Update VICE 3.2 SDL1 and SDL2

VICE devs told me that SDL1 version didn't have Vsync.

Vsync is present in SDL2 version, that i would upload soon, but SDL2 keyboard map for OpenPandora does not recognize @, ? and : chars.

The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this fixed, please report this to the SDL mailing list <sdl@libsdl.org> X11 KeyCode 198 (190), X11 KeySym 0x40 (at).
The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this fixed, please report this to the SDL mailing list <sdl@libsdl.org> X11 KeyCode 222 (214), X11 KeySym 0x3F (question).
The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this fixed, please report this to the SDL mailing list <sdl@libsdl.org> X11 KeyCode 199 (191), X11 KeySym 0x3A (colon).

And performance is 5% to 9% worse, so CRT filter is not an option, maybe with overclock it could be better.
Hm, then probably Pickle has added that to his Vice version. I think the sourcecode is somewhere available.
But, to my knowledge, there is no SDL_SCANCODE_ for those characters... What code should I put ?

Looking at SDL_scancode.h inside SDL2 include folder i found this:

311    SDL_SCANCODE_KP_AT = 206,

The only reference i have found for question char is on SDL_keycode.h

86    SDLK_QUESTION = '?',
- Latest beta release. See Changelog.
- Forgot to add keyboard maps...
- Updated sources.
- Latest beta release. See NEWS.
- Updated default configuration for new menu options.
Do you know as to what 'NEWS' refers? I was unable to find anything in this thread matching that description, and the only thing on the website matching it dates to 2012.
- After four years of development and 33 betas, the latest stable VICE version is here!! XD
- Updated default configuration for all computers on new release. Backup and delete appdata/vice-svn recommended.
- Updated sources and compile script included.

See NEWS for more info on new features and fixes:
Rating on the repo, or your feedback is welcome too, ;)

Enjoy, and xmas to everyone.
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Downloading now. Already have it running on my pc, I think it's awesome!
I always try to rate and comment but PND Manager is often giving me a hard time and does not update

PS. Repo info of 3.0 is still from 2.4.32
Interesting if pyra's keyboard will skip characters when typing fast. The wiki says "some keyboards".
Even on my PC with Linux the emu skips characters when typing fast.

Too much layers between the hardware and the emu, even with distros like Combian 64 V2.1 or Amiberry 2.1 on Raspberry Pi.
- Latest stable release.
- Updated default config, libs (latest gl4es release,etc) and sources.


SDL2 version works much better, 89%-100% speed at 50fps, at least with 320x200 resolution.
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