So, what's the current status of everything?

Sag ich doch die ganze Zeit: ich hab except (außer) mit expect (erwarten) vertauscht..

I Expect the English world, to find a better solution for this two words, so a mix up shouldn’t possible anymore..

Thanks for the help, so hopefully when the Pyra is out, my English should be much better, so I could help some newbies,

Can I change the Language of the Pyra OS to German, and if so, why dit the Angstroem Based Pandora Super Saxxon OS ditnt work in German??
Nah, at least I want to reread the Terry Prattschet Books in English on my Kindle, when every other book on this thing is read..

Also there isn’t much Text on a OS, if I remember correctly: only some button text, Einstellung/Options, and something..

My issues are more in Gramathics, and some times I mix up words..
I Expect the English world, to find a better solution for this two words, so a mix up shouldn’t possible anymore..
It hadn't even occurred to me that these two words could be mixed up before you did, although then looking at them in the flesh it was clear to me what you did. I propose they're harder to mix up if you're saying them because a splosive p phoneme after an ex is very different to a k' phoneme which is a velar ejective so the mouth does not close at that point. But written down they're actually closer than I had anticipated, as an english speaker.

Setting a language in linux potentially affects buttons and terminal languages (which is actually quite a lot if you use the terminal a lot) as well as currency displays (many languages use the comma as the decimal point, as opposed to the full stop commonly used in english) and date diaplays, and also software commonly observes the system language to translate messages and affect spell checking. I don't know why Angstrom used as Super Zaxxon for the Pandora didn't support German; maybe the other languages other than English had been removed to save space.
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(many languages use the comma as the decimal point, as opposed to the full stop commonly used in english)
That's why I use en-dk (if not, it's dk-en?). I get English, but at the same time sane (to me) numbers. :)
Hey folks.. Did I read that pre-orders will be shipped before Christmas? 2019? I was going to buy a switch but might hold off on that now.

How do we update our delivery address? I think I moved twice including to a different country since pre-ordering.
I see.. Prototypes refers to those who spend $1-2k on the small batch of initial prototypes?
Nah, at least I want to reread the Terry Prattschet Books in English

You definitely should! While the translators have done a great job on the discworld books, the English originals contain so much wordplay that's just impossible to translate.
As the wait is long since the beginning of the Pyra project, I am a restless person and I create my own portable consoles, using materials created by other companies and standard use electronics.
I wanted you to see my last video, without any desire to profit me since this project of mine is not sold.
Well, enjoy enjoying my music and my console while we wait for our Pyra

Looks cool, have lots of fun whit it,

How good is the Batterielife, and how long dit it take to build??

I suppose you took a WIIU Gamepad, and put a RaPI in and some custom Batterie Board..

Ditnt have a WIIU, as i was a long time Handheld Gamer Only, until i bought a XBOX ONEX some Yeahr ago, on a whim..
Looks cool, have lots of fun whit it,

How good is the Batterielife, and how long dit it take to build??

I suppose you took a WIIU Gamepad, and put a RaPI in and some custom Batterie Board..

Ditnt have a WIIU, as i was a long time Handheld Gamer Only, until i bought a XBOX ONEX some Yeahr ago, on a whim..
The battery lasts 3 hours and 30 minutes in intensive play. I started the project 5 months ago, everything takes a long time when you order the parts from aliexpr ... and the software was already finished before
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nice job. rasp pi 3+ i see was going to ask but i actually waited till the end this time and even though i cant read most of the end credit raspberry 3B+ is a give
3hours and 30 minutes from a 6000mAH battery not too bad.. not the original screen? and no touch ?
nice job. rasp pi 3+ i see was going to ask but i actually waited till the end this time and even though i cant read most of the end credit raspberry 3B+ is a give
3hours and 30 minutes from a 6000mAH battery not too bad.. not the original screen? and no touch ?

I use another screen in the project, because the original is not compatible with raspberry, it is not touch like the original, but the screen I use has more brightness
i bought some arcade buttons and joysticks. i am going to build my 3 B+ into a coffee table . just got a HDMI to VGA cable fro ebay then 2 days after it got here i found one in a junk
i have a 17 or 19"4:3 VGA screen i am going to build into the top of the coffee table.
i bought some arcade buttons and joysticks. i am going to build my 3 B+ into a coffee table . just got a HDMI to VGA cable fro ebay then 2 days after it got here i found one in a junk
i have a 17 or 19"4:3 VGA screen i am going to build into the top of the coffee table.
how good! look at this previous project, it is a mini arcade machine


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Our current calendar system is botched with:

- Silly months that have variable length and are apparently 2 months behind (SEPTember is 9th, OCTOber is 10th, NOVember is 11th, and DECember is 12th)

Roma ruled western world for centuries and Greek+Roman culture is western base culture (of course some countries were earlier and more romanized than others, even some of them speak languages descending directly from vulgar Latin or have law system descending from Roman law), so our calendar is that for historical reasons.

A year sometimes has 365 days, and other times 366 (really the number of days in a year isn't integer), so it is impossible to apply the same days for all months. 365 is not a very divisible number: 5x73 :) (nor 366 with one more factor: 2 x 3 x 61).

Other cultures use lunar calendar, which can be a bit more perfect in some sense, but it has same problem: a month is near 30 days, but not exactly 30, as it has 29,53 days. Sincerely I think solar calendar has more sense for us: winter, summer, hot, cold, holidays...

- A year count that was apparently made by someone who thinks that 0 is not a number and that 1-1 is -1

- Some weeks that are not even properly contained in our months and instead overlap with 2 different months.

To top that off, base 10 is generally inferior to base 12.

My friend, 0 or ZERO, as a true number (not only as a sign inside a number) is a posterior concept. Greek and Romans didn't have that concept (nor negatives as numbers). Interesting is to know Greek used rational numbers (positive rational numbers without 0) and these are more complex than integer numbers (integers include 0 and negatives as a concept), and they knew existence of irrational numbers (they had a very advanced geometry too, in fact it remainded the same for lot of centuries afther them).

0, as a whole number, and decimal-based place value notation originated in old India and only came to Europe via Al-Andalus (muslin Spain) in the 11th century. So, it is was too much late for Romans :) and our calendar.

Of course base 12 is better, and even base 16 is better, but I suppose we use 10 base because we got 10 fingers in our hands. If we would have 12 or 16 fingers, surely we would use 12 or 16 base.

As you know, we use hexadecimal base in computing, but only because it is a compact binary form (4 bits fit in a hex digit). And we don't have numbers/names for 11th-15th digits (we reuse letters A-F in that way).

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I think that I once heard that the year was considered to start with spring because that is when life starts to grow but was then changed to be more sun-centric and thus start at a time shortly after the winter equinox. I have no idea if that's true though.

Equinox are in March and September. Equinox is where time and day are the same length.

Solstice are in December and June. Solstice is where time is longer and shorter. For us it has sense because from that date days are longer or shorter, so it would be a good starting point fro a year (December solstice is about 21-22th). The problem is that north and south hemispheres are inverted and Earth has considerable axial tilt, so, as you know, length of days and seasons are inverted in both hemispheres.

Not having the year 0 is silly too because it's an extra exception to our system and thus an extra chance for people to make mistakes with it.

Really don't bother too much: I don't know if we know exactly where was year 1. It is when Christ was born, but we don't know it exactly, I think (even we don't know exact date). And much worse, our calendar have been reformed and modificatifies (add and/or take days/etc) a lot of times, so if you try to operate with dates along too much centuries, you will get wrong or, worse, you will go crazy :)
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But the Keyboard Light of ATCs Notebook is much more impressive than the Light on his Pyra..
I think our non transparent Pyras should work better whit the Backlight..

I hate all modern notebooks chiclet keyboard backlight as light escapes from under the keys borders and it becomes really annoying: in some angles you can receive light directly from LEDs.

The problem is that today they want to do keyboard as thin as they can, so there is little border under keys, so light escapes. If keys had much larger border, inserting much more deeply inside computer, you never would get disturbed, but it implies like 2 more mm in thickness and it seems that is a big sin today :O

I think we won't have that problem in Pyra, as it is not a notebook keyboard and it uses a full coated rubber base.

You can see that bright LEDs in keys bordes in this post picture (others are much worse):
What is that??

A much worse notebook example:
You definitely should! .... the English originals contain so much wordplay that's just impossible to translate.

The problem is that if you are not English native or you are without enough deep knowledge/use, it may be you don't see/appreciate/enjoy that English wordplay. Humorous/ironic/etc text can be more difficult to understand than normal content.