SONY PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)

@ Wrath

Haha, no lol. :D



2011.12.17 ~ 2011.12.23
your vitas dead already.Damn sony best clean this mess up.
Faulty units happen, especially with early runs. For Sony's (the company) sake I hope that Sony's (the user) problems are just minor kinks and not indicative of a design flaw.

It's looking promising, as the L.E.D. light finally stopped flashing, meaning the battery is completely flat, so half an hour ago I chucked it on charge and the charging light has actually come on.

In about 3 hours, I'll attempt to turn it on. Will keep you posted. :smile:
Good to see the resurrection and I LOL'd at the fact that on another forum, a member is saying " SONY if I may ask, what do you do for a living?" Classic :)

If you hadn't already put wheeler dealering, I'd of told them to remember that pic of you in the Bra and then pointed them to your Exclusive pay per view site :lol:
Let me get this straight... the PS Vita isn't unreasonably priced as a unit, but in order to actually use it to its full potential I need to drop ~£100 for an acceptable amount of storage?


I'm probably going to buy one anyway, I'm rubbish at sticking to my principles... but wtf Sony? WHY! WHY! Your proprietary format rape of customers needs to stop!

Micro-SD to stupid-sony-memory-card adaptor in 3-2-1...
Really awesome news, all!!!! B)

Awesome! Glad it wasn't permanently broken. Sounds like something they can fix with a software update. :)

EDIT: I've been meaning to ask: How are the nubs/joysticks? Do they have a decent amount of travel?

Let me get this straight... the PS Vita isn't unreasonably priced as a unit, but in order to actually use it to its full potential I need to drop ~£100 for an acceptable amount of storage?


I'm probably going to buy one anyway, I'm rubbish at sticking to my principles... but wtf Sony? WHY! WHY! Your proprietary format rape of customers needs to stop!

Micro-SD to stupid-sony-memory-card adaptor in 3-2-1...

Good point about the Micro-SD-to-stupid-format adaptor, I hadn't thought of that... My only concern is they said they were using their own format for some security reason. I wonder if we'll even see adaptors. :\
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Is Sony the only community member to get a Vita? No opinions on the hardware/games?

Just some first day thoughts would be cool, I'm not looking for 2 page reviews(unless you would like to). Worth the import pricing? Is it as cool as it looks? Do you see not touching your 3DS or Pandora for a few weeks?

for some security reason. I wonder if we'll even see adaptors. :\

Wow... I guess it must have escaped them what the S in SD stands for... face, meet palm.

I imagine the security reason is something along the lines of: So people can't publish games or software without going through us. But isn't that what software signing is for! Or it's probably for their financial security, HA!

Doesn't really matter, anyway, the hacking/homebrew community will inevitably bypass any security measure of any kind.

I see that a 16gb card is listed at about £45 at GAME, with 32GB nowhere to be found- probably due to the astronomical price. I could probably stomach that cost. With any luck my journo-fu will get me some free software to fill it with. I'll certainly be looking to do PS Vita game reviews.
Vita games aren't hacked yet though.

Anyway, I can't stress enough to everyone that PS Vita is the greatest, most amazing hand-held console ever created.

It has blown me away and exceeded all my expectations.

10 outta 10, overall is not even close to explaining the awesome power of PS Vita.
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