Gmenu2x V0.2 Released

Very nice work! Once it gets the ability to automatically find files ill certainly start using it.
I can't get it to work X_X I turned on autorun and I get a black screen after the 2nd boot up screen. Can someone give step by step instructions?
JyuOH posted on Aug 9 2006 at 09:34 PM said:
I can't get it to work X_X I turned on autorun and I get a black screen after the 2nd boot up screen. Can someone give step by step instructions?

I am having the same problems. I removed all directories with links except for "application" and included one link there, to mp2x, which resides in the mp2x folder of of the sd-card:
description=movie player

The link file sits in
and is simply called mp2x

Anything wrong?

And yes. A method to auto-scan the sd-card for gpe and gpu files would be quite nice, just in case one doesn't want to create links otr the layout of the card changes rather often.
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bpkri posted on Aug 9 2006 at 03:47 PM said:
JyuOH posted on Aug 9 2006 at 09:34 PM said:
I can't get it to work X_X I turned on autorun and I get a black screen after the 2nd boot up screen. Can someone give step by step instructions?

I am having the same problems. I removed all directories with links except for "application" and included one link there, to mp2x, which resides in the mp2x folder of of the sd-card:
description=movie player

The link file sits in
and is simply called mp2x

Anything wrong?

And yes. A method to auto-scan the sd-card for gpe and gpu files would be quite nice, just in case one doesn't want to create links otr the layout of the card changes rather often.

Try re-downloading it ... I had a corrupt archive, as posted by Ryo:

"I just noticed that I mistakenly included some ".svn" directories in the archive, don't know if they were the source of the error you reported but I updated the archive in sourceforge."

I had the same black screen ... I replaced the gmenu2x file and all was well.


Best. Menu. EVER!
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A read me would have really been great, I didn't even realize i had to do all the "links" and stuff by myself untill just now lol this is not idiot proof ^_^ well I think i can set up the links by myself but I still don't understand how i'm suppose to actualy get this menue to run
JyuOH posted on Aug 9 2006 at 04:08 PM said:
A read me would have really been great, I didn't even realize i had to do all the "links" and stuff by myself untill just now lol this is not idiot proof ^_^ well I think i can set up the links by myself but I still don't understand how i'm suppose to actualy get this menue to run

... did you read the 'documentation' tab/page on the site? I'm a certified moron and I was able to figure it out ... seems pretty straight-forward; the links you create are like text files (I created them in Programmer's Notepad w/unix line endings), pointing to whatever .gpe file you like.
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haha yea i missed that page, my bad ^_^ but i have one more question what type of extention should the links have?
little stupid me needs help... i had put V0.1 direcly on my nand, now i'm not sure how to acess the nand, it wont let me through usb so is it possible that i can create a link to the gp2x's settings folder? where would this be located
JyuOH posted on Aug 9 2006 at 04:47 PM said:
haha yea i missed that page, my bad ^_^ but i have one more question what type of extention should the links have?

No extension ... just name them whatever you like (I used all lowercase, just in case (no pun intended ;))

xinfernoofdantex posted on Aug 9 2006 at 04:53 PM said:
little stupid me needs help... i had put V0.1 direcly on my nand, now i'm not sure how to acess the nand, it wont let me through usb so is it possible that i can create a link to the gp2x's settings folder? where would this be located

... how did you put it on your NAND in the first place?

(I have yet to put anything on my NAND ... it scares me :ph34r: )
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@Telco thanks~!

I've created all my links yet I still get that dumb black screen after firmware loads. I'm positive auto run is turned on too and I erased all the links that weren't of use to me. I'm stumped.
TelcoLou posted on Aug 9 2006 at 10:56 PM said:
(I have yet to put anything on my NAND ... it scares me :ph34r: )
^_^ I'm just glad to see I'm not the only one with fears that are probably slightly irrational. I daren't even delete the Vektar and Payback demos that came on the NAND!
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JyuOH posted on Aug 9 2006 at 05:00 PM said:
@Telco thanks~!

I've created all my links yet I still get that dumb black screen after firmware loads. I'm positive auto run is turned on too and I erased all the links that weren't of use to me. I'm stumped.

Can you post one of your links, and tell us where it's located?

(I reeeeeeally want to help you get this running ... it fucking rocks!)
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i edited the script so it runs off the nand then transfered via usb but i need help creating a script for the settings menu because the default V0.1 doesn't have 1.
description=NeoGeo Emulator

I have auto run in the root of my SD and the gp2x menu folder is also in the root of my sd
JyuOH posted on Aug 9 2006 at 05:07 PM said:
description=NeoGeo Emulator

I have auto run in the root of my SD and the gp2x menu folder is also in the root of my sd

^ This link looks good; where is it located? It should go in gmenu2x/sections/games
... make sure the line endings are unix.
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JyuOH posted on Aug 9 2006 at 09:07 PM said:
description=NeoGeo Emulator

I have auto run in the root of my SD and the gp2x menu folder is also in the root of my sd

do u know the exact location, i need it create a link because i can't use V0.2 otherwise
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