A few Colors and Packages (with a poll!)

Which packaging would you prefer?

  • The smaller one (with the battery below the Pyra)

    Votes: 282 94.3%
  • The bigger one (with the battery and the Pyra at the same level)

    Votes: 17 5.7%

  • Total voters

Unfortunately it's even worse, if I read the chip errata[1] correctly: "i859: SATA 6-Gbps to 3-Gbps Negotiation Can Fail". Which means you can run in trouble, when you try to use 6Gpbs devices on your Pyras eSATA port. However I don't expect many use cases are touched by this.


I was actually excited to use this port :(

Uh, why would >2A be required? USB spec doesn't even allow >2A... you need USB-C for that, and Pyra doesn't have USB-C. But more importantly, I would hope idle power draw is well under even 500mA so a normal USB port can charge i
While USB doesn't officially support >2A, it's easy to get even 3A power supplies. And I agree, 2A already seems a lot and I, too, hope idle draw is much lower. There was a video by Trashy a while ago about the energy draw of the devboard (the display will probably use a lot of power, too), though that's of course still with a beta version of the OS that wasn't yet optimised for low idle power draw. And here's an older video if you need it.
Uh, why would >2A be required? USB spec doesn't even allow >2A... you need USB-C for that, and Pyra doesn't have USB-C. But more importantly, I would hope idle power draw is well under even 500mA so a normal USB port can charge it.
Actually the USB Battery Charging Specification version 1.2 allows for up to 5a/25w over normal USB. the USB C power delivery spec allows 100w
The only reason why something like this isn't included in the first place is Nintendo's patent trolling.
There's no patent on multi-stage hinge locks. Anyone could commission to have them made.
Nintendo is doing absolutely nothing amoral, or even immoral here. The only reason it's not included is because this particular design belongs to Nintendo; the moulds and blanks for making them are theirs. ED could have had one designed from scratch but that adds no small amount of overhead.
I'm planning to hack in a camera (hopefully hns added the CSI solder pads..), so I could use a second "defective colour" case.

Uh, why would >2A be required? USB spec doesn't even allow >2A... you need USB-C for that, and Pyra doesn't have USB-C. But more importantly, I would hope idle power draw is well under even 500mA so a normal USB port can charge it.
The pandora charges slow enough on 5v/2A, and the pyra will be much, much worse regarding power consumption, and it got a bigger battery. A phone charger (which are usually in the neighbourhood of 5v/1.3A) might not even be enough to power the thing at full load, meaning you could even drain the battery while it's connected to the charger...
I'm surprised the smaller box is winning! I was thinking that the form of the larger box would make it more "presentable" and be less crammed in.
I guess people are thinking the smaller box would make postage cheaper? *shrugs*
No one needs to see the battery when they open the box. If the Pyra had some kind of special accessory (dunno, some specially built camera, a separate wireless controller, or else) then the big packaging would make sense regarding presentation of the contents. But if it's just the device itself, why bother with a huge box? I don't know how big the manual will be, but I doubt that it needs more space than the smaller box can provide.
I'm surprised the smaller box is winning! I was thinking that the form of the larger box would make it more "presentable" and be less crammed in.
I guess people are thinking the smaller box would make postage cheaper? *shrugs*

Hmmm, I think you can say the small box has won. Now for the next poll, let's see, shall it be the shade of white to be used for the box - perhaps Bone , Egg Shell or even Pale Nimbus. Or shall it be what font to use :p

I'm surprised the smaller box is winning! I was thinking that the form of the larger box would make it more "presentable" and be less crammed in.
I guess people are thinking the smaller box would make postage cheaper? *shrugs*
I actually think the smaller box is looking better and represents the mobile aspect of the Pyra more. The bigger one just looks flashy for no apparent reason, that doesn't fit the design choises of the device itself as I think it is primarily useful and at best secondarily good looking. That's by the way also why I like XFCE better as the standard GUI than, for example, KDE.

I like the book better, but that scene is ingenious. The sweat on his forehead when he sees the final business card xD
Actually, one of them still is a combo port:
The blue one which looks like a USB 3.0 port can't support USB 3.0 with the current SoC, the OMAP5432. Instead, the extra lines the port has are used to give eSATA capabilities, but because USB 2.0/eSATA combo ports are not produced anymore, this had to be used as a solution. It sadly still needs an proprietary adapter to be used as a eSATA port, and this adapter has all the hardware on it to translate the signal so the SoC understands it. But it is full speed, though I don't know by which SATA standard. The good thing about this proprietary mess: If there ever is a new SoC that supports the USB 3.0 port, it can be used as one in the future.
Afaik, the adapter isn't proprietary, it is custom. It also doesn't have any kind of logic.
This may be a stupid question and completely derailing the thread, but:
What's the difference? I seriously don't know.
Mostly a patent and royalties for others who want to use their standard. That adapter will most likely be open sourced like the rest of the Pyra.
ED's business plan requires that he sell at least 3000 Pyras in order to be able to pay off his debts. If I was ED I'd be looking to place the Pyra with as many retailers as would take it. (once production is stable that is) Redesigning the box for retailers later would represent additional costs that can be avoided if the box is designed correctly to begin with.

Great point. I will mention it next time I am in the places that sell old games/consoles. Both are used book stores, one is part of a chain, the other is a single location small business that is quite popular. The small business has other modern retro gaming hardware for sale.
I've never understood why people make those!
What's the point?

For all I care the Pyra could/should come in an uncolored recycling box and that's it, everything else is a waste of ressources/time/energy.
I don't really like unbound videos either (waste of my time usually) but sometimes they have useful info regarding stuff that isn't in official info. I would still prefer a "first day review" discussing initial reaction, showing the thing off, and talking about quality, capability, and other things that those that are interested might want to see.

Plus, I really dislike Apple devices constantly advertising their Apple to everyone else, so I really don't see why we need to have that on the Pyra...
I agree, although I feel different about my free advertising for certain things. I normally don't buy things with visible logos, or cover them up (even on my Lenovo ThinkPad). I am more comfortable advertising for a small business that delivers a quality product and does things in a way I agree with, and ED falls into that category.

Anyway, if you really hate the logo plate it is easier to get rid of than on an Apple product. Make a replacement plate (several of us have already been considering that) and remove the old one using a mouse:P or a knife.
Played lot whit my Pandora, and the only Case somewhone Ask about it was on a Unimog Gathering in Gaggenau..
Whit lots of Mobile Devices out in the World, i think Pyra want take much attention..
mybe most peaple think its a DS
I have had a few people all about my Pandora, and I am not really a social or public person. Perhaps it is because most of these people knew me a little. All except for one were scared off by the price (so now would be a good time for them to check it out again) and the one that didn't mind the price was far more interested in the Pyra for himself and his son. Now I suspect he would go for the Win, since he isn't a Linux person.
I'm visiting Greece again in 1,5 weeks, just booked the flight.
Should hopefully be the last time to finalize the cases :)
It feels like they didn't much onto the Molds since your first visit? Still not finished, still tweaking? Do they only have 5 Minutes per day? Even a busy company should try to finish a certain job as soon as possible. Molds take long but really that long? I couldn't stand this if I would be you, I would call them every day and make "fire under their butts". Competitors are on the way (GPD WIN) so the Pyra must be out as soon as possible, no time to waste.
-Just my Opinion- no offense.