More boards, more software (2011 - 01 - 24)

I'm around number 850-900 in craig's queue, and have no idea when I'll be getting my unit. I see claims of "2000 produced" above, which makes me think there's a problem, so the only way to fix that is for some official notification on how many have shipped - i.e. where we are at in each queue. Then everyone knows the situation.
Queue numbers have proved themselves useless more than once. quit using them
That all sounds like good news, but I really think it's time that there were confirmed total production figures; maybe not unit-accurate, but within 10 or so.

I'm around number 850-900 in craig's queue, and have no idea when I'll be getting my unit. I see claims of "2000 produced" above, which makes me think there's a problem, so the only way to fix that is for some official notification on how many have shipped - i.e. where we are at in each queue. Then everyone knows the situation.
Each queue? I keep hearing this - what does that mean? All I know is what I suppose would be an 'overall' number (~3800), how far down whose queue might that be... how can I find out?
Good news :)

Is there any approximate time line (besides > 2 Months!) for the kernel update so we can get DSP access? :)
The queue estimates and discussions are useless at this point, and I agree they should end. Once all 4000 units have shpped, if someone hasn't gotten an email or their unit, then there is a problem. Until then there is NO WAY TO GET AN ACCURATE NUMBER OF WHERE YOU ARE, OR WHNE YOUR UNIT WILL SHIP, PERIOD!

There are 3 individuals getting units from the complete pool, a certain number goes to each separate company, and then they are shipped. There is also returns/repairs, there is also cancellations. Who is gonna waste time calculating these numbers, when other more important things need to happen. Could an accurate number be given? I'm sure it's possible, but even if you someone has that number, it won't change when your unit ships. IT WILL SHIP, WHEN IT SHIPS!

Let Craig build units, and not waste time figuring out where you are in the queue, and taking pictures, and doing video's. There are many who now have units who can take pics, and video's, and actually give samll repair advice. Craig, ED, and Michael need to deal with business issues, batch 2 preperations, firmware fixes, the list goes on and on. Production is finally moving forward as it should have, and we are still getting the same useless question from last may when units started shipping. Let's not waste key members time with questions that only waste their time, and fuel more useless debates.

This is all incredible news !!! I am in the 2nd batch, ordering Jan of this year

AND.. I am thankful for ALL of those who ordered early-on and waited patiently ( okay... may be some not so patient

while supporting such a worthwhile venture! Keeping the Pandora project in motion, and

creating in incredible library of knowledge and software for such a NEW product.

My user experience with my pandora will likely be much easier than those who got in early. Thanks!
There are 3 individuals getting units from the complete pool, a certain number goes to each separate company, and then they are shipped. There is also returns/repairs, there is also cancellations.
I recall having read that Fatih already got all his units (as it were only about 20 units). I don't remember where I read this.

This means the remaining units are split between Evildragon (25%) and Craigix (75%).
Wow, what a weekend!

Besides having released a new beta version of the Pandora OS, featuring a lot of fixes and the latest 3D driver, about 8 games have been released as well by community members, mainly mcobit and sebt3. Thanks a bunch!

As we suspected - as soon as more Pandoras are going to you guys, new software will appear pretty fast.

Well, speaking of Pandoras - not only new software has appeared.

Craig also received the next 250 Pandora PCBs from CC, 60 more are on the way (included with some iCP parts we got from them) and according to CircuitCo, 500 more will leave the factory next Friday.

That would mean that over 1000 PCBs have been produced in January - that's quite a number!

Of course I'll let you know as soon as I got some new information :)


How many pandora are in each batch??
So does this mean we get TV-Out Cables for Valentines day? I know that's pushing it, but let's get < Two Months™ please.

I doubt it, as Chinese Holiday is just around and it'll take about 4 weeks after ordering until we get them.

But that's the next thing I really want to do, now that Pandoras are shipping and iCP is basically completely organized and also going into production this week.

Sorry for the delay, but I'm stuffed with work that I have to set some priorities :)

from now on, every news thread started should include how many pandoras have shipped so far all together

But that's what the Current Status page is for :D

Yippie, now whe need only tree weeks more until mine is getting build one Month ™ here whe go :lol: (im number 230 in EvilDragons order (from last week on) meybe number 200 because, at this time 30 Pandora are lost in UPS..

The 30 Pandoras arrived one day later, they're not lost ;)
The good thing: my sister is visit us in about 2 weeks whit her 2 Months old Dauther , so there is no need tho went to Nürnberg in the next 4 Weeks.., so i dont need the Pandora for the trip.. :rolleyes:

But this dosnt mean i dont need the pandora enymore, but i can wait.. :lol:

EDIT: O no!!!, If all Boards are there at next week, whe have 10 Pandora left until i get mine... :(
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I think my broken pandora is now in newcastle, hope to get a new one soon :)

Hope so too. Last blog-entry said, that soon the first broken-nub-boards will go to texas and we gotta talk to our destributor to get details about replacements. Did somebody get such?
Yeah, mine has been there 2 weeks to the day. I just sent an email to Jackie to get a progress report, once I hear back, I'll let you guys know what she tells me.


Thanks Chris, I'm really looking forward to see some progress there. Unfortunatly my pandora is from ED, so I've got noone to get an answer from B) (It feels like stalking to ask him questions even though I know he's busy)
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The queue estimates and discussions are useless at this point, and I agree they should end. Once all 4000 units have shpped, if someone hasn't gotten an email or their unit, then there is a problem. Until then there is NO WAY TO GET AN ACCURATE NUMBER OF WHERE YOU ARE, OR WHNE YOUR UNIT WILL SHIP, PERIOD!

There are 3 individuals getting units from the complete pool, a certain number goes to each separate company, and then they are shipped. There is also returns/repairs, there is also cancellations. Who is gonna waste time calculating these numbers, when other more important things need to happen. Could an accurate number be given? I'm sure it's possible, but even if you someone has that number, it won't change when your unit ships. IT WILL SHIP, WHEN IT SHIPS!
Anyone who is a competent businessman, that's who. It's hardly rocket science, and it's certainly not 'wasting time'. If you can create something like the Pandora, simple stock control isn't exactly difficult.

Let Craig build units, and not waste time figuring out where you are in the queue
But that's the point. If you have a half-decent system, you don't have to 'figure out' where someone is in the queue, nor do you have a semi-random delivery system. It all takes care of itself. Indeed with a fairly simple bit of coding, anyone in the queue could have an estimate of delivery which could be automatically generated.

Production is finally moving forward as it should have, and we are still getting the same useless question from last may when units started shipping.
Maybe that's 'cos the situation hasn't changed? Many a project has fallen down because of poor accounting and poor stock/unit control - indeed businesses which were long established have gone to the wall for those very same reasons. And this is a prime example of it where the main players are in complete denial that there's even a problem. In addition, it's a bit ironic saying "ignore your position in the queue" when we were specifically told that failing to make the repayment after the forced refund in due time would mean we would lose our place in the queue.
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Anyone who is a competent businessman, that's who.

I don't recall ever hearing OPT claiming any sort of brilliant business acumen. They just had an idea for a cool console and actually had the balls to try and make that reality. A "competent" businessman would not have given you a queue position in the first place, so can we just drop it?

But that's the point. If you have a half-decent system, you don't have to 'figure out' where someone is in the queue

No, you've missed the point entirely. It doesn't matter what would happen in a parallel universe where they have a magic tracking system. In this reality they DO have to figure out where somebody is in the queue, and insisting that they do so slows down things for everybody.

I get it - you want your console, I want my console, we all want our consoles. Knowing exactly how many people get will get their consoles before you do will not make your console arrive any faster. Chill out.

Or just whine some more. Everyone loves that.
Well, in the time it's taken Pandora to arrive, I have:

- Had a baby (who's now 2 and a bit)

- Separated from my wife

- Moved house

- Had a month off for Christmas/New Year on a road-trip through Europe with friends (twice!)

- Applied for, got, never used and then left to expire a full visa for Australia

- Changed jobs

- Found a new girlfriend (who I've been with a year now) and visited her parents in Italy four times (once by car) / had them come over twice.

- Had three raises and two promotions.

- Tripled the IT equipment numbers in a large school (single-handedly)

- Learned to play the piano

- Learned quite a lot of Italian (but still can't have people understand me when I speak it in a Cockney accent)

- Watched every episode of almost every major UK comedy series ever made on DVD with the new girlfriend, as well as most of my movie DVD library

- Written two computer games, and started writing the one I've been designing since I was about 8.

- Driven about 35,000 miles through everything from 40 degree heat to three feet of snow

- Gone through 3 work laptops and purchased about 100 games from Steam (some of which didn't even exist when this project started)

- Paid about 1/6 of the total price off a mortgage just on regular payments (and had my mortgage broker go bust and be taken over twice)

I am just *so* glad that I never got involved with this debacle, and I'm much happier carrying a GP2X and a full laptop rucksack with gaming laptop and several playstation controllers (plus adaptors) and TV-cables around for social gaming purposes. Until they are reliably pushing out 100's a month and are giving guaranteed delivery dates on paper, getting involved is really at your own risk.
Nice list of accomplishments.

Only one thing missing...

No Pandora.

To each their own. My opinion as well as most who have one in their possession. It is well worth the wait.
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