An update of the waiting game

What kind of awful software is it to charge money for what should be a configuration option?
What's even worse is that PrestaShop actually has a ticket in their forge tracker from 2014 about this issue and it got closed in 2017.
They have been aware of this for quite some time but never really done anything about it.
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What kind of awful software is it to charge money for what should be a configuration option?
Greedy software, of course.

Or sortsighted software.

Or software that knows that it has you by the balls and unless you want to lose your payment stuff and do a painful migration to someone else (assuming you even have the option), it can change it on you and you'll just have to go with what they say and want.
I hope there's some solution for this. I'm sure I can afford to pay for shipping anyway though.
You could say that the other method gets more headlines, and that "there's no such thing as negative publicity".

If you're an idiot.

Actually I got the original Vega. Played it once.

I am an idiot.


Are the 20 proto-Pyras due to be assembled soonish?
Or 36 hours a day per Abydos on Stargate SG1.

Though, then we could get into what methodology do they use to define, 'hour'. It could simply be a 22 Earth Hour day but local customs use a 36 Abydos hour day.

After all, when discussing time on other planets, we'll have to specify the relative units.

The Earth's moon goes around the Earth once every 28 Earth days and is near enough to being tidally locked. The day/night cycle, i.e. lunar day, would be 28 Earth days. If we lived on the Moon, we might divide Lunar nights into 28 Lunar Hours per Lunar Day based on when we see the same patterns on that blue thing in the sky. Dividing the 14 Earth days worth of sunlight up might be more difficult without some sort of independent timepiece... Yes, it gets more complicated than that. Enough detail for a side track on a news thread.
Agreed. If you can settle for 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35.244 seconds, then move to Mars once the colonisation begins.

I sure hope the Pyra will be out by then. It is going to be a long trip.
Man, getting warranty repair service or new parts is gonna be a bitch.

And while we know Mars has no shortage of three-breasted hookers, we might be looking for awhile for someone with a 3D printer. :(