thank you, i've tried it with xfe and it works nicely to change
the premissions for the directory "memcards"
i've set it to read only.
at first i have deleted the file "" and after that i set
the premission for the directory to read only, then i started pcsx-rearmed to show if
the emulator is able to creat a new memcard file, now pcsx-rearmed is not able to creat
a new second memory card ,there are still only the first card in the directory ,but
when i start the game "lifeforce tenka" it still shows me the screen with:
"please remove one of the memory cards"
tried this also with deleting all two memory cards and set the premissions to read only,
but it doesn't work for the game. the emulator still thinks there are two memory cards inserted
Very sad, but thank you all for the nice help to try out this