1GHz units, Classic units, repairs and TV-Out Cables (2012-08-24)


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Hiya and sorry again for the long overdue newspost.

As you probably know, I came back from the GamesCom last Sunday and haven't had a day off since sometimes before the GamesCom... and it seems I catched a light flu, so I'm a bit exhausted.

Nevertheless, things are moving and that's why I'm posting here :)

1. 1GHz units

I should've gotten the remaining 1GHz units this week - however, some bad incidence happened.

One of the machine operators working at Global Components had to go to the hospital Tuesday evening, as he was spitting blood... seems like some stomach bleedings.

The hospital is currently analyzing what it caused. Thank god it doesn't seem to be something major, as he's home already to relax a bit (they didn't keep him at the hospital).

As it's holiday season, the other two are on holidays right now... one of them far away. The other one helped out for a few hours, but most of the time, the machine stood still.

It looks like they're going full steam ahead again from Monday on, so we should hopefully see these units next week and be able to sell them from stock soon after.

All the best wishes to the Operator. GC has a really awesome team and I personally hope it's nothing serious.

They'll be coming for sure, as all issues have been resolved and they can now produce the 1GHz Pandoras without any issues.

2. Classic Units

Askarus has been here for the full week and has been testing classic (CC) PCBs, sorting them out.

We're getting preassembled (silver) cases next week from GC and will then put the Pandoras in our shop.

A lot of them can be fixed and will be fully working, though some have minor issues like non-working WiFi or USB.

We'll probably sell the fully working ones (in brand new cases) for about 250 - 300 EUR, the ones with smaller issues for an even lower price (price will depend on what's broken).

I'll also put the Shirts online soon.

So I'll have different units to offer next week with different price ranges. Should be a good thing for everyone :)

3. Repairs.

Askarus will also be here next week and work on the repairs I got here, so if you are waiting for your Pandora to be repaired, it should happen next week as well.

Thanks a lot to Askarus for the help :)

4. TV Out Cables

Link was nice enough to send me his cable and I gave it to GC.

They are now checking how much it would cost to produce this. They'll probably solder them manually (which is a fast thing with the TinyBob), as any other company has a minimum order quantity of at least 5000 - and they all have a leadtime of 14 weeks... soldering them manually here at GC will be faster and we won't have to take huge quantities.

As you can see, a lot of things are happening - the only downside right now is the slight delay with the 1GHz units, but it's no technical issue but a health issue. And health certainly is more important than a few days lost in PCB production.
Let's Keep our friends at Global Components in our thoughts, they seem to be one big happy family IMO.

Get some rest as well.

Thanks for the update!
Will the repaired units have 256 or 512 mb?

Edit: Best wishes for the ill human. Hope he gets well soon :)
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Will the repaired units have 256 or 512 mb?

Edit: Best wishes for the ill human. Hope he gets well soon :)
Global Components usually fixes their errors, so my guess is most of them will be CC not GC.

EDIT: :ph34r: via ED
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Tnx4 the update ED, good to hear you get some help on the repairs, looking forward to see my unit in one piece again :)
Well, you get what you sent here, if it's repairable.

Sorry was an unclear post of me. The classic CC units which are repaired / tested for 250 - 300€. Do they have 512 or 256MB of Ram?
Great stuff. Sounds like we're getting there - keep up the great work! I'm glad that EvilD is still managing to push things along!

I'm an old preorderer from Craig's store in the UK from November 2009, I've not upgraded. Just wondering how many old preorders there are remaining?

Any guess on the chances of receiving a Pandora before the end of the year?

I understand that old preorders are only being fulfilled as and when a new order comes in though.

Is there an upgrade price to go from an old preorder to a 1GHz Pandora?

What's the battery life like of a 1GHz Pandora compared to an older one?

Cheers, B
Well, you get what you sent here, if it's repairable.

Sorry was an unclear post of me. The classic CC units which are repaired / tested for 250 - 300€. Do they have 512 or 256MB of Ram?
CC Unit = 256 MB Ram

Is there an upgrade price to go from an old preorder to a 1GHz Pandora?

What's the battery life like of a 1GHz Pandora compared to an older one?

Cheers, B
see here, but contacting Craig shouldn't hurt either

Batterly life is roughly the same
Always is great to hear an update from ED. I enjoyed those even when thing were pretty bad. Now I understand that with full speed production other thins are priority but he still manages to keep us up to date.
Lol so the last of those with the 1Ghz test run waiting for deliveries will get them about the same week as people can order them from stock? So wish I ordered mine earlier :)

(the wait is torture - does anyone else wake up and check email in case you get the legendary "your order is in the post?")
I have the title of your future book: The pandora's curse. The machine operator should never work with this project :o

i'm joking of course... best wishes to him.
4. TV Out Cables

Link was nice enough to send me his cable and I gave it to GC.

They are now checking how much it would cost to produce this. They'll probably solder them manually (which is a fast thing with the TinyBob), as any other company has a minimum order quantity of at least 5000 - and they all have a leadtime of 14 weeks... soldering them manually here at GC will be faster and we won't have to take huge quantities.

Does it mean we can now officially order the tv-cables?
GC sound like an amazing company. Actually taking care of clients, even small ones? Unheard of, a thign of a bygone era. So cool :)
