS game. Not open source, but I could certainly see Luke porting it to the new platform.

That's just what I found with a 10 sec Google search. There may well be better FOSS RTS platforms out there. Considering Pandora's computing power, input options, and online capability, I would be shocked if we didn't get at least one quality RTS port eventually.
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I was reading up about the CPU chipset it says on a website

" With the ability to scale in speed from 600MHz to greater than 1GHz, the Cortex-A8 processor can meet the requirements for power-optimized mobile devices needing operation in less than 300mW; and performance-optimized consumer applications requiring 2000 Dhrystone MIPS "

So does that mean the processor will run Natively at 600MHZ but is able to clock to 1GHZ?

I only really want 2 MAME games fully playable and that's Mortal Kombat 2,3.

On my Xbox it plays MK2 about half speed with sound. Do you think Pandora could run it full speed?

Also N64,SNES,PSX, Amiga a must for me. :)


Chip said:
realyst said:
(dare I even say.....Starcraft?).

Starcraft would be a killer app for Pandora, but It's a bit of a stretch spec-wise. Min. requirements say Win95 with DirectX on a Pentium 90. It does not seem likely the device could emulate that environment and run the game on top of it. The chances of Blizzard releasing the source for a port are somewhere between zero and slightly-less-than zero. Such a shame.

Instead, I point you to several multi-platform, open-source, Starcraft-ish RTS games:

Bos Wars
Stratagus (the predecessor to Bos Wars)
Globulation 2
Warzone 2100

And of course there's always Retrovirus if you're up for a non-traditional RTS game. Not open source, but I could certainly see Luke porting it to the new platform.

That's just what I found with a 10 sec Google search. There may well be better FOSS RTS platforms out there. Considering Pandora's computing power, input options, and online capability, I would be shocked if we didn't get at least one quality RTS port eventually.

From that list, WZ2100 would be awesome, but I fear BOS is a little premature at the moment, considering the awful AI.

I think John made RetroVirus opensource (but not free) about a month ago. It'll be easy to port to the new system.
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I'm hoping for CPS3 emulation somewhere down the line for portable streetfighter III play :D
Well, I want to discover the Jaguar sooner or later, but I don't know much about it as things stand, except that Firefox has done an amazing job of getting it to work remotely well (especially considering many of us thought it couldn't be done) on the GP2x.

As for PCE and Lynx, my playing the former is dependant on there being save states in whichever emu I'm using. And as to the latter, whilst I'd love to love it (I really want to like Lynx, I do), I just find the games aren't up my street.

That's one of the joys about emulation on a handheld though - even if one system doesn't suit you much, another almost certainly will!
SecretLoser said:
Wow, not much love here for the Jaguar, Lynx or Pc Engine (TG-16). I guess I really am a weirdo. :unsure:

I am a huge TG-16 fan myself, but I've sort of played myself out on my favorite games. The fact that it was quickly emulated at full speed on the GP32 means that I've been playing Alien Crush and the Bonk games off and on for the past several years.

I'm hoping Pandora will be opening up some "new" systems for me.
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Tobriand said:
Well, I want to discover the Jaguar sooner or later, but I don't know much about it as things stand, except that Firefox has done an amazing job of getting it to work remotely well (especially considering many of us thought it couldn't be done) on the GP2x.

Thanks Tobriand! :)

Having looked at the OMAP specs (particularly those of the Cortex A8) it's pretty much a given that a straight port of the GP2X version of T2K (the emulator) to the Pandora will run at full speed with the sound on. In fact, I'd be surprised if a straight recompile of the x86 Linux version of T2K didn't run at full speed.

I'll be continuing development of the GP2X port when I have more free time (I'm very busy with paying work at the moment), and in fact I'll probably continue development on the GP2X version even once the Pandora is out as the GP2X is a much more challenging, constrained platform. The Pandora will be just too powerful to be any fun! ;)

In other news, Dio (who created the original PC version of the T2K emulator) has been beavering away on a new multi-system emulator which does Atari ST, Jaguar, Spectrum, Atari VCS... and probably lots more systems by the time it's released, and has given his blessing to me doing a Pandora version once both it and the Pandora are out. :)
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atomicthumbs said:
Say, where's the DS? Exophase says that there's good possiblity for emulation of that.
Possible in the sense of the hardware possibly being powerful enough, which means nothing until someone attempts writing it, which is a lot of work. Most of the ones listed here can be accomplished with ports, and at least for Nintendo 64 there are mature open source emulators available that can be used as bases.

If you're going to put DS up there you'd probably may as well put Sega Saturn too.
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Sharp X68000 would be awesome (if possible on the pandora.) It had some of the greatest arcade conversions.