An update of the waiting game


Put up in a place
where it's easy to see
the cryptic admonishment

When you feel how depressingly
slowly you climb,
it's well to remember that
Things Take Time.

We should have this in the forum somewhere... :)
@JustSimon: And when you get old, then it becomes: "Time Takes Things" as time takes dear things away.

keyboard_thread_5thelement.jpg <-- derailed thread notification.
I don't think my multipass will for any of the ports on the Pyra. I will check when I get it.
Totally off topic here but, when you buy something from ED's shop, when using vouchers, do you still have to pay for shipping or can the voucher cover that also?
Well, see it this way; If you can't use the vouchers for the shipping, at least got yourself an "extra life" when it comes to last-minute gifts and whatnot~
Have you ever used Qbasic? It's like a really pushy mom that slaps you hand with a cane if you do something wrong. Even a single typo and if you try and press enter for the next line it screams like the German mom in Austin Powers. All lies!

As such there's an appeal to Blitzbasic and not needed Frau Loonatic.
QBasic makes me want to throw up, I used it on my DOS PC a lot.
Blitzmax/Blitz3D/BlitzBasic basically fixes everything wrong with it and modernises the crap out of it so it's now actually usable :confused:
Are you sure? I thought I did this a year or so ago and don't recall needing to get charged again for shipping.

No, sadly, it doesn't.
I have no idea how to tell PrestaShop that vouchers can also be used for shipping costs...

Maybe this works with PrestaShop 1.7. I'm planning an upgrade to it right now.
No, sadly, it doesn't.
I have no idea how to tell PrestaShop that vouchers can also be used for shipping costs...

Maybe this works with PrestaShop 1.7. I'm planning an upgrade to it right now.
still looks like it doesnt, oh well
I have no idea how to tell PrestaShop that vouchers can also be used for shipping costs...
I looked around and managed to find a PrestaShop module that does exactly this, but sadly it costs like 49-62 EUR...

Edit; I would gladly give up my 75 EUR voucher that's for my 4GB pyra upgrade to cover the costs for that module if it's possible.
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