Fusion_Power: I did the most generic standard layout. The US/UK one. the " <>| " is standard ISO 105-key. Everything else is as stock as possible.
ED: Pressing a single F-key is just ◆+F4, so its two keys instead of one. What i thought you asked is how to press for example close window, (the double keypress) Alt+F4 Which is Alt+◆+F4 (3 keypresses)
So just add a ◆ and it is functionally as if the F-row was its own set of keys.
◆ isnt encumbered with anything, so its just a standard metakey remap. Same as alt+tab on a pandora, except ◆ isnt also used for other things.
I dont know if something like tab+ins+del is possible on the pandora, nor do i really know any commands where it becomes an issue, but we stay clear of that.
Having delete and esc on backspace i dont know that works with a sufficiently complex combo.
Edit: WB: backslash as implemented here is the 0+2 key shift that is `. another reason other than the 'coding cluster' it makes sense to have it close to /, which is shift 7 If you have a 105key you have a <>| key
See the
bottom left key on german layout
~ and corresponding dead key diacritics confuses me greatly, because I don't see why anyone would put tilda as a straight character when it is a compose key in some layouts.
Similarly ` i dont see much use for even though its not a compose key.
We cannot assume anything about AltGr alternates, especially on €, because it seems to change with every layout. Not marking them, even _if_ everyone had the same, is something i prefer.
That difference between our layouts is a major one. If a language has diacritics, it will likely be via aforementioned compose key on p+2. If it needs special chars, they will be on p+1 and l+2, mostly.
The exception is that some languages need 1 key, and you cover nearly everything with 4. Be it with dedicated accented chars, special letters, or ^-compose. This removes the reason to put diactrics all over
the rest of the laytout. Unless of course you want all of them, which is a very special interest, one that users of the different languages largely are very uninterested in, and especially if you take away any
of their keys. (Meaning the P+2 and L+2)