Release Mupen64Plus new version runs Zelda OOT and much more !!

Anyone know a video that shows how well Perfect Dark or Goldeneye run at this point in time? All the ones I can find are from either 2010 or early on in 2011 and show them running quite slowly, not as well as people are saying here.
As far as I know there aren't any new ones that shows how well Perfect Dark or Goldeneye run.

Maybe you can start a thread in the General Pandora Talk forum section requesting for someone to make some vids?
Zelda 64 works perfect.

The problem is with zelda majora's mask the game start fine but when you go through the first hole then jump platform to platform and once again there is another hole and this time it freezes with black screen and freezes the pandora,is there any help on this.
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Zelda 64 works perfect.

The problem is with zelda majora's mask the game start fine but when you go through the first hole then jump platform to platform and once again there is another hole and this time it freezes with black screen and freezes the pandora,is there any help on this.

Maybe I just got lucky getting past this, but I made it to clock town on my first run. I had framebuffer enabled and frameskip at 1 or 2. Don't bother going any further at this point as there are too many graphical errors/slowdown once you hit clock town. Remember that zelda:MM was more demanding than OoT, so you shouldn't expect it to run as well.
Zelda 64 works perfect.

The problem is with zelda majora's mask the game start fine but when you go through the first hole then jump platform to platform and once again there is another hole and this time it freezes with black screen and freezes the pandora,is there any help on this.

Maybe I just got lucky getting past this, but I made it to clock town on my first run. I had framebuffer enabled and frameskip at 1 or 2. Don't bother going any further at this point as there are too many graphical errors/slowdown once you hit clock town. Remember that zelda:MM was more demanding than OoT, so you shouldn't expect it to run as well.
I had the same experience. Not very playable once you hit clock town.
Is it just me or did some of the older builds run faster?? :blink:

Also, would low ram slow down gameplay? Is it possible to use an sd card as virtual ram, and could a mod be implemented?

This is a great emu and my dreams of playing n64 on a handheld came true! Now im dreaming about smoother gameplay :P

Hats off to the devs and keep up the great work!
I agree that the latest version is not as fast as previous versions. Does anyone have a link to the fastest? There are too many unnamed versions to know which is which.
Uploaded a short video of zelda, just running around in Kokiri village. It's not that playable yet, not if you want to get on later when there's more effects etc. I hope Mupen64 will be more optimized but still love the progress that's been done. Not tried other games yet.

once you get past that area and the field the game should run at 100%

it might be interesting to look into porting daedalusx64 zelda runs at or almost 100% in temples on a 333mhz psp
What version is is though? the link on the info under the video doesn't work (yes I selected the un-hyperlinked bit too) And from my knowledge it seems as though there is more than one mupenplus r1 with a few different betas and such.
Uploaded a short video of zelda, just running around in Kokiri village. It's not that playable yet, not if you want to get on later when there's more effects etc. I hope Mupen64 will be more optimized but still love the progress that's been done. Not tried other games yet.
Wow, I'd love if OOT performed that well, I'm going to have a look at the daedalus source when I get some free time...
I get performance like that when I disable audio and frameskip like they did for that video.
I like the frontend to that emulator. Looks very polished, although OOT still looks rather slow, unless the point (i'm missing) is that its running on slower hardware?
I get performance like that when I disable audio and frameskip like they did for that video.
Oh really, I haven't tried that. Disabling audio is a bit crap though, how will I know when Navi wants my attention? :)