Is there really a light at the end of the journey...?

I'm still somewhat disappointed that we never got to the next (previous) letter in the alphabet which as far as I know would have to have been Yar's Revenge being the only early video game I can recall starting with a Y (though I guess we could have referred to Nodes of Yesod at a pinch).
The perfect game for a W would be "Widget."

What's that? You want a good game starting with a W? Okay.

(Yes, I know I skipped X, but when you have a game literally called "X" what more do you need?)
(Yes, I know I skipped X, but when you have a game literally called "X" what more do you need?)

A game called Xenon.
A game called Xenon.
But that has five letters. You only need one with X.

(Not to mention its technical impressiveness for its platform, it being the first known appearance of Totaka's Song, and the fact some of its music even made its way into Smash Bros.)

A game called Xenon.
That's a pinball table, made 1980. There was a vertically scrolling shooter by the Bitmap Bros by that name in 1988, the prequel to it's much more famous sequel Xenon 2 Megablast. But my vote for X goes to Xevious, because it's a videogame by Namco from before the video games crash.
A Arkanoid
B Bomberman
C Contra
D Doom
E Elite
F Frogger
G Galaxian
H Hang-On
I Ice Climber
J Joust
K Klax
L Lemmings
M Maniac Mansion
N Ninja Gaiden
O Operation Wolf
P Pac-Man
Q Qix
R Rampage
S Street Fighter
T Tetris
U Ultima
V Virus
W Worms
X Xevious
Y Yars' Revenge
Z Zaxxon
If you're into 8-bit coherency, I'd rather switch some for :
A Asteroids (although Arkanoid is totally valid)
D Death Race
M Marble Madness
S Space Invaders
U Uridium (but Ultima is older)

That's just on the top of my head, I'd like to replace Hang-On (even if I love the sequel) and Worms.
Pretty sure we can have a complete alphabet of classics for each console generation, who's with me ? :D
What about a larger alphabet? I'd chip in with some Umlauts and an sz, but I got my new keyboard and it's English. They need to start selling different keycaps. I'd get me some blank ones.
I'd like to replace Hang-On (even if I love the sequel) and Worms.
Pretty sure we can have a complete alphabet of classics for each console generation, who's with me ? :D

W is easy; you can have Wizard of Wor (Arcade, 1980 - Midway) or Wizard (2600, 1980 - Atari [but not actually released until 2005]) or the classic Wizball (C64, 1987 - Sensible/Ocean). H is tricker, the best I can find so far is one of Atari's many pre-CPU racing games called Hi-way (Arcade, 1975 - Atari) although now I think of it there is Head-on (Arcade[z80 based], 1975 - Sega)
I meant coherence, heh. I totally forgot when I wrote it, but I thought of expanding it into the numerals, starting with 1943 : The Battle of Midway of course !

Oh and on-topic : any news on the cases' case ?
Blame Capcom; it was their game.

Good point, those were meant to be delivered in a week about 10 days ago. He's been awfully quiet on his twitter account this month though.
I'm sure, they are too good to just report, they're fine, and he's prepping a huge show.