Tile Editor For Gbc?


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Hi there,

does anybody know if there exists a Tile Editor which supports GBC (INCLUDING the GBC palette!!!)

Most I found only load GBC games with the mono palette... :/
Blah posted on Apr 25 2005 at 04:08 AM said:
Try these, look for one that takes GBC savestates, thats the only way the editor can know the pallete because the pallete changes as you go through the game.
Zophar's Domain: Graphics Hacking

Look in General and Gameboy...

Hope it is of help.


Tried all the graphics hacking ones from zophar.net already... haven't looked in the General area.

Yes, the palette changes while playing - but there are 10 different sprite palettes and 10 different background palettes in GBC games.
These are fixed in the GBC rom - so an editor which reads these palettes would be possible...

Doing the savestate thing is a lot of work to do.

Reason I'm asking this:
I colorized Super Mario Land (the original one), and it looks cool for the first world.

I just need a tile editor for the rest of the worlds, as the colors are screwed up.

If anybody wants a WIP version, I'll release it ;)
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Sure, here you are:






You can also download an IPS patch here.

Use the Super Mario Land (JUE) (V1.0) [!].gb to apply it to.
Don't forget to rename it to .gbc :)

Some bugs:
* Scorebar scrolls around the screen (can't do anything about it)
* Music runs too fast (also can't do anything about it)
* Only first world colored. I definately need a Tile Editor with GBC palette support to finish this...

Anyways, have fun :)
great idea, i've never thought of colorizing the mono palette. great!

but i consider mario1 (and 2) as unplayable with the current gb emulators. especially fGB32, because of the missing vertical synchronization :(
maybe fDay brings something new *hope*
man, thats pretty cool! I love the original mario, and I even managed to complete it (a rare achievment for me, I have a short attention span when it comes to games!)

Keep up the good work :)
Well, I already had some more ideas for emulator coders... no one wanted code that yet.

What would be cool in my opinion is:

a) A Tile Editor, which doesn't actually edit the roms but create some kind of patch file, with color and adress information.

B) Then we would need Emulators (not only for GP32, but for PC, etc.), which would load the rom AND the color patch file - and color the tiles while playing.

This way, we could not only have a few colors, but it would be possible to color ANY GB rom with full 16,8 millions of colors!
And not only GB - could also be done for NES, SMS, etc.

You could also add the possibility of creating hi-res graphics, etc.

I think, this could be the next generation of emulation... :)
c0ncept posted on Apr 27 2005 at 01:47 AM said:
man, thats pretty cool! I love the original mario, and I even managed to complete it (a rare achievment for me, I have a short attention span when it comes to games!)

Keep up the good work :)
Its a pretty fun game and the first game I ever completed.
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EvilDragon posted on Apr 27 2005 at 01:10 AM said:
B ) Then we would need Emulators (not only for GP32, but for PC, etc.), which would load the rom AND the color patch file - and color the tiles while playing.

Isn't that how the SuperGB and GBA play GB mono games
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mattmagoo posted on May 3 2005 at 12:42 PM said:
EvilDragon posted on Apr 27 2005 at 01:10 AM said:
B ) Then we would need Emulators (not only for GP32, but for PC, etc.), which would load the rom AND the color patch file - and color the tiles while playing.

Isn't that how the SuperGB and GBA play GB mono games
They have GB processors in I think.
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mattmagoo posted on May 3 2005 at 01:42 PM said:
EvilDragon posted on Apr 27 2005 at 01:10 AM said:
B ) Then we would need Emulators (not only for GP32, but for PC, etc.), which would load the rom AND the color patch file - and color the tiles while playing.

Isn't that how the SuperGB and GBA play GB mono games

No, they only have some standard color sets which they apply to the sprites / backgrounds.
Try playing a GB game on SGB / GBA: It uses colors - but it's not colorized.
And: They still limit a sprite to 3 colors. Every GB sprite (even GBC) has only 3 colors. The GBC has a 8 different sprite palettes, but each sprite can only use one.

My idea is having a patch file so you can use as many colors as you want for each sprite - without any limitations.

Would really be easy, as you would only have to create a tile editor (a lot of tile editors exist already) which doesn't save the information in the rom itself, but in an extra file.
Then the emulator could load that extra file and whenever it should show a sprite, it doesn't use the tiles in the rom but from the extra file - in full color.
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rabbits with hats posted on May 3 2005 at 08:41 PM said:
:lol: Love the Mario. Are you going to do more games?

I'd love to, but I'm using a tool called GBColorizer.
It only supports games using MBC1 and less than 512k.

That's very limited... however, I'll try to fix the Mario up...

lizard808uk posted on May 3 2005 at 11:04 PM said:
@ ED Try posting a message on Acmlm. For what its worth I've seen this one done before, I'll try and find it + the author.
I think your pics look way better :D

Cool, thanks for the info.

BTW: You know that I posted an IPS patch? You can play it, if you want :)
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ED, I tried to play this through VBA on PC but it said: "Unknown opcode ed at 014e"

Also the patch made the rom 1mb - is that right? I'm using the Lunar IPS program.