Gp2x Community Game Contest Needs Judges

PSyMastR posted on Sep 28 2006 at 01:23 AM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Sep 28 2006 at 01:22 AM said:
lol you're not bitter!
Im bitter because you stole my god damn GP2x.
how dare you accuse me of stealing your fucking unit. You were an irresponsible little boy, and that's why it was taken.

This is dropped. Go have your period in the bathroom now.
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Shikaku posted on Sep 28 2006 at 06:26 PM said:
deepmenace posted on Sep 28 2006 at 05:57 AM said:
after this at raise hands who wants a "Best or Most Improved Emulator" competition?

watch the donations fly in for that one....

Zodttd wins with a surprise PSX RELEASE!!!
That would be very nice :) ^_^
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PSyMastR posted on Sep 28 2006 at 07:23 AM said:
Im bitter because you stole my god damn GP2x.

Wait, wtf?!

Anyways, I'll submit an example review as soon as I have my gp2x (end october) and you still could use reviews by then. :)
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PSyMastR posted on Sep 28 2006 at 04:37 AM said:
EDIT: Anywy back on topic, deadlychicken22, would It be too much to ask of you to resubmit the email if you still have a copy of it somewhere? As Im really sorry about that. If you are still interested in being a judge, I would love to have you aboard, but Magnus and I set down that rule that neither one would break, so we must go with the standard procedure.
I think I still have a copy somewhere, but where would you like me to send it? gp2xgamecon[at] or through pm/other email?
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deadlychicken22 posted on Sep 28 2006 at 06:46 PM said:
PSyMastR posted on Sep 28 2006 at 04:37 AM said:
EDIT: Anywy back on topic, deadlychicken22, would It be too much to ask of you to resubmit the email if you still have a copy of it somewhere? As Im really sorry about that. If you are still interested in being a judge, I would love to have you aboard, but Magnus and I set down that rule that neither one would break, so we must go with the standard procedure.
I think I still have a copy somewhere, but where would you like me to send it? gp2xgamecon[at] or through pm/other email?
You can try gp2xgamecon and if it doesn't work again (I dunno why it wouldn't) then send a PM? I only ask this because it keep the whole system more organised when all applications are in one spot. Sorry for everything that happened.
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xcen posted on Sep 29 2006 at 12:35 AM said:
I think would like to be a judge too =P

Also, I didn't donate for the competition cuz I didn't even know about it :$ is it too late?
No, there is still plenty of time left! :)
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I don't know whether to judge or do an entry. I really want to do an entry but I just don't think I have the time.

I've been toying with an idea I like to call "Game of a 1,000 Screams". It would be VERY annoying. I'm serious.