So, what's the current status of everything?

But if whe estimate it t two months (tm), everytime, there is no chance for the device to come out..
I want it to come out, because my Pandora got some issues, some plastic fell out at the Batterie Compartment, the Display Backlight Controll Bug, and somethimes when i put a USB in, the Display Backlight Dims a bit (maybe the USB Port gets a bit in contact whit the LCD Cable..

I think i can hold my Pandora 1 or 2 Months, but then it should be put on the Shelf of obscure handhelds..
I'm predicting about those dates 'end-Jan to mid-Feb' for Grench to get his prototype, because it feels like it's getting a little tight for delivery to the states including LiPo batteries before Christmas to me, and we've not heard anything yet. ED's estimates have long been known to slip a little under load. If that's when Grench gets his unit, our units will of course be 2 months (TM) after that.
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I'm predicting about those dates 'end-Jan to mid-Feb' for Grench to get his prototype, because it feels like it's getting a little tight for delivery to the states including LiPo batteries before Christmas to me, and we've not heard anything yet. ED's estimates have long been known to slip a little under load. If that's when Grench gets his unit, our units will of course be 2 months (TM) after that.
I prepaid for fast shipping back when I did the order. In theory, it should be going via air transport rather than a slow boat. From ED's comments above it sounds like all eight prototype orders are in the US, so we might all get them within a day or two of each other when they do go out. That likely depends a bit on what shipping we chose and geography.

Where ED needed to make direct changes to components soldered onto the main boards for all eight of them, though, I can see where it is a time sink competing with his holiday business orders, family and whatnot. We will get them when we get them.
There are lots of Christmas ses between now and the time god thinks its a good time to start the Apocalyps
Ok, Release is when the first Pyra is in User Hands..

Or when ED can bear to step back (from parenthood) and allow his precious babies to be released in to the wild and develop their independence :p
I'm just upset that "this decade" estimate didn't come to be, unless the prototype pre-order units ship then I will count that...
I mean... I grew up in a cult that spreads fear in their members by constantly preaching that Armageddon is imminent - and apparently it has been for over 150 years - but right now it's more imminent than ever! The Pyra got nothing on this (except maybe we might actually get ours before the end of the century).
If i remember correctly, to get the Pyra until the end of our Century, EvilDragon still have 80 Years and ca 26 Days left until Year 2100
But i suppose most of use will then long gone, im 35, so i will be 115 Years old then.., and it could be there are lots of members in this Boards that are way older..
Good news for the Pyra in the current decade : it only starts in a bit more than one year ; just like the 21st century started on the 1st January 2001 (not 2000). Yey !
I mean, this is true if we use the strict usage as defined in the century article in Wikipedia, which is how I use it too... would you too ?
I mean... I grew up in a cult that spreads fear in their members by constantly preaching that Armageddon is imminent - and apparently it has been for over 150 years - but right now it's more imminent than ever! The Pyra got nothing on this (except maybe we might actually get ours before the end of the century).
To be fair, if humanity exists for 6000 years then 150 years could truthfully be called a short time at the end of humanity. It's comparable to having a 30 minute delay on a 14 hour trip to Thailand or having a 30 minute delay on a 10 minute walk to the store; the first delay is short and the second delay is long despite them having the same absolute duration.
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Good news for the Pyra in the current decade : it only starts in a bit more than one year ; just like the 21st century started on the 1st January 2001 (not 2000). Yey !
I mean, this is true if we use the strict usage as defined in the century article in Wikipedia, which is how I use it too... would you too ?
I guess this makes sense because the year 0 was skipped.
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It's more handy to say "the 80s" (which always is 1980 to 1989) than saying "the 9th decade of the 20th century" (which is 1981 to 1990)... so at least for decades I continue to start counting at 0.
I really do not care specifically about decades anyway. Our current calendar system is botched with:
- Silly months that have variable length and are apparently 2 months behind (SEPTember is 9th, OCTOber is 10th, NOVember is 11th, and DECember is 12th)
- A year count that was apparently made by someone who thinks that 0 is not a number and that 1-1 is -1
- Some weeks that are not even properly contained in our months and instead overlap with 2 different months.

To top that off, base 10 is generally inferior to base 12.

I'm not going to mourn the Pyra's release not fitting arbitrary dates that are special only to a combination of our bad calendar with our bad number system. The only mourning that's based on our calendar and number system that I am willing to do is the mourning of the fact that I am forced to use them.
It's more handy to say "the 80s" (which always is 1980 to 1989) than saying "the 9th decade of the 20th century" (which is 1981 to 1990)... so at least for decades I continue to start counting at 0.

I think more in musical decades.. the 60s were '65~'68 the 70s were '69~'76 the punks were '77 the post-punks were '79 the new wave 80s were '79-88 the hard rock 80 were '83-90 the 90s were '88 - '93 the rest doesnt really matter :p

Oh yeah somewhere in there is disco and ABBA probably '78 and '74
- Silly months that have variable length and are apparently 2 months behind (SEPTember is 9th, OCTOber is 10th, NOVember is 11th, and DECember is 12th)
Surprisingly (to me at least) the reason that the end months are out by two is not the addition of the two obviously roman regal months (July - Julius and August - Augustus), but the addition of January and February. The original slightly legendary 10 month year started at March, and month five was called Quintills and six, Sextills. Those two months were simply renamed by Julius Caesar after he collapsed the roman republic. The two offending months were actually added by the more democratic roman republic before him.
The reason to stick with the existing method of timekeeping: Everyone uses it.

"Superior" systems can definitely be contrived, but conversion and adoption would require either an all powerful state actor/dictator forcing it upon everyone or a population so astute, educated and collaborative that they all simply accept it as, "better".

If simplicity reigned supreme, we would all be keeping track of days the same way most computers do. Pick a more or less arbitrary day and call it day 0. Count forward for all days subsequent to that and backwards into negative numbers for all days prior. Seasons and the positions of the stars be damned. We actually all already use this type of system, but apply a classification and translation system over the top of it based on history and convenience. Most of the population is shielded from the reality of time.