Global Components did it again :)

Where can one buy a Tee shirt also, with my first order I purchased a extra battery and a case, the case now belongs to my daughter with her NDSI and I bought a GPS case from case logic, as it fits the pandora much more comfortable

Hi, the upgrade money is on its way for my pre-order. (probably even arrived, now)

ED, would you be nice enough to make my 1GHz pandora the serial n° 248, if it's still available of course. And if you could slip a little 30th birthday note with it (24th August, why I would love the n°248 :P ) it would be awesome!

My order number is 4158 ;)
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So I consider my self a realist and that's why I am getting a 1ghz unit cause I find this to be a joke evildragon claims that all these snes games run full speed no skips or slow downs, I assure you I have my 1st run 512mb ram unit clocked to 800mhz with superzaxxon 1.5 beta 4 and everyone of them chug, can anyone else confirm this or am I nuts?
Which emulator are you using, what settings?

Most SNES games run flawlessly at 650 MHz even on the 256MB Pandora...
So I consider my self a realist and that's why I am getting a 1ghz unit cause I find this to be a joke evildragon claims that all these snes games run full speed no skips or slow downs, I assure you I have my 1st run 512mb ram unit clocked to 800mhz with superzaxxon 1.5 beta 4 and everyone of them chug, can anyone else confirm this or am I nuts?
What speed are your SD cards?
Which emulator are you using, what settings?

Most SNES games run flawlessly at 650 MHz even on the 256MB Pandora...

Just to confirm I have no problem with snes9x4p from the repo. I usually clock at 600-800 and I very rarely see slowdowns. I have an original 256MB pandora.
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I even tried to advertise the pandora at the end of one of my latest job interviews. 1st time a techy person immediately showed that he has absolutely no interest in it. Looked like an iVictim to me, the two questions he asked me he had to read off his iPad <.<
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So I consider my self a realist and that's why I am getting a 1ghz unit cause I find this to be a joke

evildragon claims that all these snes games run full speed no skips or slow downs, I assure you I have my 1st run 512mb ram unit clocked to 800mhz with superzaxxon 1.5 beta 4 and everyone of them chug, can anyone else confirm this or am I nuts?
Make sure you have HW scaling on.
I even tried to advertise the pandora at the end of one of my latest job interviews. 1st time a techy person immediately showed that he has absolutely no interest in it. Looked like an iVictim to me, the two questions he asked me he had to read off his iPad <.<
Pandora was used at my last job interview too - demoed the games I'd worked on, also games made with Penjin (Rainy Day, Greyout)

I don't think he'll get a Pandora, but I got the job at least...
Pandora was used at my last job interview too - demoed the games I'd worked on, also games made with Penjin (Rainy Day, Greyout)

I don't think he'll get a Pandora, but I got the job at least...
Wish I could say that I got it, too. There is not much demand for lowly IT grunts it seems. I'm still thinking about going back to university, but meh. Anyway, grats m8!
I'd orderd a Pandora same time back (2009/4/19)

Its Order Number is 627OJN1649 at Craigix Place.

Can anyone tell me about when I can expect my Pandora?

Also I'm confused what type of Pandora I will get 1000/600/256MHz

thanx for any answer in advance
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I'd orderd a Pandora same time back (2009/4/19)

Its Order Number is 627OJN1649 at Craigix Place.

Can anyone tell me about when I can expect my Pandora?

Also I'm confused what type of Pandora I will get 1000/600/256MHz

thanx for any answer in advance

You'll get a 600mhz pandora with 512MB (afaik all new builds have 512mb since they can't get 256mb boards anymore).

The 1Ghz pandora are a seperate upgrade :) . As for when... I'll leave that to someone else!
Can anyone tell me about when I can expect my Pandora?
as far as i can tell preorders around feb 2009 are currently being delivered.

your apr 2009 preorder shouldnt take too long any more.

Also I'm confused what type of Pandora I will get 1000/600/256MHz
if you didnt upgrade you will receive a "rebirth edition" unit, which basically is an original 600 MHz unit with doubled RAM.
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Thanx a lot for your answer. This is great news. how much is the upgrade for the 1000MHz?

Looking forward to get a answer an the ETA question.

Thanx a lot for your answer. This is great news. how much is the upgrade for the 1000MHz?

Looking forward to get a answer an the ETA question.

Np, I think the upgrade costs depending on how much you paid for your original unit. You ordered yours just before I ordered mine and my upgrade was about £250 if I recall.

You beat me on the post ;-)

Thanx a lot for your answer.

If we are talking "apr 2009 preorder shouldnt take too long any more" is this days, weeks or months?


And again I was beaten in a post replay ;-)

Thanx for your second answer
If we are talking "apr 2009 preorder shouldnt take too long any more" is this days, weeks or months?
basically production is up to full speed. so technically your unit could be produced right away. the problem is, that you preordered early enough to get your unit for very cheap money. producing your unit actually costs more than you paid for. thats why "premium pandoras" and a rather expensive "1GHZ testrun" were introduced: funding for preordered units.

to finally answer your question: production is kinda focused on 1 GHZ testruns right now. nontheless preorderes are being delivered simultaneously. if i had to give you a rough ETA, id rather go for months.

FYI: im in no way involved in unit production. this is just my personal estimation.
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