Beta Appstore Testing (Again)

LeChuck87 said:
errm... i made a 'few' comments on the overclocker app ;)

Looks like I need to add a 30 second timer, and a check for dupe comments.
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I was able to post blank comments

Edit: In the application and misc. sections I clicked on the filters at the top, but when I clicked on them to deactivate them they would not go "off" they stayed activated and orange. This does not happen in the emulators and games sections.

Edit2: On this page the filters at the top don't work at all
dflemstr said:
MarkoeZ said:
God Ginrai said:
What would we need to do? I'm interested in testing, but I don't want to take away a spot from someone else if it's something that I can't do.

-God Ginrai

Most people here, when they try something new, digitally, they just know what places to avoid because they could be buggy. Just go there and use it extensively :p otherwise just try each and every option there is and note if something does not do what you expected, and what you did just before that.
This, and also: try to *really* abuse the software as much as possible. Does the password field require a minimum password length? Input a 1000 character password. Does the image upload site allow for any image format? Upload a 500 MB SVG image filled with a huge amount of spaces (so that the file compresses while its being transfered) and see how long it takes for the server to run out of memory. Try to break all the rules, go in the exact opposite direction that is expected from you. The more ways you can change something, the better. Use tools to edit your web requests for more mayhem (try the following Firefox extensions: Tamper Data, Web Developer, FireBug). Etc. Most of all, be creative.
Yes testing is not proving code works... it is trying to prove that it doesn't.

Also I could test I guess.
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it's possible to vote down a program myself, like i did with wikipedia

And in the search results, the programs show grey stars meant for the rating, but not the rating itself
Some things I noticed, which are no crucial fixes, but should be easy to do:
  • You can comment with the default line in it
  • You can post an empty (whitespace'd) comment
  • You should check the e-mail for at least the @ and [dot] char to make sure it might at least be a mail address (and not some random crap)
  • The search just displays a blank page when nothing is found, a simple line "Found nothing!" would be more useful
I don't know how your plans are with the register page, but best thing would probably be to send a confirmation mail with a code to the entered mail address before one can use the account (as it's common practice).
Also it's no secured page, which makes me think twice before creating an account and transferring money to it (though you just might have that disabled for the beta testing).

Apart from this, it *looks* nice, can't wait to see it working and uploading my own games onto it.

foxblock out

  • Also you can search for an empty string
  • The search-results page is missing the small blue bar at the lower left corner and the line between the left-sided navigation buttons and the results region is a bit (one pixel) too wide
  • The maximum string length of the e-mail is also a bit short, so I can't use my abcdef...-mail
Screenshots seem to disappear when you click on the thumbnails. Sometimes they're there for a second or two then the page expands to show the comments and then they vanish.
Orion4874 said:
Screenshots seem to disappear when you click on the thumbnails. Sometimes they're there for a second or two then the page expands to show the comments and then they vanish.

This sounds like your browser is at fault, what are you using?
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Hooray for the stalker page. Here are a bunch of first-glance things I've noticed. Looks decent, though.

1) Applications/sub-sorts. I can't click to deactivate. This doesn't work in Misc, either, but does in Emulators/Games.
2) When downloading, can we get a link to the actual file somewhere? It's useful if I don't want to wait the three seconds, or I'm not in a browser that supports automatic redirecting (yay, lynx!), or has it turned off.
3) Link to request upload privelages isn't visible (it looks like all the surrounding text).
4) You should disallow the default comment from being posted.
5) When I rate an app, I don't like being taken away from the page. Is there a way to get the star-clicking to rate? It's also not clear if browsing away and back loses my rating, or if it just lets me re-rate it again.
6) I like the idea of the "top rated"/"popular"/"new" page (, but the filters don't work, and it doesn't show me anything. Also, how do I get to it without rating something?
7) Clicking the Pandora icon takes me to a page that has "Showing Pandora"/"Switch to -"/"Switch to -" what are '-'? The links also don't work.
8) clicking on "more" takes me to or, both of which give 404 errors.
9) When I haven't downloaded any apps yet, there should be a [none yet], like the [no new updates] for updates, otherwise the section merges with "Applications you've uploaded" and looks odd/confusing.
10) The search page doesn't show the ratings.
11) It would be great if we had options to sort the search results/listings by name/reverse/rating/downloads/whatever.
12) An empty search returns a blank page, no indication of lack of results.
13) Clicking on the Video/User VideoReviews tabs on the app pages doesn't highlight the appropriate tab, "Screenshot" stays "selected".
14) How/where do I change my account details? (Birthdate, location, etc). Otherwise, I'm not sure they should be there just yet.
15) I download apps, and the counter doesn't increase. :(
16) Marking comments as votedown is another 404. Should there be a voteup?

OK, I'll stop here. That's probably enough to start with. :)

Edit - links the browser was confusing with links the ref. Changed to lynx.
craigix said:
Orion4874 said:
Screenshots seem to disappear when you click on the thumbnails. Sometimes they're there for a second or two then the page expands to show the comments and then they vanish.

This sounds like your browser is at fault, what are you using?

I.E. unfortunately, new computer so I haven't installed much of anything on it yet. Maybe I should try Firefox?
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Mobile IE on the WPS 7 emulator renders the page wonkily, but I don't think that's too much of a problem. :p
- At the registration not only the password but also the email address should be entered twice
- After the login I'm at the "My Account" tab instead of the home tab (the one with the Pandora sign), I don't think it's obvious that the Pandora sign is indeed a button as it is the only one without text
- The "My Account" tab is the only one which doesn't get highlighted in orange like the others do (this would also avoid confusion after the login I guess)
- In the "Pandora"-sign tab on the top "Showing Pandora" is highlighted as if that was the current position on the site but if I click that button the view changes (top rated/most popular/new apps). Maybe just remove the highlighting? Frankly, I have no idea how this was supposed to work... Also the three buttons (top rated/most popular/new apps) don't change anything while clicking on "More" on the banners shows more, I guess those buttons should do the same?
- When clicking "New Uploads" 4 rows appear, stretching the menubar on the left to about 549 pixels height. I'm only pointing this out because you said you wanted the size to be optimized for the pandora (heigth 480?). :)
- I can post empty comments
- After downloading an app I would like a "back" button or something like that to get me back from where I came (yes I could use the browser's back but still...)
- Voting for an application moves away from the page; I would prefer staying where I was, just put the "thank you" message where the rating dropdown menu was. That would also prevent me from rating something as ofte as I want
- Once when voting I got "That's not a rating!" but I don't know how I did it...
- Clicking "User Video/Review" gives the same "There is currently no default video..." message as clicking "Video"; I would expect something like "there is no review, be the first one to write one!" or something like that
- Also, after clicking the video or review button the tab on the top is still highlighted for "Screenshot" instead of for one of the other two tabs, even if there actually is a video/review.
- If nothing is entered into the search field an empty result is returned. I'd expect something like "you must at least enter x characters for searching".
- On the same note, I would recommend limiting the search function to at least two characters (even though I hate thos restrictions myself) as long as you don't have a really good DB. One character searches can really slow stuff, be it intentional (DOS attack) or just a lot of users/apps. Also maybe restrict the search function to once every n seconds just to stop someone from spamming 1 character searches...
- Searching for "(" or ")" returns an empty result but "Quake (ioQuake)" exists. If you don't want special characters at least put up an error message when searching for them. :)
- I just noticed the top tabs on "emulators", "games", "applications" and "misc" are filters which toggle between "Only show..." and "Click to deactivate" -> deactivating only works for "emulators" and "applications" and not for the latter two
- Also, this toggle behaviour is different from the top tabs of the "pandora"-sign tab (well ok, those tabs at the top don't work at all, I guess they will also be toggles?) which is kinda confusing...

Ok that's it for now.

By the way, I like the store! Nice look and feel so far, I'll surely use it when it's done.

- Emnasut

Edit: Oi, Ninja'ed by a *lot* of people :/
- There is no delay between login tries, someone could easily brute force the login this way...
Videos might probebly be in an open format (like theora or whatever)
Download count doesn't work.
Vote doesnt work
Just a note to say the site will never work right on IE because I don't have IE and have no interest in supporting it.

After all, the site is designed to be used on the Pandora (or other portable devices, like the iphone or Nokia series).
The CSS colours are still messed up in Midori (installed from the Angstrom repository)
As soon as I figure out how to install Aurora without breaking anything else (Aurora is in the Angstrom unstable branch) I'll give that a try.
nerach said:
After a vote, we should stay on the page instead of going back to the main page

Yep a few people have asked for that so I'll do it.
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Usernames are apparently case-sensitive (I registered "Craig" to test this). Probably best to add a check for this to avoid confusion.

It would be nice to have a way to view larger screenshots too - perhaps make them link to a larger version.
Tom` said:
Usernames are apparently case-sensitive (I registered "Craig" to test this). Probably best to add a check for this to avoid confusion.

It would be nice to have a way to view larger screenshots too - perhaps make them link to a larger version.

I've fixed the usernames to all be lower case now. For the best.
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