So, what's the current status of everything?

What exactly is that? I see the aperture physics logo, and I spy a portal gun in the top box, but it's not a screen I recognise from either of the existing two portal games as I played them.

Edit: Ah, there's a new page!
Meanwhile on IRC form @aTc:

What is that??
This is something, whe want ^^
I only know as a Homebrew Portal on DS the "Still Alive DS" Game, where you are in 2D Jump and Run, but ditnt know there is also a 3D Portal Game for the DS..

But the Keyboard Light of ATCs Notebook is much more impressive than the Light on his Pyra..
I think our non transparent Pyras should work better whit the Backlight..
Expect, as a counterpart to the postings over my posting (above)
(Mae I don’t get the current status of the Pyra, but every thing else please) ^^
But that picture was desmume by any chance?

What about performance? I would love to see a video of it running a demanding game.
Could be I disundertod the meaning of expect, my intention was to use this in the meaning of (everything else, but nothing about the Pyra)

„Ich hätte gerne gewusst was mit allem anderen los ist, außer mit der Pyra..“

It was meant as a Joke, as the 2 postings above where ideal for this..
@matzesu Es sieht nicht so aus, als ob Du hier ein Wort missverstehst, sondern eher wie von levi vermutet, dass Du in Schrift die sehr aehnlichen Woerter "expect" (erwarten, mit etwas rechnen) und "except" (ausser, ausgenommen) verwechselts.