Emails to remaining preorders.

OP needs support. not angry squid arms.


You're all going to get your pandoras one way or another.. :)

This criticism is unreasonable.

Kasp posted a bunch of questions, this is the closest I can get to "Giant Squid of Anger" conceptually. The questions in and of themselves are fair in my mind, and although Craig is not obligated to answer them, people are certainly entitled to ask them.

So no, no Squid of Anger for you (in this narrow context).
Just got my email today. I realize that it's probably the sunk cost fallacy at work, but I'm probably going to go for it. At this point, it's been 4 years and nothing like the original Pandora has come to market, I am aware that at some point a Pandora 2 may pop up and this is probably going to be more competitive to that.

It's just a shame that so much of that money was wasted because CC couldn't do the job they agreed to do.

Well at least it means your making a rational emotional decision :)

Yeah, I'm definitely not doing the usual analysis. but right now I have plenty of money and will be doing a fair amount of travel over the next couple years. Having a small portable of this sort would be really handy. And with the extra battery life and processing power I'm probably not going to want to replace it any time soon.

Personally I think the upgrade amount is too much. I think an upgrade amount of aprox $120,- for a 1GHz unit would be fair to both the 1st batchers as OPT seeing as the 1GHz chip is (about) the same price as the 600 MHz one but we'll be paying the current built in Germany price then instead of the original cheaper built in the US estimate. At the same time 1st batchers will get something out of being put in the waiting room for so long and having to see people finding out the Pandora today and get one by the end of the week.

But as I said, everyone has to decide on their own sweet spot. I'll just hang in there as long as the upgrade price is a bit silly in my very personal opinion.

I might even end up with a Pandora2 in a couple of years for my 1st batch money! :D (at the same time I'm crying a bit inside as I wouldn't be surprised if we're well into 2013 before the non upgraders in Craig's queue start getting adressed)

It's unlikely that that would happen, you might get a slightly upgraded board as has happened, but it's unlikely that they would upgrade that far. I'm a bit curious about what happens to any extra of the older 600mhz units after people upgrade. I know the main reason why they're doing this is that every person that upgrades is two less on the waiting list. Hence the cost. But, given how much the OPT has learned about durability over the last couple years, I suspect that my unit will last until the battery gives out.
One thing is for sure, if there is a Pandora2 it will be bloody bullet proof!

On the one hand I hope you do, but on the other hand, since I'm getting the 1ghz one now, I'm not sure I'll have any need for it.

On the other, other hand, I can understand why you wouldn't want to do that, considering how much stress and general misery the CC problems caused.

On the bright side 4 years on and I have yet to see anybody else offering up anything similar to the Pandora, so it's not like there would be much competition to a Pandora 2.
So did everyone get an email yet? (I’m kind of anxious to find out the status of those upgraded non-1Ghz orders)
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not yet - think Craig will be dropping post here anyway once he's sent the email to all pre-order're
I did get the mail... hope the next one will contain the shipping date. not updating.

That's understandable, I opted to upgrade, I hope that you advance because of the upgrades. But, not everybody has the disposable income and faith to go double or nothing.

I am curious what they'll do with the extra units that they would have had. I don't think they were ordering 600mhz units individually to fill the preorders. I suppose I could be wrong about that though.
I received the mail too, but I'm quite disappointed by the lack of information on the queue size or our position... well, that was not something I really expected seen the past...
I can't get the email because my email address has changed. Tried to email them about it, but obviously the only successful part of that email conversation is the bit where I write an email and click send. :/

>>>>>>>>>>>>Original Pre-Order<<<<<<<<<<<
Just PM me your old and new email address and I can swap them.

We will almost be finished sending these today, the final ones will probably go out tomorrow.
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Do you want a reply if we're not upgrading (I dunno, just so you can check us off the list, or receive acknowledgement that we got the email ok)?
No, we're piled high with emails so please only reply to this if you want to upgrade.

We're aiming to get these done very quickly so we can move on to the next step.