Gmenu2x V0.2 Released

I solved myproblem with the black screen.
I wasn't careful enough when I created the link file. The linebreaks were windows-style - and BANG, it didn't work.
I converted it to unix style and everything works allright. :)
bingo baby!! I forgot to change line endings =D it works now, thanks a lot telco!! and great frontend ryo, I'm really liking it. Can't wait for next release cause adding links is kinda fruity ^_^
Khayman posted on Aug 9 2006 at 09:19 PM said:
Hmm i cant figure out how to get a button so i can get to the explorer...

i'm having a similar problem except i need to get to settings
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How do I change to put big screenshot in background? Like this:
Brilliant work, but a couple of quick questions;

-how do you set up tv-out as an application (as well as the tv-out fixer that is required for some programs)?

-many of the scripts I set up don't show when I turn on the unit. I have triple-checked the paths, and they're all based on the same template for script layout. Is there anything too look for in particular? Examples of things that aren't working; gpfce, spout, gnuboy, tilematch....etc
naples39 posted on Aug 9 2006 at 06:31 PM said:
Brilliant work, but a couple of quick questions;

-how do you set up tv-out as an application (as well as the tv-out fixer that is required for some programs)?

-many of the scripts I set up don't show when I turn on the unit. I have triple-checked the paths, and they're all based on the same template for script layout. Is there anything too look for in particular? Examples of things that aren't working; gpfce, spout, gnuboy, tilematch....etc

I had to point the link to gpfce to the folder it lives in instead of my nifty script. I also had to re-name some of the scripts using all lower-case. Damn linux ;)
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One slight 'issue'; when toggling between sections, the left shoulder button moves right, and the right one moves left. :P
TelcoLou posted on Aug 9 2006 at 06:46 PM said:
naples39 posted on Aug 9 2006 at 06:31 PM said:
Brilliant work, but a couple of quick questions;

-how do you set up tv-out as an application (as well as the tv-out fixer that is required for some programs)?

-many of the scripts I set up don't show when I turn on the unit. I have triple-checked the paths, and they're all based on the same template for script layout. Is there anything too look for in particular? Examples of things that aren't working; gpfce, spout, gnuboy, tilematch....etc

I had to point the link to gpfce to the folder it lives in instead of my nifty script. I also had to re-name some of the scripts using all lower-case. Damn linux ;)


Crap, noticed the mistake in my scripts that weren't working ('icons' instead of 'icon').

Still though, gpfce doesn't want to work. I have tried the following to no avail, which I think is what you are suggesting.

description=GPFCE Nintendo Emulator
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Here's mine:

description=NES emulator

Here I am, I have to reply to a lot of people...

XerXerz posted on Aug 10 2006 at 12:22 AM said:
How do I change to put big screenshot in background? Like this:
It was something that was present only in version 0.1 and will probably not be present anymore so if you really prefer that style, stay with v0.1.

hmmm, Ryo, is there a way to get to the settings menu in V0.1
i had placed V0.1 on the nand before...=\
It is really easy: during the firmware boot process keep pressed start+select, that will prevent autorun so you can access nand again.

Great tool, thanks!
But it seems to freeze when I press the Start-button. Anyone else have this problem?
It's not an issue, it's a documented thing, and it's not freezing, it quits the application. I needed it for debug and will remove it in the future. Just keep your finger away from the start button ;)

did you read the 'documentation' tab/page on the site?
Yeah, I know that I missed on the README but I was paying attention to write in both topics about GMenu2X that there was a documentation page on the website...

... how did you put it on your NAND in the first place?

(I have yet to put anything on my NAND ... it scares me ph34r.gif )
It's mentioned somewhere on the website, you just need to edit autorun.gpu and scripts/ to point to /mnt/nand/whatever/
And if you know of start+select to disable autorun, there's no risk in using gmenu2x from the nand. I use it from the nand 'cause I have 2 sd cards and I put links for both sds on the nand and gmenu2x filters out the non-working ones.

Hmm i cant figure out how to get a button so i can get to the explorer...
I think the explorer is built-in with the original frontend but I'm not too sure, if you find out something make me know it, I'll add the link to the package.

I converted it to unix style and everything works allright. smile.gif
Great! I was really worried of this problems that you reported, I was wandering in the dark...

-how do you set up tv-out as an application (as well as the tv-out fixer that is required for some programs)?
I didn't even looked in that matter and I still have no experience of tv-out but I will take note of this.

-many of the scripts I set up don't show when I turn on the unit. I have triple-checked the paths, and they're all based on the same template for script layout. Is there anything too look for in particular? Examples of things that aren't working; gpfce, spout, gnuboy, tilematch....etc
Check line-endings as pointed out before, also links pointing to files that don't exists are filtered out but you should be careful with case-sensitivity. Linux is case-sensitive (even if FAT is not), maybe that's the problem.

One slight 'issue'; when toggling between sections, the left shoulder button moves right, and the right one moves left.
Really? (booting gp2x...) Arghhh! You are totally right! What a shame! (hides in the closet...) I didn't notice that 'cause I only use 2 sections so you can't tell the difference between left and right...
I'll fix that tomorrow (well actually today).
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Ryo, you totally and completely rock. It's time ....

* Off to do something *
TelcoLou posted on Aug 9 2006 at 07:15 PM said:

Here's mine:

description=NES emulator


Haha. I cut and pasted your script in just changing the paths, and it worked. Don't ask me why, but it just does. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. B)
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Just to let you know, I went and edited all those scripts for v0.1, when they had the screen attribute. I copied them to the v0.2, to save the work that I did, and Gmenu wouldn't show any of the icons. After considerable fiddling, I removed the screen attribute from all of them, and they all showed up.

What really needs to be done is to write a scanner (I may write one for you if no one beats me to it). But in the meantime, teach Gmenu how to ignore unused attributes :P
naples39 posted on Aug 10 2006 at 01:43 AM said:
Haha. I cut and pasted your script in just changing the paths, and it worked. Don't ask me why, but it just does. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. B)
Arghhh! Your post was like a shot in my head...
I know why a lot of links don't work for you. It's really stupid. I don't know if I should tell you... I know... You will tell me nasty things...

Ok, I'll tell you...
I introduce to you this little friend -> ' '. Its name is 'space' and if you put it at the end of the line (especially the exec= line) it will be interpreted like part of the filename...

I'll fix it soon, I promise.

iignotus posted on Aug 10 2006 at 01:45 AM said:
Just to let you know, I went and edited all those scripts for v0.1, when they had the screen attribute. I copied them to the v0.2, to save the work that I did, and Gmenu wouldn't show any of the icons. After considerable fiddling, I removed the screen attribute from all of them, and they all showed up.

What really needs to be done is to write a scanner (I may write one for you if no one beats me to it). But in the meantime, teach Gmenu how to ignore unused attributes :P
Mmm, well actually it ignores them. It just trows a warning on the console output but that's it. Beats me why they didn't work for you...

(goes to sleep so can get-up early and fix a lot of really stupid bugs)
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Very nice work so far Ryo :)
I was expecting a lot of messing about to get this working, but I'm pleased to say that it worked fine first time.
Minor editing needed on the links (& deleting of the unused one's of course) but smooth sailing all the way.
Looking forward to seeing it evolve even more in the near future.
p.s Easy overclocking feature pure rocks :D
i cant get it working. i deleted all the links from /games as i have nothing on my SD card anyway and its just a blank screen after the green screen.
If any one want to create new scripts to link the emulators or games you want
to use, just copy and edit the existing scripts in the section/games folder
using notepad. For example I would make a copy of the nes script to another location
and than open it with notepad using it's "All files" feature so you can see
and than edit it and just save not save as. Than rename the script after that
you move the script back to the games folder so its seen in as a new link in the Menu.
You can also use any icon you want if it's named after the gpe and moved to icon folder,
Here's an example of what I did.

Nes script before

description=Famicom emulator

Nes script after edit now stella

description=Atari 2600 emulator

Hope this helps :)