Release PCSX ReARMed release thread

My Medievil 1 works fine, the sequel hangs at the same point as everyone else's! I'd not tried it before as I intended to play through the original again first!! ;)

Spyro2: Gateway to Glimmer/Ripto's Rage

Spyro3: Year of the Dragon

They're not playable with R11. Spyro constantly falls through the ground and dies.

R10 has no problem. I tested both (R10 and R11) some minutes ago.

Please fix it.

(I don't own Spyro 1 so I can't tell you whether it works or not)
I made a video if you want me to upload it to youtube I can
That would be nice, there is lack of videos showcasing later versions on youtube.

^ Thanks muchly!
Hey, have you read my PM at gp32x?

Vandal Hearts still has graphic glitches and kicks back out to desktop trying to get to battle 3 with R11.
How far into the game is that? Also if you are using savestates, it could have saved some badness there that keeps causing the crash.


Spyro2: Gateway to Glimmer/Ripto's Rage

Spyro3: Year of the Dragon

They're not playable with R11. Spyro constantly falls through the ground and dies.

R10 has no problem. I tested both (R10 and R11) some minutes ago.

Please fix it.

(I don't own Spyro 1 so I can't tell you whether it works or not)
Yeah it's known, use r10 for Spyro for now..
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That would be nice, there is lack of videos showcasing later versions on youtube.

Already uploaded 4 videos show casing r11 on youtube search "open pandora running XXX" will be adding more games soon!

Doing the same with mupen64, have 10 videos I need to upload.

I hope to have 2-5 minute videos showing intro's and some gameplay (i do have the hold the camera) for all the popular n64 and psx games soon. That way people can see for themselves instead of reading reviews with subjective opinions on how games run.
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That would be nice, there is lack of videos showcasing later versions on youtube.

Already uploaded 4 videos show casing r11 on youtube search "open pandora running XXX" will be adding more games soon!

Doing the same with mupen64, have 10 videos I need to upload.

I hope to have 2-5 minute videos showing intro's and some gameplay (i do have the hold the camera) for all the popular n64 and psx games soon. That way people can see for themselves instead of reading reviews with subjective opinions on how games run.
Thank you gotwake24. This was very cordial of you to do.

Cheers then!!
Hey, have you read my PM at gp32x?
Me? I don't seem to have any at the moment. :blink: (Unless you mean an older one, in which case oops, because I cleared my inbox a few weeks ago...
Yeah I was replying to the same old conversation, could be a bug in that old version of IP.Board gp32x is still running.

Well I was asking you to retest your Tron Bonne version again, there have been quite some changes in that area in r10-r11.
Hah, I was wondering if it was that. Yes, there is a bug in that version of the forum software, such that if one person deletes a conversation but the other doesn't, the other participant can still send replies, and get no indication that they're not arriving at the other end. Fantastic, no? :lol:

I can test that right now, if that's of any help. :P

EDIT: Ok, I've tested it. Only one issue remains: It still sticks before, during, or after certain dialogues (it will always happen at the same times - for example, the Servbots yelling "Yay!" in the first dialogue, the game sticking before "Mission Start!" appears, after the first line when Glyde is introducing himself, and so on), though as ever that's solved with a very rapid toggle of the "SPU IRQ Always On" option from the Advanced menu.

It's exactly the same whether run as PAL or NTSC, now, which is a difference from R10, where NTSC brought it to behaving like this, but PAL was worse.

I bet you hate the PAL version of this game, right about now, huh? :lol:
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When I'm testing, I always go cleanly from the start. Never from save states, or loading from the memory card.
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Hi guys. I don't have a pandora but I've been using this on my N900 and I have to thank Notaz for all his hard work. And of course to Bonapart for porting it to maemo. Some users on have been testing games and posting their framerates. Just a suggestion but maybe we should start collaborating towards a compatibility list that could be useful to both pandora and N900 users. They have basically the same hardware so I guess it would be possible to do without observing too much disparity in performance between the two platforms?
They have basically the same hardware so I guess it would be possible to do without observing too much disparity in performance between the two platforms?
Compatibility should be the same, but from what I've seen in youtube videos N900 version is much slower because of very slow framebuffer access on maemo/gtk. There are multiple user-editable compatibility lists, but they often get trashed because someone decides it's "fun" to mess them up, this one seems to be latest one:
They have basically the same hardware so I guess it would be possible to do without observing too much disparity in performance between the two platforms?
Compatibility should be the same, but from what I've seen in youtube videos N900 version is much slower because of very slow framebuffer access on maemo/gtk. There are multiple user-editable compatibility lists, but they often get trashed because someone decides it's "fun" to mess them up, this one seems to be latest one:


Well I wouldn't know if it runs slower or not, not owning a Pandora, of course. Yet, they're very much playable, so thanks for all the hard work. Most games I tried run at 25-30 fps @ 1ghz. I did some videos a while ago with older versions. They're here if anyone wants to check them out.
cbin, found it on the boards somewhere, with a gui by rickku2000

I think i found a bug with Lego Racers the game music loops the first half second and the game crashes after about 30 minutes of playing.