I haven't been on this board for a long time but i'm glad to see the usaul suspects are still here.
I think I can answer the question about the region protection on the Vita because I live it
So here is what I have:
Eurpoean Vita
PSN account that I created in the USA and is registered in the USA (I guess that is the important thing)
PSN account I made in the EU (registered here)
Games I purchased in the EU
Some games I purchased on the PSN store with my US PSN
OK got that in you mind

Here is how the compatibility works
So It doesn't matter where the VITA comes from (as far as I know) It only matters where the PSN account you are using is registered too. This is your Region So when i use the US Account the Vita acts like it came from there. This means I can play all my EU games (hard copy) but i can not activate any DLC or online passes because of region regulations. I can still access the US PSN store but they won't take my eurpoean credit card and wont even let me update my US credit card. So the way i have to buy things is get one of my brothers to send me a code with credit on it, that works.
I don't remember what update it was but it used to be that you could tie your PSN account to a memory card, so I had 2 one with my EU PSN and one with the USA PSN and swap them out. Now it is more of a pain in the ass. You have to format the memory card and the restet the system to factory defaults (this is done in the settings) You have to watch the intro demo movie every time and adjust your icons and all the stuff and redownload your save files and all that stuff from your computer if you want to switch from one account to the other. So Sony really wants you to pick a region and stick with it, if you plan to use any extra features (DLC (network passes PSN store...)
Quick example of something that just doesn't work. I have a hard copy of Wipe out 2048 EU version. It plays on my EU Vita but I can not use the network key because im using my US PSN account. So i purchased the Network key on the PSN store when i was in the US over the holiday. I still can't play my Wipe out 2048 online. Sony thinks this, US VITA US Network key EU Game not compatible but remember i can't use the EU network key either. The only solution is to "reload" the PS Vita with my European Account.
I got a vita for my girlfriend and now we play online together because she lives far away and i'm needing my network passes but that means i have to get new save files for my games because the save files are tied to my USA name and it means that if i play under the EU account i don't have access to all the games and things i download from the USA PSN Store. It is a hard call to make if i want to make my Vita EU lose all my US saves and purchases and start over again so that every game i play here we can play online together. I guess it isn't really gone it's just hard to access.
Well i hope that helps explain the wild world of having games from a different region on your PS VITA so short story as long as you won't go online or try to activate any DLC codes it is no problem!
So I have my question for the board. I mentioned i got a PSVITA for my girlfriend. I gave her my old WI and bought a 3G version used. It is missing the little grey piece of plastic you put the sim card on place in the slot.
1) does anyone know how to get a replacement of this?
2) does anyone have one and have access to calipers and would be willing to give me demensions of it so i can print one in a 3D printer?
I really got into my VIta again over the holidays with Persona 4 Golden, Sonic Racing transformed (A game that has no business being good but is amazing fun and sega fan servos for days) and Earth deference force way way fun!!