Release Battle For Wesnoth

Bosbeetle said:
So we reached the end of possibilities on the pandora :o
Uhm, no, not exactly. Wesnoth was always known as a real monster regarding the amount of memory used. Don't forget that the current port is *only* a case of "lets compile it for arm/linux", no additional optimizations, no lowmem mode, nothing. All the functionality and the likes that the Desktop version comes with. The main problem regarding speed is that all rendering is done in software. No hardware acceleration for animations *at all*. So if/once we switch to OpenGL for rendering it should be a whole lot better regarding CPU usage for animation stuff. Yes, CPU load is also a problem on Desktop boxes if they got a slower CPU and use a larger resolution since a whole lot of stuff has to be redrawn.

No, the pandora is still far away from its possibilities.
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:) ah okay, nice to hear about the new version I'll try it out when I get my pandora back (next week) I dont mind about the savegames now since I just finished the first campaign.

Keep up the great work, wesnoth is still one of my favorites on the pandora :)
Ivanovic said:
Got some news regarding the 1.9.x development series of Wesnoth:

The bad news:
There won't be a build of 1.9.0. In this version Wesnoth simply uses too much memory, it is not possible to even start the easiest (WML wise) campaign, because too much RAM is required to create the cache.

The good news:
It looks like trunk got a whole lot better regarding memory usage, so 1.9.1 will most likely get a pnd. For this one I will change several default preferences:
* set sound buffer to 2048 to reduce crackling; still happens every now and then but not this often
* turn off animated map; was no problem in 1.8, but in 1.9 too much is animated which makes the game crawl when eg looking at some watery area, scrolling over it is (currently) hell (can of course be reactivated via the preferences)
* turn on "local time of the day"; this feature is new in 1.9 and by default turned off since the memory impact is not known, looks nice though so it will be active in the pandora build
Wesnoth 1.9.1 is out now!
This is a development release, so it is likely to have some issues you would not expect in a stable series. Things are still in motion, many changes are happening and especially translations are incomplete since no translation team has started working on this new line. This is intentional since their work would be wasted otherwise if the stuff does still change further. So if you are using a translation of Wesnoth and see some English strings: this is no bug. Contrary to what I wrote some weeks ago animated terrains are activated by default. They look really nice and the speed impact was reduced to a bearable level.

If you find any issues with this release, please report them at

Ivanovic said:
Some advance warning already:
* It will not be possible to use the 1.8.x savegames with 1.9.x, they are simply not compatible (aka "a whole lot changed and better safe than sorry", you could copy them over by hand, but they might not work).
* Initial gamestart is a whole lot faster, but starting a match/campaign will still take a little while, especially when there is no cache available yet (first time starting a campaign on a specific difficulty level or after downloading an add-on).
* The download will get even bigger...
Regarding those warnings: they are basically valid...
* 1.8.x saves are likely not to be compatible with 1.9.x games. This is no bug and you can install both, 1.8.x and 1.9.x in parallel to play them. Eg you will have by far more players on the multiplayer server for 1.8.x than you will find for 1.9.x. On the other hand 1.9.x does feature many great changes, especially all new looks terrain wise.
* The new download has more than 300MB.

In general Wesnoth is identical on your Pandora and on your normal desktop system. That means that you can of course move savegames between the two and stuff like this. The same applies for multiplayer games with Windows, OSX and Linux users. I hope that you will enjoy this new release. Of course I will also create a binary once there is a new stable release in the 1.8.x series, too.

Download Wesnoth 1.9.1-1
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Great I will probably wait for the stable one. However one of these days I am going to try some multiplayer against somebody on my desktop. Should be fun :)
Okay, Wesnoth 1.8.5 is ready now. This is a bugfix release for the stable 1.8.x series. For a list of changes, have a look at the changelog. Currently the pnd is available right at You can continue using savegames, add-ons, replays and whatnot. I am waiting for ED so that he does update the entry in the archives.

Download Wesnoth 1.8.5-1

I do plan to work on some changes regarding button mapping. There is no problem to map your favorite hotkeys to the game buttons A, B, X and Y. The pandora button as well as "start" and "select" can not be used easily. What do you think which hotkeys should be mapped to the normal buttons? These are the ones that I think are most useful (in no particular order!):
Undo last move
Recall (works at current mouse cursor position)
Recruit (works at current mouse cursor position)
End turn
Next unit

Personally I think that "End turn" is problematic since one tiny missclick and your turn is over. Somehow I think this one would be better on "space" (without any modifier). So what is your experience and what would you like to see on which button?
Bosbeetle said:
So correct me if I'm wrong the 1.8.x and 1.9.x series are complete different branches?
Yes, 1.8.x is the "old but stable" series. Each 1.8.x is compatible with each other. It is meant to be rather stable and just working. Though no really new stuff will be added in the minor releases, those just fix bugs, update translations and that's basically it. You can use your 1.8.0 savegames with 1.8.5 and whatnot, this is easily possible and meant to work.

Whereas the 1.9.x series is the current development series that will eventually lead to a new stable 1.10.x release. There you get lots of new graphics, new content and many other possible changes. This does of course come with a downside, too: It might be more buggy than the stable series and each 1.9.x version is *not* compatible with each other. With the 1.9.x line you should always use the latest release, since only that is allowed on the multiplayer server (and there are usually by far more players on the stable servers). Savegames between a 1.9.0 and a 1.9.1 release might be broken, too. Savegames from 1.8.x are likely not to work with 1.9.x.

In general I have created the packages so that you can use both in parallel. The userdata (savegames, addons, ...) are seperated between 1.9.x and 1.8.x on the pandora as is the binary name that is displayed.
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Wesnoth 1.9.2 is out now!
This is a development release, so it is likely to have some issues you would not expect in a stable series. Things are still in motion, many changes are happening and especially translations are incomplete since no translation team has started working on this new line. This is intentional since their work would be wasted otherwise if the stuff does still change further. So if you are using a translation of Wesnoth and see some English strings: this is no bug.

If you find any issues with this release, please report them at

Some things for you to keep in mind:
* 1.8.x saves are likely not to be compatible with 1.9.x games. This is no bug and you can install both, 1.8.x and 1.9.x in parallel to play them. Eg you will have by far more players on the multiplayer server for 1.8.x than you will find for 1.9.x. On the other hand 1.9.x does feature many great changes, especially all new looks terrain wise.
* The new download has more than 300MB.

In general Wesnoth is identical on your Pandora and on your normal desktop system. That means that you can of course move savegames between the two and stuff like this. The same applies for multiplayer games with Windows, OSX and Linux users. I hope that you will enjoy this new release.

Download Wesnoth 1.9.2-1
Cool, can't wait to get my Pandora, Wesnoth will be one of the first things I plan to put on the Handheld. :)
I've heared that the last Version of Wesnoth has improved graphics and Animations that could make the Pandora sweat. Is the performance of the Port increased or do we have to disable some effects to have a smooth Game experience (assuming we keep the 500MHz standard clocking)?
Wesnoth 1.9.3 is out now!
This is a development release, so it is likely to have some issues you would not expect in a stable series. Things are still in motion, many changes are happening and especially translations are incomplete since barely any translation team has started working on this new line. This is intentional since their work would be wasted otherwise if the stuff does still change further. So if you are using a translation of Wesnoth and see some English strings: this is no bug.

If you find any issues with this release, please report them at

Some things for you to keep in mind:
* 1.8.x saves are likely not to be compatible with 1.9.x games. This is no bug and you can install both, 1.8.x and 1.9.x in parallel to play them. Eg you will have by far more players on the multiplayer server for 1.8.x than you will find for 1.9.x. On the other hand 1.9.x does feature many great changes, especially seeing all the new terrain graphics in action is really lovely.
* The new download has more than 300MB.

In general Wesnoth is identical on your Pandora and on your normal desktop system. That means that you can of course move savegames between the two and stuff like this. The same applies for multiplayer games with Windows, OSX and Linux users. I hope that you will enjoy this new release.

Download Wesnoth 1.9.3-1
Ivanovic said:
Wesnoth 1.9.3 is out now!
This is a development release, so it is likely to have some issues you would not expect in a stable series. Things are still in motion, many changes are happening and especially translations are incomplete since barely any translation team has started working on this new line. This is intentional since their work would be wasted otherwise if the stuff does still change further. So if you are using a translation of Wesnoth and see some English strings: this is no bug.

If you find any issues with this release, please report them at

Some things for you to keep in mind:
* 1.8.x saves are likely not to be compatible with 1.9.x games. This is no bug and you can install both, 1.8.x and 1.9.x in parallel to play them. Eg you will have by far more players on the multiplayer server for 1.8.x than you will find for 1.9.x. On the other hand 1.9.x does feature many great changes, especially seeing all the new terrain graphics in action is really lovely.
* The new download has more than 300MB.

In general Wesnoth is identical on your Pandora and on your normal desktop system. That means that you can of course move savegames between the two and stuff like this. The same applies for multiplayer games with Windows, OSX and Linux users. I hope that you will enjoy this new release.

Download Wesnoth 1.9.3-1

A short comment regarding the most prominent changes with the pandora port:
* I have now added the html manual so that it does appear under "documentation" in the start menu. The Wesnoth manual was also updated to feature all recent hotkeys, including the "special" hotkeys for the Pandora version (cf below).
* I added some basic hotkey mapping to the gaming buttons:
- A - recruit
- Y - recall
- X - next unit
- B - undo
Since the gaming buttons are internally just working like home/end as well as page up/down, I had to remap two shortcuts that are whiteboard related. To see this stuff, have a look at the manual. You can also use the online manual.

fusion_power said:
Cool, can't wait to get my Pandora, Wesnoth will be one of the first things I plan to put on the Handheld. :)
I've heared that the last Version of Wesnoth has improved graphics and Animations that could make the Pandora sweat. Is the performance of the Port increased or do we have to disable some effects to have a smooth Game experience (assuming we keep the 500MHz standard clocking)?

From what I saw everything runs basically at full speed at default clockrate. Increasing the clockrate should reduce the time the AI requires for its turns, beside this it should not change too much.

fusion_power said:
THX again. :)
is there a date when the 1.9.x branch will be turn from development state to official stable release state?

No, there is no date for this yet. Planning what we should do how are still happening and far from final.
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Wesnoth 1.9.4 is out now!
This is a development release, so it is likely to have some issues you would not expect in a stable series. Things are still in motion, many changes are happening and especially translations are incomplete since barely any translation team has started working on this new line. This is intentional since their work would be wasted otherwise if the stuff does still change further. So if you are using a translation of Wesnoth and see some English strings: this is no bug.

If you find any issues with this release, please report them at

Some things for you to keep in mind:
* 1.8.x saves are likely not to be compatible with 1.9.x games. This is no bug and you can install both, 1.8.x and 1.9.x in parallel to play them. Eg you will have by far more players on the multiplayer server for 1.8.x than you will find for 1.9.x. On the other hand 1.9.x does feature many great changes, especially seeing all the new terrain graphics in action is really lovely.
* The new download has more than 300MB.

In general Wesnoth is identical on your Pandora and on your normal desktop system. That means that you can of course move savegames between the two and stuff like this. The same applies for multiplayer games with Windows, OSX and Linux users. I hope that you will enjoy this new release.

Download Wesnoth 1.9.4-1 (310.0MB)
Wesnoth 1.8.6 is out now!
This is a bugfixing release for the 1.8.x series. It fixes several outstanding bugs and updates many translations. The stable package is meant to be used as a stable and rather balanced version of the game. Each version of the 1.8 branch is compatible to each other. Version 1.8.6 is the latest stable version. This version is recommended for most players since the 1.8 online multiplayer community is very large and user-made campaign server has a robust content selection.

If you find any issues with this release, please report them at

Some things for you to keep in mind:
* Savegames from each 1.8.x version should be compatible with this release. Savegames from 1.9.x do not work though.
* I added the same button mapping for the gaming buttons that is already known from the 1.9.x series to this 1.8.x release, too. This is the new button mapping:
A - recruit
Y - recall
X - next unit
B - undo
In general Wesnoth is identical on your Pandora and on your normal desktop system. That means that you can of course move savegames between the two and stuff like this. The same applies for multiplayer games with Windows, OSX and Linux users. I hope that you will enjoy this new release.

Download Wesnoth 1.8.6-1 (289.3MB)
Wesnoth 1.8.x is also available via the OpenPandora Package Repository.

Wesnoth 1.9.6 is out now!
This is a development release, so it is likely to have some issues you would not expect in a stable series. Things are still in motion, many changes are happening and especially translations are incomplete since barely any translation team has started working on this new line. This is intentional since their work would be wasted otherwise if the stuff does still change further. So if you are using a translation of Wesnoth and see some English strings: this is no bug.

If you find any issues with this release, please report them at

Some things for you to keep in mind:
* 1.8.x saves are likely not to be compatible with 1.9.x games. This is no bug and you can install both, 1.8.x and 1.9.x in parallel to play them. Eg you will have by far more players on the multiplayer server for 1.8.x than you will find for 1.9.x. On the other hand 1.9.x does feature many great changes, especially seeing all the new terrain graphics in action is really lovely.
* The new download has more than 300MB.

In general Wesnoth is identical on your Pandora and on your normal desktop system. That means that you can of course move savegames between the two and stuff like this. The same applies for multiplayer games with Windows, OSX and Linux users. I hope that you will enjoy this new release.

Download Wesnoth 1.9.6-1 (310.1MB)
Wesnoth 1.9.x is also available via the OpenPandora Package Repository.
Finaly I've got my Pandora and Wesnoth was one of the first games I installed. I picked the brand new 1.9.6 release (thanks for that) and played a quick run through the tutorial, because I'm really rusted in Wesnoth playing. :) Besides the not complete translations in the dev release (of course) it runs great onto the Pandora. I still have to practise the controls I guess, haven't found out the best way to play the game yet, but good to have alot options in this. Does the game support the "right click" with the Stylus? couldn't activate this yet ingame but somehow it worked without right-click. Once I accidently pressed "P" and I was somehow in "planig mode" - no clue what this is but how can I leave this again? haven't found a way to make the text disappear except of reloading map.

A big thanks for the nice ingame Help, I love this and it is pretty rare those days to have a detailed ingame-help. Many Devs simply put a link to a Website in their games if you need detailed help but in Wesnoth I even can read everything offline, ingame AND in my language. :)