Prototype Production Run

This was never supposed to be mass production run. 

Yep, I know. But this one is prototype right? Unlike Pandora one, who have reached the stage of "mass production", meaning a complete fully tested product which have substantially lower price than the prototype one
Great progress and cool to see as tim shafer would call it "the making of the sausage". BTW if I remember correctly the floating of the CPU and memory chips has been an issue before, are you now using an even thinner stencil or the same that solved the previous problem. Or isnt it the same problem at all?

Seeing the bending of the PCBs makes me wonder what the weight of the pyra will be? But I guess most of the weight will come from the case and the battery...
Does that mean the whole boards are unusable? If so Id be interested in a few of them...

No, they will be reworked :)

BTW: The new keymats are finished as well (a bit too early, I know), here is a first picture:


They will be sent to me during the next few days so I can test them :)
That keyboard layout looks problematic, I imagine it would be much better if...

(just kidding)

Anyway, looks promising, I'm waiting eagerly!
The parallax displacement of those keys do suggest they are taller than they were before, but without knowing the focal length of the lens and how much the image has been cropped, it's impossible to be sure it is different.
Glad the layout incorporated all the accentuation like ^ ~ ` ´ and ç, it's a must for me and was afraid it would be ruled out to a more anglo-saxonic visual input :) .