So, what's the current status of everything?

Though I don't think remarks like fuck this or that are severe enough to get banned over, I do not get the humor in it at all. Because there's no intonation in written text it's always better to put an emoji behind it or something when in doubt about how it will come across. Overall, I prefer more civilized communication. I hardly ever swear myself and I think it's a bad habit. (except maybe when I bump my head real hard, I tend to say cunt in dutch but I try not to)

Potty mouths need to be washed with soap! :eek:
See. That is what we get if the prepreorders stop posting their experience for a couple days. :)
Yeah, looks that way. FWIW it's not the prepreorderers that have their units yet, only the prototype orderers who ordered their units at the same time as the prepreorderers, so I can understand the mix up, but still if all the pre-preorderers had their units, I'd be asking where mine was ;)
Eh... I think everybody here should calm down a bit, I just said the "fuck preorders" on a humoristic way.

The keyword is "everybody" here. If everyone appears to be "out to get you", then it probably reflects more upon yourself than anyone else.

However, I occasionally appreciate your dry sarcasm, although it does oftentimes come across as passive-aggressive.
Eh... I think everybody here should calm down a bit, I just said the "fuck preorders" on a humoristic way.
Didn't you realize everyone also replied in humoristic way ? ;)
You weren't banned actually, just made fun of ... xD

I think you simply fail to to realize when everyone is humoristic, while you expect everyone to do the exactly same :happy:
Bait responses? How about answering simple forever unanswered questions. Like what is the current status and what is the action plan for 2020.
Easy, read 1st post of this very thread, then head's up to ED's tweeter (it's linked on the main page of the boards) to discover that 3 paid units have been tested and dispatched.
To sum up : hardware is ready. Pre-order will ship in the coming weeks, when ED find time to test and packages the shipments.
There's still works to do on the kernel and on u-boot (so all software).
Then I guess, the normal order will ship as soon as ED get the pieces.

The information are all there, all you have to do is read. There's no other project in the world that give as much information on the developpement and current status of the project as ED give us.
And you come to claim that it is a "forever unanswered questions" in the very thread containing said information ? isnt that trolling ?
Yeah, the first post of 27 page thread is from Nov 17, 2019. And even asking for the status is now considered trolling.
It seems that you got trolled or offended by everything in this world pretty easy.
3 paid units have been tested and dispatched.

Correction to that - there have been 4 paid prototypes dispatched. One went out and was received before Christmas. The other three were sent out in time to arrive on Christmas eve but were sidetracked to that Friday by the delivery companies.

I think, though, that only three of the four of us who got them have acknowledged it publicly.

I have mine and it's working quite well for what I have done with it so far. Yes, I need to spend more time with it. Everything wants my time these days though.
Bait responses? How about answering simple forever unanswered questions. Like what is the current status and what is the action plan for 2020.
Yes. The two are orthogonal issues and as such are not comparable. Whatabouting the discussion from civility to project grievances is not productive either. I understand you're not satisfied with the quality and/or quantity of the progress or its reporting, but it is unrelated to forum etiquette. You can't justify one with the other.
Unfortunately not, they are for 1100 Pyrae , I don’t know what is the correct plural of Pyra,
If it's English, Pyras.
If it is German, whatever the plural of a noun ending in -ra is, once you have determined which grammatical gender a Pyra is.
If it is Latin, pyra means (funeral) pyre, and is a first declension noun.
If it is Polish, it means potato, which also declines
If it is an outdated spelling of the Portuguese word pira (plural ?pyras) it can mean:
  1. pyre (heap on which corpses are burned)
  2. (slang) thingamajig, gizmo, thingy (something whose name is unknown)
  3. (Brazil, slang) a proposition, suggestion or theory considered absurd or rather unlikely
The various plurals are in the sources. I would go for Pyras.
