Finalizing everything!

Depends on the amount of LTE units, etc.
With 1500 preorders (including the 200 we already have), we could fully produce 2000 units.

To get the first 1000 batch running, we need approximately 700 preorders (incl. the already existing 200).

So it should be doable :D

Hello I am interested in pre-ordering a pyra. a 4GB non standard edition has a down payment of £255.00, can you tell me what the remainder of fee is, or where to find a table that shows the full pricing structure for the European models. Thank you.
Fair response, really, though given the sheer volume of text it's easy enough to miss.
I have dyslexia, and miss things buried in text. also i went to the checkout to pay, and saw the full amount listed, so I don't know what price is the down payment and what is the total price. I am looking but there's so much info. there's no need for bad attitude.

* Pyra Standard Edition, 2GB RAM: 500 EUR without VAT (=595 EUR incl. VAT)
* Pyra Standard Edition, 4GB RAM: 529,41 EUR without VAT (=630 EUR incl. VAT)
* Pyra Mobile Edition, 2GB RAM: 600 EUR without VAT (=714 EUR incl. VAT)
* Pyra Mobile Edition, 4GB RAM: 626,05 EUR without VAT (=745 EUR incl. VAT)

simple question, are these the down payment or the full price ? Iv'e read around the prices but it actually does not say. If i'm right, then the site needs modifying otherwise sales could be lost to buyer uncertainty.
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Sorry for slaeshjag. Yes, those are the final prices: a 4GB mobile version is 626 EUR, or 745 if you live in the EU and need to pay VAT. (VAT is taxes, in case you weren't aware)
thank you for the answer. ha ha I am aware what VAT is. I run a professional art business from Etsy that is registered with HMRC. no shameless plugging it here though :)

I do think they need to clearly label these as "Total prices" as I as a customer will gladly pay these prices, but I am concerned that off site in blogs people are quoting the pyra is 1400 Euro, combine this mis-information/bad reporting with no labeling on the actual site and there's a problem. I want to see Pyra succeed and not be drowned by the pocket windows rival set to launch this year. so please guys label the pricing ;)

My next question is this,
has the pre-order phase now ended because when i went to order, the total price, see below* appeared in the checkout, not a section of the price say 300 EUR was listed
* Pyra Mobile Edition, 4GB RAM: 626,05 EUR without VAT (=745 EUR incl. VAT)
The pre-order is still on-going. You're expected to pay about that much for the entire thing, but I believe the pre-payment is about 400 euros, if I remember correctly.

You just pay the difference at a later date.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
thank you for the answer. ha ha I am aware what VAT is. I run a professional art business from Etsy that is registered with HMRC. no shameless plugging it here though :)

I do think they need to clearly label these as "Total prices" as I as a customer will gladly pay these prices, but I am concerned that off site in blogs people are quoting the pyra is 1400 Euro, combine this mis-information/bad reporting with no labeling on the actual site and there's a problem. I want to see Pyra succeed and not be drowned by the pocket windows rival set to launch this year. so please guys label the pricing ;)

My next question is this,
has the pre-order phase now ended because when i went to order, the total price, see below* appeared in the checkout, not a section of the price say 300 EUR was listed
* Pyra Mobile Edition, 4GB RAM: 626,05 EUR without VAT (=745 EUR incl. VAT)
Most people (including the tech sites) think that the pre-payment is the final price (and still complain about the price...).
One could expect that if a person is considering such a purchase, they read all the available info on the item's page, but I aggree, it obviously needs to be more obvious.
Were you converting from a pre-pre-order by any chance? As far as I saw when I placed my preorder, it started with the downpayment figure then removed the money I'd already paid for a pre-pre-order and asked for the difference. If you're just buying a preorder place with cash, it should start at the downpayment and that's what you pay, I'd have thought.
not a pre pre order. just a pre order, you add to basket at it shows the full price 745 eur, then you go to checkout shows then it changes to the pre order 400 eur.

i think that it should be a bit clearer at the add to basket page, as people could like myself get mistaken into thinking that 745 eur is the down payment, as nowhere does it say otherwise. that made me hesitate about making the purchase, but i pushed to the final checkout where the price changed to the down payment.
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Hmm, I wonder if that's changed then. One of the original concerns was that people wouldn't realise the full price when they were making a downpayment.

That said, the cart still shows the downpayment value alone for me when I just tried:
Well, I misunderstood a few things in the web shop but the prices were all clear to me. 400 EUR now, 345 EUR + shipping when it's in stock (not at any random future time, but just when it is ready to ship).
The only thing I find confusing is that in some places it looks like the downpayment includes VAT and some places it says it doesn't. I may be too ignorant but for me it is not relevant because it is just two
payments for a sale and VAT applies to the whole sale, it does not matter when it is charged (but IANAL, quite the contrary). ebshops are usually programmed to sell items with one payment. Using it for downpayments may incur some user interface weirdness, but I think it is clear enough.

Also, Foggy, I don't think people have been rude. You may have trouble reading long text, but some of us have trouble explaining things clearer than it is in the page. I for one have problems summarizing info.

I know texts are not always clear, and it varies from person to person. But when I ask for help I try to quote a fragment and say what I don't understand or something else that may help guide the answer (help others help me). You just asked for a tables of prices. In the page it says:

Versions and final prices of the Pyra:
* Pyra Standard Edition, 2GB RAM: 500 EUR without VAT (=595 EUR incl. VAT)

* Pyra Standard Edition, 4GB RAM: 529,41 EUR without VAT (=630 EUR incl. VAT)

* Pyra Mobile Edition, 2GB RAM: 600 EUR without VAT (=714 EUR incl. VAT)
* Pyra Mobile Edition, 4GB RAM: 626,05 EUR without VAT (=745 EUR incl. VAT)

[ later, with the buttons to buy ]

Pyra Preorder (Standard Edition, 2GB RAM)
330 EUR
Pyra Preorder (Standard Edition, 4GB RAM)
330 EUR
Pyra Preorder (Mobile Ed., US-Vers., 2GB RAM)
400 EUR
Pyra Preorder (Mobile Ed., US-Vers., 4GB RAM)
400 EUR
Pyra Preorder (Mobile Ed., EU-Vers., 2GB RAM)
400 EUR
Pyra Preorder (Mobile Ed., EU-Vers., 4GB RAM)
400 EUR

So, I'm not the shop owner but my understanding is (from this quotes and basic arithmetic):
Pyra Standard  Edition 2 GB Total: 500.00 EUR + 19% VAT  95.00 EUR  = 595 EUR  + shipping (1st payment: 330 EUR 2nd payment: 265 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Standard  Edition 4 GB Total: 529.41 EUR + 19% VAT 100.59 EUR  = 630 EUR  + shipping  (1st payment: 330 EUR 2nd payment: 300 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Mobile EU Edition 2 GB Total: 600.00 EUR + 19% VAT 114.00 EUR  = 714 EUR  + shipping  (1st payment: 400 EUR 2nd payment: 314 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Mobile EU Edition 4 GB Total: 626.05 EUR + 19% VAT 118.95 EUR  = 745 EUR  + shipping  (1st payment: 400 EUR 2nd payment: 345 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Mobile US Edition 2 GB Total: 600.00 EUR + 19% VAT 114.00 EUR  = 714 EUR  + shipping  (1st payment: 400 EUR 2nd payment: 314 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Mobile US Edition 4 GB Total: 626.05 EUR + 19% VAT 118.95 EUR  = 745 EUR  + shipping  (1st payment: 400 EUR 2nd payment: 345 EUR + shipping)
But I don't find this table more useful than the page. Shipping varies, and wheteher or not you pay VAT depends on where you are. Outside the EU you may have to pay
customs, or not, so it's difficult to list final prices for everyone.

I wrote this willing to help but I feel uneasy to encourage anyone to buy if they don't understand all text in those pages. There's info about volume discounts, risks, deadline disclaimers, color, etc.
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Pyrat, that table makes much more sense.

Pyra Standard Edition 2 GB Total: 500.00 EUR + 19% VAT 95.00 EUR = 595 EUR + shipping (1st payment: 330 EUR 2nd payment: 265 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Standard Edition 4 GB Total: 529.41 EUR + 19% VAT 100.59 EUR = 630 EUR + shipping (1st payment: 330 EUR 2nd payment: 300 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Mobile EU Edition 2 GB Total: 600.00 EUR + 19% VAT 114.00 EUR = 714 EUR + shipping (1st payment: 400 EUR 2nd payment: 314 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Mobile EU Edition 4 GB Total: 626.05 EUR + 19% VAT 118.95 EUR = 745 EUR + shipping (1st payment: 400 EUR 2nd payment: 345 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Mobile US Edition 2 GB Total: 600.00 EUR + 19% VAT 114.00 EUR = 714 EUR + shipping (1st payment: 400 EUR 2nd payment: 314 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Mobile US Edition 4 GB Total: 626.05 EUR + 19% VAT 118.95 EUR = 745 EUR + shipping (1st payment: 400 EUR 2nd payment: 345 EUR + shipping)
and if you're outside of the EU, the VAT doesn't apply.

(but other import taxes might, though in the US you're probably ok.)
Pyrat, that table makes much more sense.

Pyra Standard Edition 2 GB Total: 500.00 EUR + 19% VAT 95.00 EUR = 595 EUR + shipping (1st payment: 330 EUR 2nd payment: 265 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Standard Edition 4 GB Total: 529.41 EUR + 19% VAT 100.59 EUR = 630 EUR + shipping (1st payment: 330 EUR 2nd payment: 300 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Mobile EU Edition 2 GB Total: 600.00 EUR + 19% VAT 114.00 EUR = 714 EUR + shipping (1st payment: 400 EUR 2nd payment: 314 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Mobile EU Edition 4 GB Total: 626.05 EUR + 19% VAT 118.95 EUR = 745 EUR + shipping (1st payment: 400 EUR 2nd payment: 345 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Mobile US Edition 2 GB Total: 600.00 EUR + 19% VAT 114.00 EUR = 714 EUR + shipping (1st payment: 400 EUR 2nd payment: 314 EUR + shipping)
Pyra Mobile US Edition 4 GB Total: 626.05 EUR + 19% VAT 118.95 EUR = 745 EUR + shipping (1st payment: 400 EUR 2nd payment: 345 EUR + shipping)
That is more confusing to me. The main reason is including VAT. I kinda doubt most people buying a US one will be paying VAT.

The way it is presented in the shop works better for me, even if I have to calculate the second payment myself.