That's interesting - I have found it to be very playable (probably at least 40-50fps) except for when water is visible and then it slows down to the 15-20fps mark. I don't know if that is just an inefficiency in the game, or perhaps a weak spot in the GPU/driver/gl4es.
I'm still getting pretty chug-chug type game play with relatively low fps. I fiddled with it a bit more this morning. I am getting a few warnings in the terminal that I launch it from.
[WARNING] /build/supertux-IXAzsJ/supertux-0.6.0/src/video/video_system.cpp:52 Error creating GLVideoSystem-330core, using GLVideoSystem-20 fallback: shader/shader330.frag: Shader compile failed: Compile failed.
ERROR: 0:14: 'shader in & out declarations' : requires language version 130
ERROR: main() function is missing.
ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated.
/build/ri3wsegl-pyra-0.5/dri3_ws.c:843: WSEGL_SwapControlInterval: WSEGL_SwapControlInterval
/build/dri3wsegl-pyra-0.5/dri3_ws.c:843: WSEGL_SwapControlInterval: WSEGL_SwapControlInterval 1
[WARNING] /build/supertuxx-IXAzsJ/supertux-0.6.0/src/supertux/sector.cpp:221 [levels/misc/menu.stl] Tried spawning Tux in solid matter. Compensating.
LIBGL: Shuting down
I was running:
supertux2 --show-fps -g 640x360
The idea was to cut down on the rendering to see if I could boost speed. It used the bottom left 1/4 of the screen - apparently there isn't scaling up to full screen for 1/4 resolution yet. This improved things a bit - but not as much as I'd hoped for. Maybe I'm getting less out of the CPU on my prototype than you are on your production unit? Not sure.
I suspect that there is still something not quite the same between your build and mine - which is okay. I don't want to distract you further. This was a solid proof of concept and we did find a few minor bugs along the way.
Thank you for your help!