Release Pcsx-Rearmed

Just FYI on Driver (Pal), in R8 trying to return to the game from the map screen would cause a crash, in R9 trying to access the map screen causes a crash. Driver under R9 seems a bit more crashy in general, sometimes starting a game or 'go for a ride' sends you straight back to the desktop. With any of these instances of crashing, once out of PCSX there is lingering slowdown and visual handicaps in other apps (other games can appear to be 15fps or so).

On the upside, Need For Speed 3 runs near perfectly now (way too slow & choppy before), and on the few games I'd noticed Audio Tracks were incorrectly played (Ridge Racer, Tomb Raider) this has been eliminated!
Holliefant said:
I wanted to report a small problem. When I play Xenogears it Crashes when the World Map should be opened. But not always...
If it's not always you are likely overclocking too much.

Asmo said:
Just FYI on Driver (Pal), in R8 trying to return to the game from the map screen would cause a crash, in R9 trying to access the map screen causes a crash. Driver under R9 seems a bit more crashy in general, sometimes starting a game or 'go for a ride' sends you straight back to the desktop.
Driver is problematic on PCSX, I assume it doesn't like timing. Accurate timing is hard to do on PSX since it has cache, and emulating cache (what >95% of games don't need) would slow things down significantly.

Asmo said:
With any of these instances of crashing, once out of PCSX there is lingering slowdown and visual handicaps in other apps (other games can appear to be 15fps or so).
Probably because it leaves the LCD in 50Hz mode, try running this from the terminal:
sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ 60
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Asmo said:
With any of these instances of crashing, once out of PCSX there is lingering slowdown and visual handicaps in other apps (other games can appear to be 15fps or so).

I'm seeing this a lot, usually after I manually exit r9 after playing R-Type Delta. The pandora menu in xfce takes an age to pop up, apps take forever to start, and I have to reboot in order to fix it. Not tried any other games yet.

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Dunny said:
I'm seeing this a lot, usually after I manually exit r9 after playing R-Type Delta. The pandora menu in xfce takes an age to pop up, apps take forever to start, and I have to reboot in order to fix it. Not tried any other games yet.
Hm this doesn't make sense. How long do you have to play for this to happen?
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notaz said:
Dunny said:
I'm seeing this a lot, usually after I manually exit r9 after playing R-Type Delta. The pandora menu in xfce takes an age to pop up, apps take forever to start, and I have to reboot in order to fix it. Not tried any other games yet.
Hm this doesn't make sense. How long do you have to play for this to happen?

Not long. I've tested with Road Rash (which works just lovely now, thanks!) and it happens after that too. I'm using scph1001.bin if that helps. Also on HF5 still until HF6 is available - I'd not rule out something wrong with my system.

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notaz said:
Asmo said:
With any of these instances of crashing, once out of PCSX there is lingering slowdown and visual handicaps in other apps (other games can appear to be 15fps or so).
Probably because it leaves the LCD in 50Hz mode, try running this from the terminal:
sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ 60

That would explain it alright, I'll try that later thanks!

Unlike Dunny, I haven't experiened this after manually exiting a game in R9 (Driver included).
FWIW I'm running it under HF6a4 from SD.
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Oh wow, GunCon support is an unexpected and pleasant surprise :D. Time Crisis works really well, thanks for adding it! This emulator is just getting more and more impressive.

I like the speed increases too, and some glitches I noticed in MGS seems to have gone now. FFIX can still be a bit slow in battle when effects are playing (such as Bahamut's Mega Flare), so I assume the same applies to FFVII and VIII. There aren't as many slowdowns as there used to be though, which is nice. Is the next revision going to be focused towards an improved CPU code? This seems pretty much on the doorstep of perfect PS1 emulation now.
Haven't tested many games yet, just playing FFVII.

One thing, started the game in R8. When I loaded up FFVII in R9 the audio was greatly distorted. I went to the audio plugin and it was using the Gausian setting. I changed this back to the first option and the sound went back to normal.

Not too sure why R9 was set to gausian as default, I hadn't noticed an option to change this is R8.

But anyway, Notaz your hard work is greatly appreciated, really looking forward to what you next bring to this fabulous emulator.
StreaK said:
Notaz, any chance to check games like Jackie Chan Stuntmaster or MTV Snowboarding [whats wrong with 'em]?
Have you tried with HLE instead of BIOS? I know that MTV Pure Ride (the sequel) only runs with HLE, and with psx4all GPU plugin.
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There's a lot to be said for checking your settings before running something. :lol:

It turns out that the PAL version of The Misadventures of Tron Bonne behaves pretty much the same as it has since R5. It's just that I decided to start afresh, and forgot to set the emulator from HLE to BIOS once I got everything set up again. Boy, do I feel like an idiot. :P

My sincerest apologies for the trouble, notaz!
I just thought, i´d share my experiences with R9, maybe it can be of use for fixing some issues...
I have had problems with Resident Evil 2 German PAL Leon Disc. With R8, everything went fine until i got to the library on the first floor of the police station.
Everytime i tried to exit to the main hall the game freezed. With R9, i was able to exit through that door and play further, but when i got to the sewage disposal, entered the room where you have to use the chess figurines and tried to exit it again, the game freezed another time.
However i was able to fix the problem by choosing a different GPU-Plugin. I went on through the sewer and all went well (except for one door... then i realized, that i could only avoid another freeze by not touching any button during the "opening-door-sequence"...), but when i tried to exit the room on the first floor of the vacant factory later on, nothing worked for me. I tried different plugins, different BIOS´s but nothing worked.... Now comes the weird part. In preparation of writing this post, i started the gane and tried it again and guess what? I finally made it through the door... Now i wonder why, cause i didn´t change anything in the meantime....

If it helps, i can upload a savestate in which my character is located in front of that last door in the vacant factory i was talking about...
StreaK said:
Notaz, any chance to check games like Jackie Chan Stuntmaster or MTV Snowboarding [whats wrong with 'em]?
Nothing really obvious, if it works with HLE BIOs then just use that.

Sebo said:
If it helps, i can upload a savestate in which my character is located in front of that last door in the vacant factory i was talking about...
Yeah with that I could at least look at it. It sounds more like some timing issue, perhaps in cdrom emulation code, so it depends more on luck than on settings if it works or not.
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I finished resident evil 2 with R8, and yes, i had the freezes in the same places you say. I found that disabling the dinarec in those particular places makes the work, although you have see the cutscene in "slow motion".

If you have got some savestates near those spots it would help to try to disable the dinarec in R9 and see what happens.
Disabling dynarec works in r9 too, thx for the hint asimov.^^

Here are 3 savestates, they get you started in 3 different locations right in front of a door that causes a freeze...
Any one tried playing Spyro Ripto's Rage yet because I tried it the other day and noticed that in the opening video that as soon as Ripto shows up it starts repeating "trying to keep something" but the video continues playing. I was just wondering if anybody else was having the same problem or if they found a way to fix it. My settings are BIOS scph1001 and psx4all GPU.
#1 GameMaster said:
Any one tried playing Spyro Ripto's Rage yet because I tried it the other day and noticed that in the opening video that as soon as Ripto shows up it starts repeating "trying to keep something" but the video continues playing. I was just wondering if anybody else was having the same problem or if they found a way to fix it. My settings are BIOS scph1001 and psx4all GPU.
Yes, the audio for cutscenes and long conversations with NPCs on Spyro 2 and 3 is glitchy. (Don't remember if it's glitchy in Spyro 1 too, but it wouldn't surprise me.) Best to just skip it--personally this doesn't impact my enjoyment of the game, I always skip the audio and cutscenes anyway.

I'm pleased to confirm that r9 fixes the Spyro 1 rising air currents graphics glitch! Should make Beast Masters World much more pleasant to play. :) And it does seem a little faster. Jumping Flash and Speed Punks (Speed Freaks in the UK) in particular are much more playable now and don't need fiddling with the frameskip.

Also, everybody, in case you hadn't noticed: one of the screen scalers is "integer 4:3". I don't know when that showed up, but I definitely saw a speed improvement! With that, and overclocked to 800mhz, I rarely see slowdowns--for the most part Spyro 3 now plays really really smoothly. The integer scaler includes a slight drop in visual quality, but it's minor and well worth it for me.
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Just dropping in to say that Delta Force - Urban Warfare, which was _VERY_ stuttery before, is now _VERY_ smooth!

But unfortunately crashes when you try to go to options, press start, or just after you kill the first dude.

So close!

But, as ever, awesome work :)