Release Pcsx-Rearmed

Larry Hastings said:
#1 GameMaster said:
Any one tried playing Spyro Ripto's Rage yet because I tried it the other day and noticed that in the opening video that as soon as Ripto shows up it starts repeating "trying to keep something" but the video continues playing. I was just wondering if anybody else was having the same problem or if they found a way to fix it. My settings are BIOS scph1001 and psx4all GPU.
Yes, the audio for cutscenes and long conversations with NPCs on Spyro 2 and 3 is glitchy. (Don't remember if it's glitchy in Spyro 1 too, but it wouldn't surprise me.) Best to just skip it--personally this doesn't impact my enjoyment of the game, I always skip the audio and cutscenes anyway.

I'm pleased to confirm that r9 fixes the Spyro 1 rising air currents graphics glitch! Should make Beast Masters World much more pleasant to play. :) And it does seem a little faster. Jumping Flash and Speed Punks (Speed Freaks in the UK) in particular are much more playable now and don't need fiddling with the frameskip.

Also, everybody, in case you hadn't noticed: one of the screen scalers is "integer 4:3". I don't know when that showed up, but I definitely saw a speed improvement! With that, and overclocked to 800mhz, I rarely see slowdowns--for the most part Spyro 3 now plays really really smoothly. The integer scaler includes a slight drop in visual quality, but it's minor and well worth it for me.
After I read that about the audio I tested a couple other games that have long conversations and a couple of them act up too, such as Discworld which is compatible with ScummVM at least. Games like Spyro don't bug me to much but for games more like Discworld it's kind of hard to catch some things if the sound cuts out in some conversations.
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just curious... does anyone here know about this:

I just found out about it today (officially), but I think it's a great idea... would probably be even better as a wiki page for!
Howdy Notaz, many thanks for all your great work so far, but.. (be honest, you knew one was coming)

Is there any chance you could fix the Pro Pinball games: The Web, Big Race USA, Fantastic Journey & Timeshock.

The balls move way too fast & leave visible trails of themselves that obscure the playfields and the dot matrix displays are also a bit screwy, is there a particular setting or something you need to have enabled/disabled in order to fix this.. or are they just unsupported games at the moment..?

I just got my Pandora back a little bit ago, just started messing with this new release. It's awesome! Thanks Notaz!
Front mission 3 was slow and now runs near perfect.
I was even able to run an english patched front mission 2.

Great stuff! :D
Has had a rather hectic time lately, and haven't been able to try R9 until today, when I found that Tekken 3 is now eminently playable at a modest 800 with just a little frame drops at the most hectic (and that is without me fiddling about with graphics plugins or anything to see what is fastest). Wonderful!
Custom Processing Unlimite said:
just curious... does anyone here know about this:

I just found out about it today (officially), but I think it's a great idea... would probably be even better as a wiki page for!

Yeah that was the original list that many worked on back in this threads early days. It ended up trashed at one point and is probably pretty out of date now. Craigix wasn't too keen on it anyway, as he felt there were more unplayable titles than smooth ones, so it gave the Pandora a bad name. In reality notaz emu is frickin awesome and runs pretty much everything very well. The addition of touchscreen guncon and getting games like Tron Bonne to run, which no other emus can, is additional magic imhho.

Moxie said:
Has had a rather hectic time lately, and haven't been able to try R9 until today, when I found that Tekken 3 is now eminently playable at a modest 800 with just a little frame drops at the most hectic (and that is without me fiddling about with graphics plugins or anything to see what is fastest). Wonderful!

How did you find Tekken 3 under r6? I personally found it smoother with less frame drops, which gives a somewhat jerkiness to it. Regardless its true that r9 has made it run fast at a lower OC though and its pure awesome to have it in a portable form running so smoothly.

Here's a video I made comparing r9 and r6 and I'll probably make some of the guncon games soon.

@ notaz, thankyou for solving and implementing touchscreen guncon support as its pretty sweet :)
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Chaser said:
How did you find Tekken 3 under r6? I personally found it smoother with less frame drops, which gives a somewhat jerkiness to it. Regardless its true that r9 has made it run fast at a lower OC though and its pure awesome to have it in a portable form running so smoothly.
It's probably because r6 ended up working on constant FS1, while r9 skips less frames but does it irregularly, making it look less smooth. I need to add constant frameskip option to rectify that I guess.

Chaser said:
Here's a video I made comparing r9 and r6 and I'll probably make some of the guncon games soon.
Thanks for those videos. For some reason people on youtube tend to not overclock, plus other videos are from very old versions, which makes PSX emulation look worse on pandora than it really is if you watch a random video.
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Hey Notaz, thanks for the emulator, I just finished FF7 on your emulator with an old save file from when I was playing it on my Wiz with PCSX4ALL. Everything seems to be working well, I played some Diablo 1 (same issue with HLE on PCSX4All, it requires bios emulation to take in button presses), Legend of Dragoon, Tekken 3 and just starting FF9.

Thanks for the great work in bringing all kinds of consoles to the open hand-held community!

Hopefully I can scourge some money so I can donate some to you, Ari64 and those who worked on PCSX4ALL.

Tell me if there is anything I can help with, I know some Photoshop and I also own an original PlayStation if you need it for anything.

Edit: I'm playing Spyro Year of the Dragon and I've noticed that whenever dialog starts, for the first 1-2 seconds it is very high pitched and squeaky/fast.
Should we be using the latest version for all games or do some run better with older releases ? Is there a way to have multiple version on the pandora at the same time or can we only do one at a time ?
^ You may find some instances of older versions working better for some games but in general the latest version is your first stop. its just always going to be the case that fixes for one one thing, may break another, so you have to experiment if you find a certain title isn't running aswell as you hoped, or had heard it can.

You can run two copies but as they all create the same named PCSX appdata folder, you'll need to put them on different cards i.e SD1 and SD2 and perhaps put one in the pandora/menu and the other on the pandora/desktop on the other card. r9 lists itself as r9 in the menu but I think all prior versions just listed themselves as pcsxReArmed, so you cant tell them apart if they are both in the menu. You can also rename the older versions appdata folders and if you re-use an older version of the emu, just rename the appropriate folder correctly to re-use its settings etc at the time and then change the name again after.
Zanac (in Zanac X Zanac) has good sound now, but crashes after a few seconds. Soukyugurentai still has that input issue, but less often. Racing has less graphical bugs, but they still exist.
Does Notaz know about the "fog effect" performance drop?

I noticed it first in FFVII, some summonings (odin for instance) ahows a fog/smoke effect that makes the framerate drop to half or more. Now I'm playing suikoden 2 and again with certain spells that shows a very similar effect (I must assume it's the same in fact) I can see how the framerate drops noticeably on a game that otherwise could run perfect at 750 mhz.

Which lead me to think that this must happen on a lot of other games and maybe it's worth to try to solve it.

Maybe people can tell other games that shows this problem, I can provide savestates for those two.
Evening All

Everything I have tried so far has worked on this emu, apart from my version of the first Persona game. It hangs on the detecting memory card, just after pressing the start button.

The second Persona game works well.

Thanks for all the hard work on this one Notaz, fantastic achievement.


asimov-solensan said:
Does Notaz know about the "fog effect" performance drop?

I noticed it first in FFVII, some summonings (odin for instance) ahows a fog/smoke effect that makes the framerate drop to half or more. Now I'm playing suikoden 2 and again with certain spells that shows a very similar effect (I must assume it's the same in fact) I can see how the framerate drops noticeably on a game that otherwise could run perfect at 750 mhz.

Which lead me to think that this must happen on a lot of other games and maybe it's worth to try to solve it.

Maybe people can tell other games that shows this problem, I can provide savestates for those two.

Happens in FF9 as well, game runs fine at 400 Mhz, right when the spell is casts, it lags even at 1 Ghz. Also I've noticed the game's menu's only run full speed at 1 Ghz.
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I've noticed a few crash to desktops in Final Fantasy 9 when the game is transitioning between town/location , world map, and battle.

It does not happen a lot, I think it only happened 3 times in 20 hours of game play so far.
I'm moving this rearmed discussion to OP boards now as most pandora users hang around there these days. This thread is rather bloated now anyway.

Darkknight512 said:
I've noticed a few crash to desktops in Final Fantasy 9 when the game is transitioning between town/location , world map, and battle.
Might be fixed in r10, I tracked down some stability issues there.
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I don't get notifications of threads on the official boards as well as I do here... which is the main reason I'm almost always here vs the official boards... guess I'll have to start manually checking things out over there more...
Hi, I can't play Medievil II on caanoo, it hangs at start screen when it says to press X. Anyone noticed this? Is there a way to solve this?
Another question: anyone has noticed how to get crash CTR run in fullspeed (or something like it) on the Caanoo? With wich settings?