
Hi all,
I want to create a Link or Shortcut of the Game launcher/player

title=Game launcher
exec=/usr/gp2x/?game launcher?

I search for the real name of the game launcher
and sry for my bad english ;)
This is looking really great, I will switch as soon as possible
Ryo posted on Aug 8 2006 at 04:01 PM said:
Never tried tv-out but I'll test it when I have some time.

@TelcoLou: Your link works for me. I can't reproduce you error. Can you post the output of gmenu2x? maybe there are some insights there...

And here it is a screenshot of the actual status of version 0.2


Looks nice.

Is there a way you could have those catagories on the top bar like my example?

When you select a catagory on the top bar then the bottom panel will show the related icons. So for example when you select "MUSIC" in the top bar all music shows in the bottom panel.

NOTE: the top bar should also contain a catagory called "unfiled" or something like that. When you do a scan all un-catagorized icons will show up in the bottom panel.

Then after a scan you can select an icon and with a certain button TBD and it will bring up a dialog. The dialog will then have options with all catagories listed. you would then select that catagory and then the launcher would move that icon to the selected catagory and no longer show up in "unfiled" It would then save this to the system file in the launcher that determines where icons are shown. If you leave in "unfiled" you can still launch the app as well which is good for testing apps. When you have a "keeper" you can file into another catagory.

For example you scan after adding "DRMD" to your card.

DRMD shows up in "unfiled" after you do a scan.

You select "DRMD" and highlight "Emulators"

The icon now appears under the "emulators" catagory and is no longer in "unfiled"

The launcher now saves the config file so that DRMD always shows up in "emulators" (unless you move it using the dialog to a different spot again).

This allows users to completely set up how their icons are shown through the GUI itself. No faffing with a PC or scripts is needed to set up. You should also be able to add or remove catagories as named by the user. You can have an "add catagory" and "remove catagory" in the dialog. If you delete a catagory and there are icons in it they would all default back to "unfiled".
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HauJobb posted on Aug 8 2006 at 06:43 PM said:
Hi all at
I want to create a Link or Shortcut of the Game launcher/player

title=Game launcher
exec=/usr/gp2x/?game launcher?

I search for the real name of the game launcher
and sry for my bad english ;)

You mean the standard browser for launching games?
I don't think it has it's own executable but I may be wrong. I think it's embedded in /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

DaveC posted on Aug 8 2006 at 07:28 PM said:
Is there a way you could have those catagories on the top bar like my example?
They are already working, I just need to add the icons on the top.

DaveC posted on Aug 8 2006 at 07:28 PM said:
NOTE: the top bar should also contain a catagory called "unfiled" or something like that. When you do a scan all un-catagorized icons will show up in the bottom panel.

Then after a scan you can select an icon and with a certain button TBD and it will bring up a dialog. The dialog will then have options with all catagories listed. you would then select that catagory and then the launcher would move that icon to the selected catagory and no longer show up in "unfiled" It would then save this to the system file in the launcher that determines where icons are shown.
Whaaa! :eek:
You are reading my mind! ( better setup a firewall... <_< )
Really... I was planning the exact same thing...
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Ryo posted on Aug 8 2006 at 05:36 PM said:
Whaaa! :eek:
You are reading my mind! ( better setup a firewall... <_< )
Really... I was planning the exact same thing...

Great minds think alike :p

Here is what I meant by how to fit long titles or descriptions that you asked about. They could pop up on the bottom "status bar" as you highlight icons.

Excuse the lame font etc I just hacked this up at lunch at work to give an example.

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It does look pretty impressive.

It will be nice to have an arganised menu as opposed to the default one.

Is there a way to replace the default menu? and can this replacement menu be automaticall returned to when a program has finished running?

keep up the good work! :)
I already solved for the description with something like that, not on the bottom bar but over it in the middle.
The problem is that even something like "SmashGp2x" are hard to fit in the space below the icons.
Well... it just means we have to use short titles.
PokeParadox posted on Aug 8 2006 at 05:49 PM said:
It does look pretty impressive.

It will be nice to have an arganised menu as opposed to the default one.

Is there a way to replace the default menu? and can this replacement menu be automaticall returned to when a program has finished running?

keep up the good work! :)

Maybe when he is finished he could submit to GPH. They could then use that as the official menu.

Also I hope the menu, icons, background will be skinnable. There is nothing wrong with your graphics, they look great, but it would be nice for variety sake.
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PokeParadox posted on Aug 8 2006 at 07:49 PM said:
Is there a way to replace the default menu? and can this replacement menu be automaticall returned to when a program has finished running?

keep up the good work! :)

To do that you just have to follow the standard installation instructions of gmenu2x. Using an autorun.gpu script to launch gmenu2x means that gmenu2x always replaces the default interface.

Just be sure to enable the autorun option.
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Ryo posted on Aug 8 2006 at 06:00 PM said:
I already solved for the description with something like that, not on the bottom bar but over it in the middle.
The problem is that even something like "SmashGp2x" are hard to fit in the space below the icons.
Well... it just means we have to use short titles.

It would be nice to have the long titles out of the way of any icons though. If you are flipping through icons quickly it would be kind of annoying to have long titles flashing in the middle of the screen obstructing icons you may be looking for.

If the titles flashed across the bottom they would be out of the way but still be readable. After awhile you won't really need those titles anymore as well. If you must have them in the middle of the screen maybe you can have an option for "titles off" so those wouldn't pop up if you don't want them.

Also please implement "scroll wrap" This means if you are on the right side of the screen and want to get to the icon on the left you can press right one more time and the selector will pop up on the left side. That makes it possible to get to icons in less moves.
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Ehm, maybe I did not explain well...
The description i just a little over the bottom bar, it doesn't get in the way. It's just aligned at the center... (maybe I should post another screen)

Edit: scroll wrap is already implemented.
Ryo posted on Aug 8 2006 at 06:09 PM said:
Ehm, maybe I did not explain well...
The description i just a little over the bottom bar, it doesn't get in the way. It's just aligned at the center... (maybe I should post another screen)

Wouldn't that cover up some icons if there were some down there?

That bottom bar is not that important, there wouldn't be a problem with covering it when selecting icons I would not think.

Also you may have to implement a scrolling screen if there are more icons in a catagory than can be displayed. How that would work is if there are too many icons a little arrow would appear somewhere indicating that there are more icons (left or right depending on where you are). Then when you move the stick across past the last icon on the right column the page would flip showing the other icons you could also maybe in addition hit a shoulder button or something to flip between pages.
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DaveC posted on Aug 8 2006 at 08:20 PM said:
Wouldn't that cover up some icons if there were some down there?
No there are something like 20px on the bottom that are unused (another row of icons wouldn't fit anyway)

DaveC posted on Aug 8 2006 at 08:20 PM said:
Also you may have to implement a scrolling screen if there are more icons in a catagory than can be displayed. How that would work is if there are too many icons a little arrow would appear somewhere indicating that there are more icons. Then when you move the stick across past the last icon on the right column the page would flip showing the other icons you could also maybe hit a shoulder button or something to flip between pages.
Already planned to. But my next release probably will not include it...
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Ryo posted on Aug 8 2006 at 05:01 PM said:
Never tried tv-out but I'll test it when I have some time.

@TelcoLou: Your link works for me. I can't reproduce you error. Can you post the output of gmenu2x? maybe there are some insights there...

And here it is a screenshot of the actual status of version 0.2

You rock! You are already working on all the best features :D I hope that GPH will replace their menu with yours when it is complete!
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(Note: I got the NES link to work by pointing it to the .gpe inside the fce_v02 folder, instead of pointing to a shortcup script I made. YAY :D)
(Note²: Some of the links won't work with mixed caps & lowercase letters, so you may need to re-name the target .gpe to get the link to work)

Love this launcher! :D
Ryo posted on Aug 8 2006 at 06:25 PM said:
DaveC posted on Aug 8 2006 at 08:20 PM said:
Wouldn't that cover up some icons if there were some down there?
No there are something like 20px on the bottom that are unused (another row of icons wouldn't fit anyway)

Ok cool. Maybe expand the bar graphic at the bottom up 20 so that it just becomes a larger status bar that includes the titles too.
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