Release PCSX ReARMed, with a new GPU

Just testing again (was working good also with r11) Nascar Rumble and its amazing...only can't save to memcards the lap records

nevermind (just use bios file and save to memcards work ... :rolleyes: )
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Thanks notaz & Exophase for this fantastic christmas gift!!!

Edit: Donation completed... Thanks guys!

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- emulator crashed while playing tekken3

- when starting Gran Turismo 2 screens not showing then fails to start game

- crashed while loading Driver

doh just re-read OP, above all clocked at 800mhz, i should lower clock?

yep just clocked to 600 mhz all fine and dandy now!


nope getting problems, when i set global clock to 600 Gran Turismo 2 loadsokay but then when starting race everything slows down and emulator crashes?

edit 4/

driver seems to run fine now but GT2 still crashing when starting a race - it loads up fine

This is really bad and disappointing.

Other thing can't select scph2001 you can't see it bios/plugins.
Awesome !

Many, many, many thanks to notaz and Exophase ! :wub:

Used to play Crash Team Racing at 800MHz for only 35/40 fps a long time ago (r8 ...), then r11 jumped at constant 50fps.

Now it seems it only needs a bit of overclocking, 700MHz is fine to have CTR full speed (well, 50fps is the max I can get).

But there's a thing that bothers me : the bottom part of the image is cut, for example I can't see the entire minimap of the name of a race when you're about to start it, your position in the race etc. I don't remember having this issue in the previous releases (I jumped from r8 to r11).
Awesome !

already compiled for maemo; it's so cool & fast;

p.s. hangs at spiderman2 load screen

persona 2:ep - character names didn't show in battle
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Awesome !

Many, many, many thanks to notaz and Exophase ! :wub:

Used to play Crash Team Racing at 800MHz for only 35/40 fps a long time ago (r8 ...), then r11 jumped at constant 50fps.

Now it seems it only needs a bit of overclocking, 700MHz is fine to have CTR full speed (well, 50fps is the max I can get).

But there's a thing that bothers me : the bottom part of the image is cut, for example I can't see the entire minimap of the name of a race when you're about to start it, your position in the race etc. I don't remember having this issue in the previous releases (I jumped from r8 to r11).

I think there is a custom scaler thing, you can manually setup the screen and remove the cuttoff,
This new GPU is really the have your cake and eat too addition. Thanks to Exophase, Notaz, and Ari for the work and also for doing it for free.

Keep that GPU closed so none of those others that shall not be named can sell it for their own benefit >:-)

I also have seen the GT2 issues, everything else fast and flawless. FF1&2,7,8,MOH.
This new GPU is really the have your cake and eat too addition. Thanks to Exophase, Notaz, and Ari for the work and also for doing it for free.

Keep that GPU closed so none of those others that shall not be named can sell it for their own benefit >:-)

I also have seen the GT2 issues, everything else fast and flawless. FF1&2,7,8,MOH.

It's not closed source:;a=tree

I encourage anyone who likes hard to read NEON code to dig through it. plugins/gpu_neon/psx_gpu (particularly psx_gpu_arm_neon.S)
Thanks notaz & Exophase for this fantastic christmas gift!!!

Edit: Donation completed... Thanks guys!


¿Can someone give me a link where I can send a donation to both Notaz and Exophase for their amazing work?. :)

you're also bad and disappointing, be positive once in your life, try the games you love and provide proper feedback!
Of course i'm positive,i wanted to play tekken 3 now that crashes in previous version it worked great but now we got this new version and not working,in a way the emulator just got worse for some games but most games run full speed and in options/bios plugins, i can't select my bios but can only see HLE only.
Sweet- finally fixes the issue in Lunar where it didn't draw selections when doing things like loading/saving games. Great work guys.
The Pro Pinball games: The Web, Timeshock, Big Race USA & Fantastic Journey are now stuck on the loading screen.. they did run in previous builds but with the repeating ball graphical glitch.
The Pro Pinball games: The Web, Timeshock, Big Race USA & Fantastic Journey are now stuck on the loading screen.. they did run in previous builds but with the repeating ball graphical glitch.

Testing pinball games is the ultimate method to see how well an emulator performs. Every small glitch is noticeable. It is the 1st release with the new GPU though, so I am sure Notaz and Exo will improve it further.
Ive tried around 30 games and all work great exept for these 3 that have some bugs:

- Ridge Racer Type 4 - has sound effects but no music, not in the intro, not during gameplay.

- Tekken 3 - works worderfully, but once I beat the final boss and saw the ending of Paul Phenix, the screen turned black and stayed like that.

- DoDonpachi - the game starts well, I see the intro and even choose the spaceship, but then it stays in the loading screen forever

Some bugs that need fixing in those games, but the percentage of 100% working games is fantastic :lol: , and at 600mhz :D , dont know what kind of magic trick Notaz and Exophase pulled out of the hat, but its totally impressive. :o

Thanks guys. :lol:
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This new GPU is really the have your cake and eat too addition. Thanks to Exophase, Notaz, and Ari for the work and also for doing it for free.

Keep that GPU closed so none of those others that shall not be named can sell it for their own benefit >:-)

It's not closed source:

Thank you for doing that, I do hope you get credit though if others try to sell it like whats happened in the past.
The Pro Pinball games: The Web, Timeshock, Big Race USA & Fantastic Journey are now stuck on the loading screen.. they did run in previous builds but with the repeating ball graphical glitch.

Testing pinball games is the ultimate method to see how well an emulator performs. Every small glitch is noticeable. It is the 1st release with the new GPU though, so I am sure Notaz and Exo will improve it further.

Yeah, i know.. i'm really hoping that Notaz & Exophase are able to fix the issues with these games, as in my humble opinion they are THE definitive pinball games & absolutely essential if you have even the slightest interest in pinball (or even if you haven't).. plus i don't think they are currently supported in the different builds of Dosbox & Ex..
Awesome, great work! Gran Tursimo runs great!

Need for Speed II does not run at all anymore.

I hope one day you implement widescreen rendering.