SONY PS Vita: Ask Uncle SONY (Q&A)


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
I've made this thread, so that questions and answers don't get lost in the PS Vita thread.

Anyway, do you have any questions/queries or even concerns about SONY PlayStation Vita?

Well then...Today is your day, because Uncle SONY is here to solve all your PS Vita problems (you can even ask me about the 3G, which I admittedly only used for a short time), lol.

Fire away!

P.S. I just want to clarify things, really.

SONY PlayStation Vita = The best hand-held console ever created!!!! B)

Anyhoooot, back to you...

EDIT: It's almost 2:30am here in Melbourne, Australia, so I'm off to bed. I'll answer all your questions in about 18 hours time.

Have a Happy Christmas.
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-How are the dual analog controls compared to the 1st gen PSP? Compared to the pandora?

-Is the back touch surface gimmicky or is it intuitive in actual use?

-How long do you think it will be before this is hacked and running homebrew?

-shoulder buttons... suck or good?

-3-5 hour battery life accurate?
I'm surprised PSVita really has a PSP emulator. It'll be interesting to see how it handles other homebrew, both in terms of compatibility and performance, but this is obviously a very less than ideal scenario.
- how pocket friendly is the vita, specifically the analogue sticks that are very much exposed?

-what speeds can you get, from say (does flash even work?) wifi or 3g

1. Not very, because it was actually designed as a hand-held device for the home.

2. requires at least version 10 Flash.

When I go to "update your client" Adobe then tells me, "Your device currently has the lastest version of Adobe Flash Player that is available for your browser", so I'm not sure what's up? :(

3. When I go to it says, "You need to upgrade your Adobe Flash Player to watch this video" and when I attempt to download the latest Flash from Adobe, Adobe then tells me, "Your device currently has the lastest version of Adobe Flash Player that is available for your browser", so I'm not sure what's up? :(

For now...Remote play is the only way to get YT working.

I've been meaning to ask: How are the nubs/joysticks? Do they have a decent amount of travel?
I'm not going lie to anyone here, but these 2 analogue sticks (not nubs, by the way) are the best I've ever used on a hand-held. Very decent travel. :)

wheres mine?
I don't no, sorry...did you lose yours recently?

-How are the dual analog controls compared to the 1st gen PSP? Compared to the pandora?

-Is the back touch surface gimmicky or is it intuitive in actual use?

-How long do you think it will be before this is hacked and running homebrew?

-shoulder buttons... suck or good?

-3-5 hour battery life accurate?
1. No comparison. These 2 analogue sticks (not nubs, by the way) are the best I've ever used on a hand-held. Very decent travel. 10 outta 10 :)

2. No imho, not at all. They fit their purpose well and actually work better than I originally thought...They make up for the lack of L2 & R2 buttons and the touchscreen makes up for the lack of L3 & R3 buttons.

3. As good, if not better than the PSP L & R shoulder buttons.

4. Accurate. If anything, I reckon I could get 4~5 hours of battery life if I put everything to: min/low + not use Wi-Fi & Bluetooth (& 3G).

So Sony, when are you going to enjoy the PSP homebrew?
Never,as I have a PSP to play my billion PSP games.
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So what are your thoughts overall? I knew some functions wouldn't work out the gate in regards to browsing and PS3 functionallity, but how is it just for playing games? Is the screen perfect? Are the speakers good, bad? Was it worth the import price? Any complaints in regards to button placement? I cant stand where Nintendo put the power button on the 3DS(it should have been start).

Can you post any size-comparison photos? I'd love to get a feel for how it compares to.. well.. anything really!

I've now pre-ordered mine, it should arrive just before my birthday... hopefully people will buy me games/accessories, or it's probably not going to be much use! :D
I'll post some up later, because I can't be stuffed, atm. Here's one I took last night though.

So what are your thoughts overall? I knew some functions wouldn't work out the gate in regards to browsing and PS3 functionallity, but how is it just for playing games? Is the screen perfect? Are the speakers good, bad? Was it worth the import price? Any complaints in regards to button placement? I cant stand where Nintendo put the power button on the 3DS(it should have been start).

A) Vita is everything that I would ever want in a handheld console. The d-pad is a little small (almost as tiny as a 3DS d-pad) and slippery for my liking, but extremely close to being as perfect as the Pandora d-pad. Here's my Top 5 d-pads of all time.

1. OpenPandora Pandora

2. SONY PS Vita

3. SEGA SATURN (all Official SS controllers)


5. DS varients/3DS

B) Playing games via remote play is still a little laggy, so I don't want to comment any further on it till SCE make more improvements.

C) A little over the top for me to say this, but if I said that the OLED screen was 'perfect' i'd be understating the quality of it.

The viewing angle is incredible and the colours, have to see them for yourself to believe how vibrant they really are.

Vita's screen is simply the best ever created.

D) The speakers are good, but like the PSP speakers are a little on the soft side. I mean, they're good, in regards to fidelity and whatnot, but are only a little louder than PSP speakers. A software update could change this though?

E. Import? I was in Japan for the launch, so I didn't pay any import costs.

F. Button placement is nothing short of perfection, but if I was to say shit about it...I'd have to say that the
are much smaller in size now and are reminiscent of the tiny 3DS buttons? It's as if SCE want to attract kids to Vita as well by making it more comfortable for them.

All other buttons are sweet, e.g. L & R buttons almost have the same feeling as the PSP.

Also, HOME, Start and Select are buttons that are almost completely flat, so, at times you really have to feel for them in the dark.

any luck with this one?
As you're already aware looks like this...


But on Vita it looks like this (below), so I can't get test any speeds. Must be a flash problem again?

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