Very Active Member
@EvilDragon whats the good word?
The definition of 'obsolete' is something that is either no longer used, or no longer useful.
The Commodore 64 may not be current, but it's certainly still used (and may be considered useful to a few people). Archaic? Perhaps, but not obsolete.
So the Pyra certainly won't be obsolete by any stretch of the definition.
Well, the Win 2 is quite a bit larger than the Pyra and is missing the largest components of the Pyra: The SD Card slots and the LTE modem (which is bigger than one SD Card slot, and that's without the huge antenna)
Of course there's more space for a bigger battery and active cooling solution
We tried to cramp as much as possible in as little space as possible
Sent from my Moto Z using Tapatalk
Really? You are naturally entitled to your own opinion, but to me if it is worth typing on then it is worth typing on it blind. I even used to type blind on my calculator, and with ten fingers too.And even GPD Win 2 doesn't have backlight keyboard. For me it is a must in a pocket/mobile computer, because, like with a smartphone, you will want to use it in places where there is no good light to see buttons/symbols in a hard keyboard.
For me GPD is NOT an option for its size and not having backlight keyboard.
Really? You are naturally entitled to your own opinion, but to me if it is worth typing on then it is worth typing on it blind. I even used to type blind on my calculator, and with ten fingers too.
Perhaps this is why I hate touchscreens so much, you don't feel a thing and blind typing becomes impossible. Even those damned coffee machines at work come with touchscreens these days. It frustrates me tremendously.
I specifically avoided the word touch typing because it assumes and/or suggests a very specific finger position. I used to type blind on my calculator, I type blind on my Pandora (both with 10 fingers and with only my thumbs), and I have a super cheap crappy Bluetooth keyboard/pad (about the size of a hand) that I control my media centre with. I thumb-type blind on that thing as well.Blind touch typing works somewhat on the Planet Computers Gemini - but definitely compromised. But, your fingers can each have a designated domain that your brain will help translate into coordinated keystrokes.
I am not saying that the keyboard should not have a backlight, but I do not understand that not having one completely disqualifies a device. Do you non-blind typers use computers in the dark so often?
Ah, like that. I suppose that makes sense. I would still practice to be able to do that blindly.When it buzzes in the middle of the night, I check messages with the screen brightness way down, generally need to turn on a light or tilt the screen forward to see where any symbol on the Fn layer is at that I might need for a reply.
Yesn't, meanings shift over time. And English has been mutating faster than the other languages I know. Maybe because it also serves as a lingua franca, thus having imposed the need for simplification. (search for "Anglish" on youtube for some trivia)I mean the original meaning
Ehm...I wonder if the French get milk with their televisions? "au lait" and "oled"?
Harvest Moon
Hard Drivin'
Heroes of Might and Magic (bit too long though)
Halloween Harry
Hogan's Alley
Head Over Heels
No no. You're doing it wrong.The best ever... HYDRO THUNDER
Success has many parents, while failure has only one.If etymology had any relevance to the actual meaning of a word your windows wouldn't be sealed by glass and you'd use snake oil to successfully treat joint pain.
Sounds so epic I Had to look it up... it was more epic in words than in sound.HYDROOOOOO THUNDERRRRRRRRR!!!
Not necessarily any hold up. If the case he received was 100% okay, he still needed to order 500 more cases, and there will be a lead time on that work. And I don't know what the lead time on populating the old 4GB PCBs is, and it may have turned out they've oxidised too much and aren't workable, so more boards will need to be made.Btw, What is the hold-up now?