The commercial could start by showing all the various consoles, computers, handhelds, etc that the Pandora can emulate then smash them all into what becomes the Pandora!
hahaha - would love to but the video would potentially get pulled by a take down notice for trademark infringement.
I can mention it can emulate etc but can't show the consoles and smash them LOL would be awesome though. I know some ppl on the web have youtube videos of smashing consoles, but they get away with it because they aren't doing it to promote something directly ie. they are not using the brand they are smashing to add value to their product - they are just saying "this console is crap watch me smash it" - where as if i smash them into the pandora it's like saying "the pandora is cool because it's like all these consoles rolled into one" which is adding value through the use of other trademarks
Emulation is legal where i'm from - dumping ur own roms for backup is also legal from where i'm from. so all that stuff is cool and can be shown. this will be mentioned in style.
then will show the best looking home brew stuff - with permission from the authors - which i'm sure they will give.
since i am going for a review style i can show some popular games and talk about the ability to emulate etc but will have to research further to see if this is legally possible without getting pulled.
music i believe needs to be universal and just augment rather than add to the commercial. it also has to be legal.
no rap or metal or any niche music due to the potential to alienate some peeps.
something generic and punchy like the music i used in this promo i did a few weeks back for another project:
thanks guys. any more suggestions?