Countdown To Production Unit Showcase 7 Day(S)

GizmoTheGreen said:
Well, bad news hare, and good news in real life, got a work interview tomorrow at 10 :)

Good luck :)
I am in the middle of writting applications and hope I get at least one interview this year :)
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MWeston said:
Sorry everyone,

I had to pull the countdown timer. I dared to be brave and got bit in the ass once again. :( Craig suggested I was crazy but there didn't seem to be anything else that could be screwed up at this point and I even factored in a couple extra days.

There was one part coming out of the molds messed up and they were to fix it, make new parts and ship everything tonight. Now, two more molds need the extra treatment and will take a few more days. I'm hoping they ship new parts this weekend but no more count downs. Unbelievable.
I thought the Factory needed so long time to make the Moulds perfect. How can such a thing actualy happen? But I hope the Moulds are OK because when they are able to ship a correct part it shouldn't be a problem. I really hope, the Factory Guys are Professionells and can easily deal with such problems. Any Pictures of the mess?
Again a delay, I still waiting for a acceleration during the Pandora-Development, ANY thing, that was FASTER at the end than expected, not slower. :D I can't remember but maybe there already was something that was going faster than expected.
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WizardStan said:
MWeston said:
There was one part coming out of the molds messed up and they were to fix it, make new parts and ship everything tonight. Now, two more molds need the extra treatment and will take a few more days. I'm hoping they ship new parts this weekend but no more count downs. Unbelievable.
This is actually really unprofessional of the moulding facility. I was under impression that the last month and a half delay was due to all the testing and tweaking they did so it would be perfect. But to be told "it's done" and then "oh wait, this part came out messed up" suggests that they didn't actually test at least one of the parts before saying it was complete.

I actually think that this is a sign of professionalism on the part of the molding facility. Yes, it has taken them longer than we originally thought it would, but I don't recall the team ever giving us a date that this should be finished by. My understanding was that the extra time being given to them was to do any front-end design tweaks that needed to be done so that making the molds could get underway faster then them evaluating it, and either sending it back to MWeston for the tweaks or worse doing the molds and then finding out that a lot needed to be re-worked. This, to me, shows that the molding company cares enough about their product to make sure that they are getting the job done right, and not just fudging it so that they can meet a delivery date. I'm not saying that I'm not upset about this, or that the molding company has been exceptionally speedy with this whole process, but I don't think that this is an instance where they are being unprofessional. Also, thanks MWeston for letting us know so quickly what the situation is.

That said, I'm turning blue holding my breath waiting for this thing! :wacko:
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fusion_power said:
Again a delay, I still waiting for a acceleration during the Pandora-Development, ANY thing, that was FASTER at the end than expected, not slower. :D I can't remember but maybe there already was something that was going faster than expected.
If it helps, some software N64 for starters :D
(Ps I except that he was working on the recompiler prior to us hearing about it!)

[quote name ='emil10001']
That said, I'm turning blue holding my breath waiting for this thing!

Oh my god man, don't do that breath dam it, breath!
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Creature XL said:
GizmoTheGreen said:
Well, bad news hare, and good news in real life, got a work interview tomorrow at 10 :)

Good luck :)
I am in the middle of writting applications and hope I get at least one interview this year :)

Hah, I have an interview in 8 minutes (on the phone)! Good luck to both of you! :D
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Bosbeetle said:

photos of the moulds
Interesting, very interesting, I wanted to see this for a long time. :) It looks like they spread out the Case in a wide variety over different moulds. The Top pf the Lid looks like the Mould produces 2 identical parts instead ot top and lower Part of the Lid. D-Pad and Action Buttons are done alone in a (huge) Mould. The (Copper)Mould of the Case itself looks a little bit rough but it also could be just the underside of the Top-Part of the Case.
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I dont blame the team but I honestly now can say I am most likely not going to have a pandora in my hand in 2009. Sucks that we are going to have to wait even longer. I just hope this is the last issue(but I doubt it the way the project has gone.)
relapse808 said:
I dont blame the team but I honestly now can say I am most likely not going to have a pandora in my hand in 2009. Sucks that we are going to have to wait even longer. I just hope this is the last issue(but I doubt it the way the project has gone.)
It's not that bad... they'll spend a few days fixing up those two moulds (which means they will probably be finished around the weekend or so) and MWeston will get the samples sometime next week.
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MWeston said:
Sorry everyone,

I had to pull the countdown timer. I dared to be brave and got bit in the ass once again. :( Craig suggested I was crazy but there didn't seem to be anything else that could be screwed up at this point and I even factored in a couple extra days.

There was one part coming out of the molds messed up and they were to fix it, make new parts and ship everything tonight. Now, two more molds need the extra treatment and will take a few more days. I'm hoping they ship new parts this weekend but no more count downs. Unbelievable.

Not your fault mate, its better to get it right and have delays than a sub-standard product rushed out
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I can't really see why you would not get you Pandora this year unless your local postal service is quite poor.

The cases are the last step and it's only the start of November.
craigix said:
I can't really see why you would not get you Pandora this year unless your local postal service is quite poor.

The cases are the last step and it's only the start of November.

how far are the boards from completion then?
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That's good news. :) Let's hope cases are ready on time to catch up to board production.