SONY PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)

Prices for the PS vita memory cards have been released and they are a shockingly expensive as expected.

If I'm right in thinking that the PS Vita no on board flash memory then these prices are nothing short of idiotic, even by Sony price gouging standards.

Bet that you'll be able to buy a 3DS more or less for the price of a 32 GB card when they're available in the UK.
I was really looking forward to the Vita, and I finally thought Sony was on the right track, but the memory card prices are just nuts.

I kind of understand the need for there own new format, but the cost is just counter productive to the overall scheme of things.

The 3DS is looking a lot better now that the price has dropped, and some killer games have arrived. Plus Nintendo GIVES you a 2GB card out of the box. How the hell can you charge so much for a system, and you still need to pay more to use it properly. This is just wrong!

For all the kind words I have spoken about Sony now being on the right track after the PSP, Sadly I think they are now derailing this project from the start. I'm sure within 6 months, they will be hurting just like Nintendo was.

We are living in differant times now, which they will soon realize. The least they could do is included a 2GB card to get you going out of the gate. All this does is make ios, android, and the 3ds look more inviting to the masses. VERY BAD MOVE SONY! :(

I'm not even going to consider getting the Vita untill at least a year after it's released. Perhaps pricing structures will have altered by then... OR... they will be about to release a new slimmer version of the Vita that comes with built in storage... or something like that.
I'm not even going to consider getting the Vita untill at least a year after it's released. Perhaps pricing structures will have altered by then... OR... they will be about to release a new slimmer version of the Vita that comes with built in storage... or something like that.
There are a lot of consumers who will be taking this exact course of action. Although Nintendo has not announced a model change yet, Sony will for sure make changes several times within the Vita's life cycle, as this is what they do(I have no doubts).

I will still get the Vita, as it is still a good value for the price, but I am in the minority for sure. Many will wait for a differant model, or a price drop. If Sony runs into the same kinds of problems that Nintendo did, they really don't have a lot of choices to help drum up business. They could drop the price, but I would imagine they are already loosing a good amount on every unit sold. So I'm sure they don't want to do that until cost come down, but just like with the PS3, if the market dictates it, they may not have a choice.

I personally love handheld gaming, as I have finished more portable games in recent years than any console games over the last 20 years. For many though, handheld gaming is just about a quick play on the go, and this is why ios and android are doing so well. The Vita is well priced for hardware, but the games are still 40+, and along with memory that is included free with most new handheld devices, this just looks like an uphill battle for Sony. I hope I'm wrong though.

Maybe the games, aong with proper controls will win some over, but the world is just changing, and Sony just doesn't get it(I thought they did, but I guess not).

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I look forward to your launch game reviews, and system hardware. I'll have to live thru you and others until feb 22.

Yeah am waiting till feburary too. The vita is more my style than 3ds really. and Yep do a review if you have time sony man.
the worst part, the guy went mental on me when he found out I own a couple of 3DS', while he has a MASSIVE GameCube, and I guess PS Vita's as well now. Also, it's a little easier to own this stuff when you're not 16...
^ I want apologize again for that. Twas weird of me to be all up in your face about that.

I look forward to your launch game reviews, and system hardware. I'll have to live thru you and others until feb 22.

No worries, long as you don't mind crappy reviews. Example below.

Yeah am waiting till feburary too. The vita is more my style than 3ds really. and Yep do a review if you have time sony man.
As long as you don't mind crappy reviews. Example below.

1. All of them.

2. Two of each size.

How the Christ are you able to pay for everything?
sony how the hell do you find the money to keep buying loads of stuff? I wanna know your secret so I can do the same.
According to German website Heise, they seem to have quite some issues.

Units freeze regularly (which is a no-go for a gaming machine... that's why I quite playing games on my PC 15 years ago!), USB charging seems to not always work and the touchscreen also stops working sometimes...

Sounds like a beta release :)

700,000 units have been produced and 320,000 have been bought so far...