Two bugs I ran in to today:
1) Cannot mount PNDs in subdirectories with a space
I keep my PNDs in directories like /pandora/menu/Console Emulators/. This worked fine in HF4, but in HF5 you get the following error when trying to run the PNDs.
sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ -m -p /media/PANDORA_SD1/pandora/menu/Console Emulators//colem-1.1.0.pnd -e -b colem
ERROR: selected PND(/media/PANDORA_SD1/pandora/menu/Console) file does not exist!
Usage: -p your.pnd -e executeable [-a "(arguments)"] [ -s "cd to folder inside pnd"] [-b UID (name of mountpoint/pandora/appdata)] [-x close x before launching(script needs to be started with nohup for this to work]
Usage for mounting/umounting -p your.pnd -b uid -m or -u
The Union File-system is not mounted !
Removing the space in the directory name worked around the problem.
2) Random mount errors, requiring reboot
After using the Pandora for an extended period of time, it would get to the point where no PNDs would mount properly. This is the error:
sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ -m -p /usr/pandora/mmenu//thunar.pnd -e -b mmenuthunar
not mounted on loop yet, doing so
Filetype is Squashfs
Mounting PND (mount -t squashfs) :
/dev/loop0 on /mnt/pnd/mmenuthunar type squashfs (ro)
Filesystem is
Mounting the Union FS using //pandora/appdata/mmenuthunar as Write directory:
none on /mnt/utmp/mmenuthunar type aufs (rw,si=64c29077)
none on /mnt/utmp/mmenuthunar type aufs (rw,si=64c29077)
Rebooting the Pandora resolved this error.