Nice pictures, thanks for sharing.
Do you mind if I use some of them to update my presentation ?
Just for curious, there is a package/box in last few pictures, does it come from China as there are sinograms on it?.. here are all the pics I took while you did that ..
Ok thanks !Not at all .. go for it. I posted all of them in case they'd be useful to the community .. as ED would say, "We are Open!" ..
EvilDragon mentioned in the last Newspost, that the Keymats are beeing produzed in china, as the Companie in Vienna dotnt got the machines to make they in bigger quantitiesJust for curious, there is a package/box in last few pictures, does it come from China as there are sinograms on it?
Oh, yes, that's keymats' package.EvilDragon mentioned in the last Newspost, that the Keymats are beeing produzed in china, as the Companie in Vienna dotnt got the machines to make they in bigger quantities
Oh, you got to see a Pyra prototype and The Blue Pandora. Lucky!Hey, EvilDragon, that was a very great beer and a wonderful time spent with you during your trip to Vienna!
Seeing you assemble a Pyra prototype in the Metalab whateverlab space was a true victory for this Pyra-lovin' hippy. As promised, here are all the pics I took while you did that .. I won't add comments, but rather let everyone else just see the story as it went down .. truly a classic moment:
My Pandora isn't something special
[...] ED's Pandora is the closest we have to a celebrity Pandora. is there like a super rare pandora out there anywhere? Like one that has components no other ones have?