Pyra first Run Wizard


I am a banana!
Jan 31, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Hey Folks,

I've just refreshed my Pyra devboard with the new Kernel 4.3 image provided by aTc (although some troubleshooting was needed and we're now online!) and purchased a Elgato Game Capture HD device so I can capture output via HDMI.

Figured a first test of this device would be to post a video of the first boot wizard for everyone to enjoy. 

You can watch said video @ ( I was unable to get embedding working.. Fun)
Suggestions for stereamlining wizard:



Configure the Pyra to suit your needs.

[Begin]  [Shut down]


Your full name:

[John Doe]                          #grayed out



Your username.


[OK]       [Back]



[             ]

[OK]      [Back]


Confirm passphrase:

[             ]

[OK]       [Back]


Name your Pyra:

[aaaAAA123- no spaces]

[OK]       [Back]


Enable firewall that allows ssh-traffic, blocking everything else.

[Yes]   [No firewall] [Back ]


Keyboard configuration:                                         # guessing it will change a lot for installing on an actual Pyra.


No clicking done. A [Finish] box on the last panel of keyboard configuration suffices.

A progress bar and maybe combining the first two, or username/password into one panel might also be good.

I think the "yes/OK" option is always on the left, looked strange seeing it on the right anyhow.

You could do the uBoot when you have a capture device (?) That would be a nice place to have a small easter egg or some interesting tidbit maybe?
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1st screen should announce/state/introduce the package you're 'communicating' with and where it is running from.  This gives the user the information they would need to make the decision of whether to configure or exit.

Welcome to the PyraOS Version 0.01a (whatever) first time installation use configuration tool.

This installation configuration is executing from and will set up the installation on (internal eMMC, internal microSD, Left SD, Right SD, USB 3.0 OTG, Left USB 2.0, Right USB 2.0).

Installation configuration is estimated to consume the next 90 seconds.  Please do not power off, place the unit in stand by or remove the media during this process.
The first-run-wizard in the current image is just a placeholder until the real one is done. Half of it is just a copy/paste of the pandora one, and the other half is using dpkg-reconfigure.

Unfortunately I haven't seen much progress on the first-run-wizard that B-ZaR and Christoph.Krn are doing.
Those firewall settings are only for incoming traffic.

You can just about ignore everything you see there, since it should all be replaced by a more polished version for the first release.

It's all just the most basic versions of the steps a first-run-wizard needs to do.  And half the stuff isn't even in there yet, like selecting the debian mirror, or setting up home dir encryption.

Things like the language selection, which just dumps a huge list of possible settings on the screen, is something that would never end up in the final version in that way.
The first-run-wizard in the current image is just a placeholder until the real one is done. Half of it is just a copy/paste of the pandora one, and the other half is using dpkg-reconfigure.

Unfortunately I haven't seen much progress on the first-run-wizard that B-ZaR and Christoph.Krn are doing.

I need more hours in each day. The basic UI system designed by Christoph.Krn is set up and doing stuff, but there's still quite a bit to do in implementing each phase. If someone wants to set up a pyra-debian environment and work on some shell scripts for interacting with the system in a specific way I'll gladly accept the help.