SONY PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)

Ok so sorry to be a totally annoying member but, now that I got my copy of FF8 and FF9 up and running i can't get it to use the joysticks or change the frame size. I recall with the PSP i could change disks and turn on graphical smothing ect but I don't seem to have a single one of those options with the Vita?

Does anyone know how to do this? I feel like i have pressed every logical combination of buttons but no dice.
When do we get the 3ds hacked ( without risk of bricking r4i types or physical modchips ) ?

When do we get the 3ds hacked ( without risk of bricking r4i types or physical modchips ) ?

That's what I want .
Thoday, in the USA, and meybe Europe, Retro City Rampage was Released for VITA and PS3, via PSN Store for 15 Money - Units, (Dollar, Euro, )

Its a Homage on the 8 Bit Ära,

Maybe somewhone may ask the Puplisher for a Pandora Release ??
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Thoday, in the USA, and meybe Europe, Retro City Rampage was Released for VITA and PS3, via PSN Store for 15 Money - Units, (Dollar, Euro, )

Its a Homage on the 8 Bit Ära,

Maybe somewhone may ask the Puplisher for a Pandora Release ??
Yeah, I can't wait!

Sadly, PSN takes all damn day to update here in the states, so don't expect any opinions on the game from me today, as I won't be able to check it out until waaaaaayyyyy late today.

This Months, im also Waiting for the PC Version from Rocksmith (which is aktually available in the states since some Months) , and as a Batch One Preorderer of the Pandora, i just know how to deal whit longe Waitingtimes..

Until then, i play Guild Wars 2, some GBA Games from the Embarasor Programm on the 3DSXL, and some other Games like Gravity Rush etc..
Playstation Mobile has something to do whit Sonys new try whit the Mobile Market, Playstation certified devices like smartphones, tablets etc, as im remember corekly, they get a PSN Appstore, so they can run old PSX Klassics and maybe PSN Games..

But i dont know, way this show of on the Vita PSN Store, maybe its just a bug..

I hope realy whe get Retro City Rampage soon
yeah I had the store update on my Xperia Play the other week, was bit poor, fairly expensive for the games and as that article states, no video links to check, so you have to close app and into YT to search yourself for one... I didn't d/l anything and went back into Google Play to look around
Wow is the PSVita dead? I haven't been on this site in a month and there was no updates to board.

I'm sorry to show up with just a question but once again i'm pretty confused. I have wipeout 2048 and HD and Fury on the PS3. It seems like I should be able to play the content of HD and Fury on my Vita. I have downloaded the files and they are in my little blue circle in the upper right hand corner saying "Waiting to install"

I have no freaken clue what they are waiting for? I try to go into the game but don't see any option to install them, i have searched around on the vita to try to get the install going but again no luck. The Vita is nice but it has repeatedly confused me, has anyone done this or had this problem?

One more thing I even purchased an online pass for $10 hoping that would break the waiting to install constipation my vita has but now that is "waiting to install" :P

I downloaded Mutant blob game and that went fine, it downloaded and installed with out a problem.

What the heck is going on here?

Thank you for any and all help.
Wow is the PSVita dead? I haven't been on this site in a month and there was no updates to board.
Well, the 3DS thread isn't even on the front page anymore, so this doesn't really mean that much. The Vita actually has had several titles released recently, with several more due before years end.

Ragnorak Odyessy

Assassin's Creed Liberation

Retro City Rampage

Virtues Last Reward

Street Fighter X Tekken


Little Big Planet

Coming Soon:

Persona 4 Golden

Playstation All Stars

Sonic All Star Racing

Call Of Duty Blacc Ops

I'm playing mine as much as my 3DS and Pandora currently. After this year, it's not looking to good though. I was really expecting more, but Sony doesn't seem all to interested in fighting the good fight.

Sales are below average, and Sony has come out and stated that 3rd party support is all but gone. As no one wants to develope games for such a small user base, and Sony just doesn't seem to care. It's the PSP all over again. This device isn't being prated and it's still failing due to no support from Sony(this is what happened to the PSP).

The PSP didn't fail due to piracy(at least in my eyes), that was just a proper excuse to use at the time. The DS had just as much if not more piracy, and they sold plenty of units. All of Sony's biggest franchises on the Vita have been poor games due to sorry developers.

I understand how a "Naugty Dog" can't spend time developing a handheld title when they are selling millions on the PS3 games, but there are many great 3rd parties looking to make a mark and they keep using Nihilistic to do their biggest franchises, WTF? Is this the only developement they can afford? I mean Uncharted:GA no ill wills, as I thought that was a great game, but every other console game has been garbage(except LBP).

So it's pretty hard to win a war, when you don't even show up to the battles. I own as many games for my Vita currently as I do for my 3DS, and they have some really quality titles, but where the 3DS appears to be on fire, the Vita is cooling off with no hope for a bright future. If it does die a slow death, that just means it's more likely to get hacked at some point, and then it will be a handheld emulation DREAM, so all is not lost! :P

^^ I personally don't care for Sony video game consoles , but if the vita bombs I'll buy one just because of emulation . So fingers crossed it bombs .
The price of the Vita is plummeting here in the UK. Vita + game (LBP) + 4GB card for £189 in Argos. Without decent software though, this is still too much.

Shame :(
The price of the Vita is plummeting here in the UK. Vita + game (LBP) + 4GB card for £189 in Argos. Without decent software though, this is still too much.

Shame :(

Almost certainly way under cost price too, Sony are in a lose-lose situation here, they have to keep selling it to keep face but they know it's losing them money which they are unlikely to get back.

The future of mainstream portable gaming is almost certainly just generic devices which can run android/html5 games.

It will become like the PC scene where what is seen as the coolest hardware wins and sells without much exclusive software (if any at all).
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