Everything sorted into the shelves


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
I'll keep this post short, as it's 5:52am here and I want to go to bed :D

I finally sorted everything from multiple boxes into the proper shelves!
The case parts and PCBs are all neatly organized and sorted in the grey boxes, the small parts are either still inside bags or already in smaller boxes as well.
You can see these on the pictures below:


So now I can finally continue assembling units. I already started to preassemble some more case parts.
This week is still a bit full on my calendar, but I'll try my best :)

One thing I noticed is that we'll soon be running out of cases (especially Chrome ones).
It's a bit of a shame - we had 1000 ones but due to the quality issues the coating company had at first, we only had around 350 in total (I didn't know the exact number as I received them in multiple shipments and they were across multiple boxes... which is not the case anymore now).
They will cover the costs for the production and as mentioned, the new ones will have improvements.

Depending on how fast the production and coating as well as my own assembly will proceed, we might have to take another short break when I used up all cases. The next one might happen after we assembled the first 550 units, as that's how many PCBs have been produced in the first run, and while the next one is being setup, we don't have any clear dates due to the global chip shortage.

I'm personally happy right now that I now have a proper working space for assembly. It was so annoying mostly hunting down parts in boxes instead of simply building Pyras.
Space can do wonders!

I hope I'll also find more time to visit the boards more often and read what's happening here once this huge pile of work I had has been fully settled.

Thanks for your ongoing support - without you, I probably would've given up long ago!
Sounds great, sorting is something which helps on Massproduktion..
Who know, somewhere in the future, you will get a big Massproduktion facillity like they have on Car Factorys: Left Door are assempled in one Building, right door in the other Building, then they get transport in another building and in the end you have one car..
They also have boxes full of parts, barcodes build maps, like big lego.. (or other brick companys)..
we don't have any clear dates due to the global chip shortage
I know in March you said you didn’t think this would cause any trouble for the Pyra but after you’ve had some sleep and got a spare moment, are you able to let us know whether anyone’s been looking into this side of things for the Pyra whilst you’ve been so snowed under with everything else?

Really glad to see the space is now well organised! Pity my order number’s so high so not on those shelves...
Also, glad to hear that the coating company “will cover the costs for the production” of replacements for the cases they ruined!
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Well, well, this almost seems like my prediction to get it this year around Christmas could be correct. Nice to see some progress! Probably my GB cartridge reader will be ready by the time I have my Pyra so I can enjoy my Games in beautiful color :).
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I thought, 350 are only the chromium cases? And anyways, i don't think, that there is a huge problem to print some new plastic cases. Much more will be a problem, that there are not enough PCBs
Ah I read “in total” as meaning both black + dark chrome cases.
For sure, producing and coating more cases shouldn’t be as big an issue as PCBs, which is why I’m wondering where exactly we’re at with investigating sufficient stock to service all the pre-orders. Will it end up being a case of having to wait another year just for the PCBs to have all the necessary parts supplied, let alone a full Pyra assembled, for pre-order numbers > 550...?
Exactly what kind of parts are affected by the shortages? The CPU or RAM? Or is it trivial stuff like SMD capacitors?
I would be interested to know this, once you know this yourself. Thanks!
Passives don't seem to be in short supply, but almost anything with a clock input and address lines seems to be in reduced stock.
Well, yes. But being in short supply is not a problem for Pyra if ED has the part in stock. So it's a combination on what is available and what is needed. I don't think we can guess this ? The team will let us know when they sort it out. I kind of remember ED had bought all CPUs and RAM already ??? Not sure about modems.