Release Pcsx-Rearmed

Yes this game wants the same on my real playstation, it wants that only one memory card is inserted :(
i now thats realy weird, but it wants that. only on the pc emulator epsxe it can run when you start the
emulator with " epsxe.exe -nomemcard " . without "-nomemcard" the game do the same on epsxe like the
pandora with pcsx-rearmed :"Please remove one of the Memory Cards" :huh:

greetings. shao
I suspect that PCSX always reports two memcards, even if it can't actually create the corresponding files. In that case you'd need to change the corresponding bit in PCSX itself to allow for only one memcard.
Are EPSXE savestates not the same as PCSX (on the PC/Pandora)? If it's a simple memory snapshot it creates,, you could savestate on EPSXE on the PC after it gets passed the "2 card checking" stage, try copying and renaming it approprialtely for PCSX on the pandora and load it to get past the check.

Really sorry the idea of changing permissions didn't work - still at least we know it's not working now! Eliminating things that don't work is often useful even if it's frustrating.

I suspect the game asks for there to be only 1 memory card in as some kind of protection against people using the second memory slot for a cheat card or something.

One thing that has worked for me that might be worth mentioning (though sorry, it won't work here unless you can use the savestate from EPSXE) is how I got GTA London working. The version I have would crash before the intro logo started, by turning off dynamic recompiling I was able to get to the logo screen and make a savestate - then turning dynarec back on it runs at full speed. Now to start the game I just load the CD img and load my savestate which takes me to the title screen cutting out the need for messing about with the dynamic recompiler setting (which really slows stuff down, but is useful for situations like this). Hope that is clear enough...
Hello, i found another PC Emulator for testing this.

On my PC i made 2 savestats, the first savestate is made with " ePSXe " ,
and the second one is made with the Emulator " pSX " (which is also able to start without Memory Cards).
I've tried this with no luck, the Savestats are not compatible :( .

The only different of both PC Emulators is "pSX" can handle emulating one Memory Card and the other one
can be ejected and "ePSXe" can only do this when both Memory Cards are deactivated.
maybe this is something that should be dealt with by the PCSX devs (since it's an issue that is not just Pandora-specific)... I'd also check forums and mailing lists revolving around PCSX as you can't possibly be the only person in the world playing this game on any variation of PCSX... of course, you very well could be the only person in the world, but the likelihood is SOOOOOO slim... :P
Tobal No.1 segfaults the emulator after showing the "Sony presents" screen whilst "Now Loading" is displayed. :huh: (EDIT: Just a bug in the PCSX4ALL gfx plugin as it seems)
Schnatterplatsch said:
Tobal No.1 segfaults the emulator after showing the "Sony presents" screen whilst "Now Loading" is displayed. :huh:

Did you try turning off dynarec? If not try READING my previous post, it might help.
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Now, it works with the builtin plugin. I used the pcsx4all before. :)
Still, too slow. Or am I suddenly that good in fighting games?
once you get past the seg fault point, savestate and try another plugin to see if you get better performance... if you find one, backup that save state and use it whenever you wish to play that game... sometimes you have to "rig" games like that to get them playable at decent speeds... :)
Has anyone gotten Threads of Fate working properly I seen Evil Dragon said it was running perfectly and it does for me up until Rue goes to check on the animals it just keeps showing him taking steps forward. :huh:
--- /tmp/new_dynarec.c	2011-06-07 01:25:05.525736007 +0300
+++ r4300/new_dynarec/new_dynarec.c	2011-01-28 04:59:33.000000000 +0200
@@ -9185,8 +9185,8 @@
       // Don't need stuff which is overwritten
-      if(regs[i].regmap[hr]!=regmap_pre[i][hr]) nr&=~(1<<hr);
-      if(regs[i].regmap[hr]<0) nr&=~(1<<hr);
+      //if(regs[i].regmap[hr]!=regmap_pre[i][hr]) nr&=~(1<<hr);
+      //if(regs[i].regmap[hr]<0) nr&=~(1<<hr);
       // Merge in delay slot
gcc is telling me this code is reading above array bounds, and from what it looks like it's right, so I commented it out.
What did you have in mind here?
Hey Notaz,

Worlds Scariest Police Chase does some weird stuff (freezes at loading screen and at random places in game when dynarec is off)
#1 GameMaster said:
Has anyone gotten Threads of Fate working properly I seen Evil Dragon said it was running perfectly and it does for me up until Rue goes to check on the animals it just keeps showing him taking steps forward. :huh:
A savestate would help (made shortly before this happens)

wally said:
Worlds Scariest Police Chase does some weird stuff (freezes at loading screen and at random places in game when dynarec is off)
added to my list (as all other reports before you)

I'll be merging latest PCSX-Reloaded and PCSX4ALL developments for the next release, some of the problems reported have been dealt with there.
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notaz said:
#1 GameMaster said:
Has anyone gotten Threads of Fate working properly I seen Evil Dragon said it was running perfectly and it does for me up until Rue goes to check on the animals it just keeps showing him taking steps forward. :huh:
A savestate would help (made shortly before this happens)
Here are two save states the first(Save state 0) one is little before the spot but the second(Save state 9) one is right before all you need to do is hit x. Hope this helps out. The reason I included the first one is so you can see how smooth the game play is which is weird to me that it gets stuck there. :huh:

Let me know how it works out for you or if there's a way to fix it.
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Greetings and salutations, members of the gp32x forum

I was directed here by a member of the pandora boards regarding an issue with the psx emulator I have recently installed on my pandora console. I have stocked an SD card with around half a dozen roms of various formats, .iso and .bin. The problem lies in the fact that when I try to open these games, I get a message reading something along the lines of "Unrecognised CD Image" as I am returned back to the main menu.

Only one of the roms I have added actually works and that is Rayman, althought I can't progress any further through the game because it is impossible to use the crawl motion with Pandora's conrols, but that is a different problem for another day.

I have hobbled together a video illustrating my problem. Sorry for the irritating breathing noises and jittery movements, it proved more difficult to film with my camera phone than I had initially anticipated.

On second thought, forget the video, it only depicts me trying and failing to start various roms, plus I don't know how to successfully upload a .3gp file anyway.

Thank you in advance for any help you may be willing to give.

- On a side note, my picodrive completely refuses to work at all.
mrhappy said:
Greetings and salutations, members of the gp32x forum

I was directed here by a member of the pandora boards regarding an issue with the psx emulator I have recently installed on my pandora console. I have stocked an SD card with around half a dozen roms of various formats, .iso and .bin. The problem lies in the fact that when I try to open these games, I get a message reading something along the lines of "Unrecognised CD Image" as I am returned back to the main menu.

Only one of the roms I have added actually works and that is Rayman, althought I can't progress any further through the game because it is impossible to use the crawl motion with Pandora's conrols, but that is a different problem for another day.

I have hobbled together a video illustrating my problem. Sorry for the irritating breathing noises and jittery movements, it proved more difficult to film with my camera phone than I had initially anticipated.

On second thought, forget the video, it only depicts me trying and failing to start various roms, plus I don't know how to successfully upload a .3gp file anyway.

Thank you in advance for any help you may be willing to give.

- On a side note, my picodrive completely refuses to work at all.

If the crawl motions are triggered in that game by either the L2 and R2 Buttons those are defaulted to the Q and P buttons on the keyboard respectively. Your images should be .bin/.cue to work effectively, for me anyway. I initially had problems with a few of them (would start to launch then freeze). For those, disabling the dynarec in options/advanced options/ fixed the problems, albiet at the cost of reduced speed which was unnoticed by me.(examples: Legend of Cage:Soulreaver/Einhander)

On the Picodrive front. This emu has worked a treat for me from day one. Let me suggest simply reinstalling it by erasing the appdata for it and then reinitialising the Pnd from wherever you placed it (mmenu/menu/apps) and make sure your roms are in the appdata folder created(appdata/picodrive/mds). This worked just fine for me:)

For alot of emus figuring out what goes where, and the control schemes can be troubling, but not insurmountable. Check out this extremely useful .pdf pack from Yoshi, an extremely helpful forum member:,0,0,0,5,404

Hope this is helpful:) And welcome to the forums!
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Morpheus384 said:
If the crawl motions are triggered in that game by either the L2 and R2 Buttons those are defaulted to the Q and P buttons on the keyboard respectively. Your images should be .bin/.cue to work effectively, for me anyway. I initially had problems with a few of them (would start to launch then freeze). For those, disabling the dynarec in options/advanced options/ fixed the problems, albiet at the cost of reduced speed which was unnoticed by me.(examples: Legend of Cage:Soulreaver/Einhander)

On the Picodrive front. This emu has worked a treat for me from day one. Let me suggest simply reinstalling it by erasing the appdata for it and then reinitialising the Pnd from wherever you placed it (mmenu/menu/apps) and make sure your roms are in the appdata folder created(appdata/picodrive/mds). This worked just fine for me:)

For alot of emus figuring out what goes where, and the control schemes can be troubling, but not insurmountable. Check out this extremely useful .pdf pack from Yoshi, an extremely helpful forum member:,0,0,0,5,404

Hope this is helpful:) And welcome to the forums!

No that is not the reason, crawling is impossible because it recquires you hold both the down and the left arrows on the pandora directional pad, which the console doesn't seem to like.

I tried that to no avail, I think that the problem lies in my file structure; please bare in mind that my understanding of technology is of almost Neo-Luddite levels.

I've taken a few pictures to better document the file layout and hopefully give you a better understandnig as to what the problem is.

This is my desktop:

This is where my emulators are stored:

This is the message I get upon starting the emulator:

These are the contents of my SD card:

And this is my rom folder:

This is what happens when I tried to select the hightlighted rom, or indeed any other:

I hope this can be of some assistance. As for the picodrive, I get absolutely no response when I try to start it, it just acts as if I have not tried to open the program at all.
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I think part of the problem may stem from the fact that I can't use my pandora with my computer, when I plug it into the USB it does not recognise it.
mrhappy said:
I think part of the problem may stem from the fact that I can't use my pandora with my computer, when I plug it into the USB it does not recognise it.

Are you using the "SD Mass Storage" utility on the Pandora? Without it, your computer will see nothing (though it will charge the unit over USB).

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