Could you maybe show some clips of the Pandora being used as the desktop and/or minimenu as well? browsing the web etc.?
Showing that it's not just a games machine
I feel James Rolfe could do a commercial like i've described justice... that is if I never get around to doing it.
I think the idea of smashing old systems is never a good thing(even if they already don't work). On the issue of who should play the "really amped up person", I suggest we conscript Matthew Lesko:Now that I've had more time to think about it this is my commercial:
You see, from chest down, a shot of a full grown man (most likely me) standing in front of his video game collection and hear a voice from the background "Honey it's time for school". Then he say's "Ok one second" and start trying to put as many cartridges in his pockets as he can. Exhausted and fed up he saved by some really amped up person pops into frame screaming facts about the Pandora.You continue to hear his rant and see lot of shots of cartridges and old systems being smashed with a basebat. The narrator will claim that system cures disease and increases sex appeal.
I feel James Rolfe could do a commercial like i've described justice... that is if I never get around to doing it.
That dude is getting old. I haven't seen him on his bike in months. But he still dresses in question marks.I think the idea of smashing old systems is never a good thing(even if they already don't work). On the issue of who should play the "really amped up person", I suggest we conscript Matthew Lesko:Now that I've had more time to think about it this is my commercial:
You see, from chest down, a shot of a full grown man (most likely me) standing in front of his video game collection and hear a voice from the background "Honey it's time for school". Then he say's "Ok one second" and start trying to put as many cartridges in his pockets as he can. Exhausted and fed up he saved by some really amped up person pops into frame screaming facts about the Pandora.You continue to hear his rant and see lot of shots of cartridges and old systems being smashed with a basebat. The narrator will claim that system cures disease and increases sex appeal.
I feel James Rolfe could do a commercial like i've described justice... that is if I never get around to doing it.