Wb: with a full keyboard, you can safely avoid any non-standard way of typing diactrics. While i do appreciate the 2-label effort, it just gets so much worse when it means the rest of the keyboard has to be filled with non-standard punctuation. We dont have to do that now, as was done on the pandora, because this time there are enough keys. Hacking in stuff at such a basic level makes it look like there are far fewer keys than is actually the case.
Orz: Games can capture all xinput if they want and make their own decisions if they so please. On the other hand (heh) having altGR and other things on shoulders make a lot of sense. Moreso than not being able to type € in a game, actually the opposite is true by default, but lets say it isnt. Is it a typing game that needs shoulder buttons, im not seeing the issue fully. Not being able to alt+tab out of a game is an issue. But i would rather duplicate them on start select and pyrabutton
as wb does, rather than have to take typing keys to do it. Because
even if you do so you run out before you can fit it all in. Because this is 64, and not 105.
The top row of toggles is very useful, because its a functionally easy way to do it, and it saves battery. Reason to shorten the spacebar to space is because it isn't centered in the middle of the keyboard, so bar is just to be recognisable, you could say the same about enter. It provides an extra key. Getting 105 down to 64 cant be done while not making any compromises, also the visual nature of having an unsymmetrical key is debatable. But compared to other options, space not being a bar is an easy choice, and a logical one.
A german ü belongs on ü for germans, and not on the visual keyboardlayout of for example english people. My layout fixes that, same reason what i said to wb is true: A full keyboard means full input for international users, and standard input for English and american ones. We aren't trying to only almost fix german for germans, we have to take into account everyone else too.
Askarus: No, "we" dont need a compose key, again because if there is a full keyboard, the people that need a compose-key, have a compose key. In the standard spot for them, rather than in a nonstandard spot for everyone. I dont know if you mean centering the key print on the key. But if you mean sabers layout is centered, then you are misguided. It is only centered on a 64 key board, which is the arbitration to a 105-key that we are trying to get away from. With respect to a full keyboard, it is all off-center by one key, and it puts a full keyboard not only on enter, but outside of the layout.
Everyone: Shifting (heh) motorical attention from right (enter) to left ( , and .) for _every sentence_ is failing at keyboard basics. You are adding grave insult to injury when you cant even comma and space on the same side.
Having shift on the left at all, is either a waste of a key, or slightly the same thing. Because enter is to the right, and shift begins with the left. On a 10-finger keyboard you can shift with left and start typing half the letters with the same hand. On a 2 thumb keyboard, it works if the first letter is A. Therefore, since this is a mobile keyboard:
shift upwards to capitalize does make sense if you think about it. Similarly the most oft-used combo is now a triangle, that helps the heatmap. (breakdown of frequency things are used/ and (unnecessary) movement)
it is a semi 3+ layout, but not a hard limit, so its semi-4+ Enter and shift could be swapped to make it a +3 only but hacks required +4. But then again you would need shift on shoulders with 4
Or make tab shift, but then you are failing at making an effective keyboard. "comma-space" "dot-enter-shift" These are the combos you do _all_ the time. (An alternative is auto-capitalizing after a sentence, to that i say no,nononon no-no-no no, but it sounds like it works. Software we use isnt made that way, and there are times where one doesnt want that)