New PS Vita - Thinner, better battery life and LCD screen

I have a vita and I love it there are plenty of great games killzone is awesome, tearaway and dragons crown are also supurb games.

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Well Guys & Dolls, my powder blue/white baby has arrived........and she is super sweet & sexy.

I cant give a detailed review yet, as I haven't install my skin protection yet, so use has been minimal. I've only used it enough to test functions and do my transfers before I commit to skinning. 

Right off the bat, let me say there is a difference in screen quality. The LCD of the slim is very nice and crystal clear, but the colors(especially white) don't leap out and pop like the OLED. The white now is more of a yellowish eggshell white. I guess overall, everything just looks and feels warmer.

As a point of reference I currently own Galaxy S2 phone, and when I got it, I thought the screen was the best ever(which it was at the time), now I'm currently selling a Galaxy Note 2 for a friend, and the screen on this thing is sick and makes my S2 look like it IS sick :P  

So until I see something better, my S2 normally looks fine, but when you see something better, you'll notice the difference. If anyone owns the OLED Vita you WILL notice a change in overall image quality, but depending on what different devices you use on a regular basis, it may or may not bother you. I play my 3DS XL(which looks worse than the OG 3DS model) the most of any of my devices, so if that system isn't a problem for me image wise, the Vita will never have an issue in my eyes ;)

Now, on to the device itself. Everything besides the screen is improved IMO. I haven't really played any games yet, so I can't rate long term use, but it just feels and looks better in the hands. It really is like the PSP 1000 to the PSP 2000. Just better ergonomics and slight improvements over the original, that make a HUGE difference.

So do you need a Vita Slim? Mmmmmmm, I don't know, but I sure as hell needed one, and I'm way happy with my upgrade.

Thanks for the screen comparison - we are planning to buy a vita as a christmas present for a family member, but still not sure wether to choose the old or the new model.
Thanks for the screen comparison - we are planning to buy a vita as a christmas present for a family member, but still not sure wether to choose the old or the new model.
Well, unless your in Japan, the slim model will cost more, as it isn't currently scheduled to be released outside of that region. I have the Assassin's Creed OG white model, and I can sell that for about what I paid for my slim, so it wasn't a big deal for me to pay the extra cost. Depending on your hand size and comfort levels(and screen concerns), the OG might be a better way to go, but it's all about personal preference.

What about fluidity, do moving things transition well?
What is your question in reference to exactly?

Well, unless your in Japan, the slim model will cost more
Ah, did not thought of that, the new model does not even has a local, official release date yet. Well that makes the decision much easier.
What is your question in reference to exactly?
 I guess he is interested on how moving things are displayed in comparison to the OLED display (ghosting, etc.)
No real ghosting that I've noticed, on the new or the old unit. I've read other opinions that state the LCD is better in that area than the OLED has been. I didn't have an issue either way.

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Flower is brilliant and beautiful. It also feels like it was made for vita. Highly recommended.

Tearaway looks good too. Sounds kooky. Will get it in few weeks.

Dragons crown is cool too. Very beautiful and old fashioned.combat seems a tad simplistic though.

The music is brilliant though.