So, what's the current status of everything?

Lisa, Lisen
Maria, Marien
Pyra, Pyren?
or my favourite
Pyree :)
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I don’t think I will see more than one Pyra in Natura in my Life, as long I don’t go to Community Events like the Gamescom..
Not every Pyra user in my Environment would be that visible as Pyra User..

This means I have to use my Pyra more often, to attract potential Pyra Users,
I saw one Pandora in Real Life: my own Pandora..

So it’s my Pyra and mybe there is no Plural for me
If it is Latin, pyra means (funeral) pyre, and is a first declension noun.

uh ?
Latin first declension would not give pyre, it would give pyrae (nominative plural)
Adapting the table for pirata (pirate, one of the apparently few masculines in the first declension), it would give

By the way, I hope I'm not breaking some code of conduct, but what gender is pyra ? (gramatical gender, of course).
The Latin first declension does not care for gender, but we still would need to know...
I was assuming it was female, but that is a contamination from languages without neuter where -a endings tend to be female, and the Pyrrha of Thessaly being a woman.

By the way will any package use Lingua :: Romana :: Perligata ?
I didn't even find the time to play some games within the last week.
I hope you find time to play Legend of Pandora. I would hate for you to miss out on playing an avatar of yourself building a metaphorical Pandora on the Pandora. It's so meta it hurts my brain. I think the average play through is about five minutes, so not a huge investment of time.
I've not seen him post the arrival of cases on his twitter (I assume they go to him to take to the painters), but sometimes he holds news back to surprise us with a forum post, so I can't be sure. Seems to me though, posting a ~5 week job just over 5 weeks before the christmas break is optimistic. The plastics firm might have found quicker more urgent work to start and complete in that gap, and pushed the start of the 5 week run back to when the come back presumably 1st week of Jan, so actually plastics would arrive in Germany according to that date mid Feb.
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So what's the current status of everything?

For me: the good news is that I don't have concussion from a falling suitcase, and the bad news is that I'm still an idiot (you get a "grub rescue" prompt in Manjaro for entering your drive encryption password in once, and just not for balking your grub config)

Anything happened with the magnets yet? Has ED got a Pyra of his own yet?

I'm guessing not, but I'm sick of just pressing F5 :p
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There is no Plural for me as I don’t expect to see lots of other Pyrae , besides my own ..
Expect on Pictures in the Internet, but these are just some Pixels on my Screen, so not that real..
Nope. You don't get to decide :
"pyrae" it is, no discussion.

... you're welcome :p
Depending on the case it would sometimes be Pyrarum, Pyris or Pyras.
from the greek language point of view, your right, but where is the fun in that?
That you said Greek. ;P
Edit: or as it's product of Germany, probably Pyra(?) is correct.
I just pretend the singular form actualy ends in an S, which got silent over time and then vanished in writing too, but it follows the example of der Atlas/die Atlanten still. So, die Pyranten.