Release Vice C64 Emulator 2.3.23

Just a quick question : Is this how the fullscreen mode should look like, or can I go even more fullscreen ?

[image removed]

do I have to update to SZ 1.52 in order to get the fullscreen ?
BTW: I have another problem : the game u see in the screenshot is "soulless" and before the game starts I can set a few options ( unlimited live, ..) and I have to select thos options with curser up and curser down .. the problem is that I can only go up in the list and not down again .
Do I have to change the keymapping or what ?

edit.: ah.. updated to 1.52 and now I get the fulscreen ;) .. but I still have the problem that the cursor down doesn't work.

edit.: I have another problem : it's mayhem in mosterland : ( this only happens when I'm in fullscreen )

edit.: I figured out that for cursord down u have to press select and up on the d-pad. But the scrolling issue is still there. I also get it when I play
CJ's Elephant Artic
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Yeah that's a bug

I've encountered a similar issue when creating a snapshot, and I can't type in a filename - is that the same bug?

the enter key works fine though and Vice just creates a ".vsf" snapshot file in the folder I selected to save it
I tired turrican and in that game I was not able to use cursor down with select and up..

BTW: I couldn't fix the scrolling issue for mayhem in monsterland.
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I think ive seen that scrolling issue before, can you delete the appdata and try again with default settings?

I think it only happens when I turn off the boarders ( I'l try to delete the appdata later today). But what about cursor down ? How do I configure that ?
I deleted the appdatabut the scrolling issue when "no borders" is activated is  still there.It also happens with those games :    CJ's Elephant Antics, Commando . Another problem is, that I don't know how to press the * button with the keyboard.. I can only get it with the virtual one. Is there a combination for the * ? ( I already tried every button with and without the shift key. )
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Second time I write this. Lost my first text. So I will do it in short-form.

- workaround for "*" -> select virtual keyboard, move to "*", press "m" to start remapping and choose a key to map to. Though it's a hard choice were you want to map it too, because modifiers like shift or Fn are not dealt as modifiers, but as keys directly.

-  saving keymaps and hotkeys does not work. might be related to this problem:'>Link to a cdevtools-thread. Might be a different problem though.

- "/mnt/utmp/vice/.vice/sdl-vicerc" lists some files like "HotkeyFile="/mnt/utmp/vice/.vice/sdl-hotkey-C64.vkm", which are not provided with the pnd. Might this be an issue?

- looking at "/tmp/pndrun_vice.out" shows some errors and that a keymap is loaded from "/mnt/utmp/vice/lib/vice/C64/sdl_sym.vkm". In theory it might help to get keys like "*" going if you manually edit it. But although a short description is shown at the beginning of the file, it might be some work to find out the correct keycodes. I didn't try anything so far.
That are some strange issues altogether.

I just tried "Commando" and in runs fullscreen (except for the tiny black bars that Pickle mentioned) without scrolling issues.

I tried to switch video-filters in xfce at Start->Settings->LCD-Settings and also tried if the issue occurs from minimenu, but none of this shows the problem.

Also I tried "Turrican" and it seems to play fine. Dpad-Down makes the character crouch. Or what do you need "cursor down" for in that game? In any case pressing Select-Up isn't a real alternative. So we should try to find a fix there too.

What filesystem uses the sdcard that you store the pnd of vice on?
Something basic about the cursor-keys: In Vice the dpad is AFAIK by default configured as joystick, not as cursor-keys. At least in my configuration it's configured like that. I can't recall if I set that up myself. In any way: If a game needs the cursor-keys, then you have to go to the settings and deactivate the joystick. After that the dpad should work as cursor-keys without further changes.
Further note: You can configure shortkeys for setting-changes as well with the "m"-key while being in the menu:

As an example for quickly changing the dpad-configuration:

- press "start" to get to the menu
- go to "Machine settings"->"Joystick Settings"->"Joystick device in port 2"
- move to "Keyset 1" (just move, do not select it) and press "m". Then choose a shortkey for that setting. For example "Ctrl+j"
- move to "None" and press "m" again. Now select a different shortkey like "Ctrl+k"
- leave the menu and use ctrl+j and ctrl+k to quickly switch between the dpad configured as joystick-port2 and cursor-keys.


You can also press "m" a little bit earlier when you moved to "Machine settings"->"Joystick Settings"->"Joystick device in port 2". If you then press "m" and configure a shortkey, then pressing that shortkey will come up with the menu for selecting the joystick-mode instead.
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Oh, I didn't know that I have to deactivate the joystick ^^ ( I only had the cursor down problem in some crack menus, not the actual games.)

But I just cant figure out why I have the scrolling issue. Btw.: Most games do run fullscreen without any problems... it's just a few like commando, mayhem in monsterland and CJ's elephant.

Here's a video so u know how it looks ( I also tried different image files )

Commando :

Mayhem in Mosterland :
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I am still curious: What filesystem uses the sdcard that you store the pnd (and so the apddata-folder) of vice on?

This might be a wrong guess of mine (I consider it unlikely), but I at least want to exclude all doubts that this is being caused by the same bug in the pnd-mount-system that appears sometimes with certain pnds that are located on fat32-cards.

Other steps I would try myself are:

- be sure that the vice-pnd is not mounted. verify that there is no /mnt/utmp/vice-directory and no /mnt/pnd/vice-link left. Then delete the appdata-folder at /media/<sdcard>/pandora/appdata/vice/ (although you did that already).

- run the pnd and while the emulator is running press the Pandora-button, open a terminal and take a look at the output of "ls -l /mnt/utmp/vice/". All files should be owned by your user (and the "users"-group).

- close the terminal (to be sure you are not accessing the directory anymore) and switch back to the emulator and quit it

- open a new terminal and look at the output of the pnd-log: "less /tmp/pndrun_vice.out". (scroll up and down with dpad and use q to quit). Anything suspicious there? There are a few errors for me too starting with "MPS-803", "NL10", "SDLKeyboard". These should be unrelated to the scrolling issue.

- be sure that you are not overclocking your Pandora (while testing)

- check the md5sum of the vice-pnd in a terminal by running "md5sum <path_to_vice_pnd/vice.pnd". For me the result is "b5a4efc5c2f2781172d101c4f0ab561e  /media/trans8/pandora/menu/vice.pnd". This should tell you if we are using the same version of the pnd.

I can't think of anything else right now. But the above is at least a start to get info if everything is correct so far.
Maybe something else to check that you don't have an old vice-pnd lying around on your sdcard somewhere:

- open a terminal and run "sudo su -" (enter userpassword)

- run "updatedb" and wait until it finishes.

- run the following including the quotes: locate -i "*vice*pnd"

You should only be left with one single file in the output.
It works now :) I deleted the appdata folder ( again ) and nothing.... but after deleting the folder again ( 3 times in total ) it works... don't know why...but I'm happy now :)

thx for your help